Viktor Black

Developer of The Last Barbarian game
Game Developer
Jun 15, 2018
I've played some more and found some more quirks :)

- At the Pit, there is a tentacle thing blocking the way at the end of the bridge. In theory at last.
You can walk through it and ignore the elf lover puzzle.
View attachment 131788
- last archway before the demon hall, the dungeon tile seems not aligned properly. there is a small gap. Also the flickering/occlusion of geometry happens here more often.
View attachment 131789
- after the demon monologue, I had a split second of control, then the camera snapped back to cutscene view and took control from me. The priestesses then killed me.
View attachment 131790
-> next try, the problem did not occour, but killing the 3 pristesses did not end the level. Did I miss something?
What is the winning condition? I did run past all the monsters & puzzle to get quickly back to this room.

A suggestion about cutscenes:
Currently the text boxes are timed. Depending on text amount and personal reading speed,
the textboxes are either annoyingly to fast or annoyingly to slow. If you redo a section, it is always annoyingly to slow ;)
Could you change the textboxes to advance on "use key" ?
I know this would make the animations more difficult and dependent on the text advancement.
But you could quickly click through scenes you already know or have time to read the dialog without fear of getting whacked :)
Thank you for your time and passion :) I'm working on this and will fix those bugs.

About text boxes – yep, true.
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Viktor Black

Developer of The Last Barbarian game
Game Developer
Jun 15, 2018
Yeah for a visual style game (1st/3rd person) there are other mechanics you can throw in. Clothing damage (although, kinda have to start with some :p), inflation, cum coating effects, bondage etc.
which are a few from Skyrim (Cursed Loot, Fill Her up 'giants ftw!', Devious devices etc.).
So you can 'lose', pay a penalty (some just visual) and still continue on, and have a visual treat afterwards until she cleans up or somehow fixes the problem.

The old 'long path of horrible things that can happen to the hero'. Because for me at least, canned animations get old quickly, or you have to have a ton of them like Skyrim. And the fact 3dcg CGs and animations are in so many of the game now, I've had my fill of seeing 3dcg blowjobs.
But seeing a visually mess up hero trudging along somehow doesn't get old... I guess it doesn't hurt that the adventure part of Skyrim is good just in itself also.

Traps would also be another way to introduce situations that doesn't require a loss and goes with the setting.
Thank you for your suggestion! Those are really nice ideas.
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Jun 15, 2018
@Viktor Black
An idea for the combat system. Small throwing weapons you can find (Armory racks, barrels, etc) and quickly fire on a button press. They would be weaker than a regular attack, because their main purpose would be to stagger an enemy.
So you could manage crowds of enemies or get back at those pesky ranged enemies ;)
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Active Member
May 4, 2017
Thank you for your suggestion! Those are really nice ideas.
No problem :). If you're looking for game ideas, or even just model ones, you should check out for Skyrim stuff. It's the big one for the lewd skyrim stuff (Nexus has limits) and where things like Fill Her Up (in flation), Cursed Loot (bondage) stuff is. Mods have a summary of what they do, good for ideas as it's not all graphics. It was Mods that gave boob and butt physics to Skyrim in the first place heh.

Like Fill Her Up causes inflation in relation so how big the enemy is, bigger = more. And inflation is cumulative and will slow walking speed down. Then it had a 'max' with overfill which really slowed you down and a whole bunch of fun thought messages on how it felt, or NPC messages when you went into town.
Estrus Chaurus had a whole tentacle/slime rape thing, with optional egglaying. The slime looked classic D&D monster (minus the sex).

Cursed loot would just slap on bondage items.
Cum effects would coat you depending on the sex and the amount.
Camping mods had you getting attacked if you slept.
Was even a bathing one as your character got dirtier as they travelled (good reason to risk trying to wash in a slime infested pond..hmmm).

And for the whole Lose thing, Death Alternative (there also were others) allowed you to surrender for sex instead which in Skyrim removed the while 'death' on loss thing. Fill her up added some of the visual penalties.

Anyway just thoughts, know you're a one man team. Main point is I think that stuff (for me certainly) was so popular as it's fun WHILE adventuring, god knows enough sexy armor mods, as opposed to getting the stuff just when you lose (and that usually on purpose). It's why that walk you gave your barbarian is so popular, it's always there :). Just hope the engine you use is easier than what the poor modders of Skyrim seemed to have to go through.
edit: and if nothing else, there's probably over 400+ sex animations spread thoughout the mods (usually under SLAL tag) if you need ideas lol.
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Viktor Black

Developer of The Last Barbarian game
Game Developer
Jun 15, 2018
The latest Cultist Edition is available on my

Change Log
  • The appearance of dialogs is updated
  • Dialogues can be skipped with a mouse click or an action button on the gamepad
  • Added the image and name of the person who is speaking in the dialogs now. Let's say there are no annoying delays in dialogues.
  • Fixed bug with jumping camera in dungeons
  • Zeroing input, now after a few clicks and somersaults you do not need to wait until the character performs all the actions
  • Orcs the executioners do not get stuck on the stairs in the dungeon location
  • Closed holes in the walls in the dungeon levels (thanks for pointing this out)
  • Quest with Anorien’s Wife - she now does not cheat and does not cut the path through the bars
  • Enemies are less aggressive and will not pursue a character if he is too far away
  • Fixed a bug with instant counterattack (when the monster takes damage and immediately deals damage to the character)
  • The animation system has been redesigned. Now we use inverse kinematics to position the characters on stage more clearly. Now the genitals and stuff will not fall into the wrong places. Also, I’ve added the synchronization of the limbs with the parts of the body if they touch each other (there are no jumping hands).
  • The system of monsters sounds has been revised. Now it is a full-fledged 3d sound. Not all monsters are still have sounds and most of the sounds will be changed in the future. I'm still working on the voice acting, I want to achieve the effect of a full immersion.
  • The Barbarian model is redesigned, now she has functional holes for penetration. In the future, organs will be added for secondary female characters / monsters. I'm still testing this and will be working on it
  • Werewolf unit added. Do not try to escape from him if he noticed you.
  • Slave unit added.
  • Added location "The Stormwind Valley". This is the first location outside the dungeons. From here two cities and an input in mines (these places while in development) will be accessible
  • Added a change of day (depending on the time of the day will appear different monsters) So far, the change of the day works only through a "sleep"
  • Added Noria's Tavern location
  • In Noria's location, you can sleep (if you will be able), take a bath and get drunk (be careful)
  • In some sex scenes there is the ability to control the speed, this may depend on a number of game moments
  • Added a warning when you click on ESC, I know that many reflexively press this button, if suddenly they play not in the most intimate situation and then have to go through the level again.
  • Fixed bug with reset / save game data
  • Added a level title, when entering the location. So it will be easier to identify where you are.


Jul 21, 2017
You could visit my Page for the right link:
And I would love to, believe me. But unfortunately, Patreon's decision to move to a UK host does not mesh well with my credit union's policy of "continental US only". I'm still trying to figure out how to run it through PayPal.
EDIT~ I must've been sleep deprived when I first commented; I FINALLY see the public links.


Jun 15, 2018
The latest Cultist Edition is available on my

Change Log
  • The appearance of dialogs is updated
  • Dialogues can be skipped with a mouse click or an action button on the gamepad
  • Added the image and name of the person who is speaking in the dialogs now. Let's say there are no annoying delays in dialogues.
  • Fixed bug with jumping camera in dungeons
  • Zeroing input, now after a few clicks and somersaults you do not need to wait until the character performs all the actions
  • Orcs the executioners do not get stuck on the stairs in the dungeon location
  • Closed holes in the walls in the dungeon levels (thanks for pointing this out)
  • Quest with Anorien’s Wife - she now does not cheat and does not cut the path through the bars
  • Enemies are less aggressive and will not pursue a character if he is too far away
  • Fixed a bug with instant counterattack (when the monster takes damage and immediately deals damage to the character)
  • The animation system has been redesigned. Now we use inverse kinematics to position the characters on stage more clearly. Now the genitals and stuff will not fall into the wrong places. Also, I’ve added the synchronization of the limbs with the parts of the body if they touch each other (there are no jumping hands).
  • The system of monsters sounds has been revised. Now it is a full-fledged 3d sound. Not all monsters are still have sounds and most of the sounds will be changed in the future. I'm still working on the voice acting, I want to achieve the effect of a full immersion.
  • The Barbarian model is redesigned, now she has functional holes for penetration. In the future, organs will be added for secondary female characters / monsters. I'm still testing this and will be working on it
  • Werewolf unit added. Do not try to escape from him if he noticed you.
  • Slave unit added.
  • Added location "The Stormwind Valley". This is the first location outside the dungeons. From here two cities and an input in mines (these places while in development) will be accessible
  • Added a change of day (depending on the time of the day will appear different monsters) So far, the change of the day works only through a "sleep"
  • Added Noria's Tavern location
  • In Noria's location, you can sleep (if you will be able), take a bath and get drunk (be careful)
  • In some sex scenes there is the ability to control the speed, this may depend on a number of game moments
  • Added a warning when you click on ESC, I know that many reflexively press this button, if suddenly they play not in the most intimate situation and then have to go through the level again.
  • Fixed bug with reset / save game data
  • Added a level title, when entering the location. So it will be easier to identify where you are.
That sounds very good! I give it a try when a version trickles down to my patreon level or emerges here.

About the web animation thingy:
- Needs more eye blinking. (Randomized blinking?)
- better mouth animation, currently she only has her "blowjob mouth" expression.
- when switching position, here tits go ballistic :D switching seems to translate the model with inertia for dangly bits.

User Delete

Dec 13, 2017
@Viktor Black
I gave the latest Version a whirl, here some feedback. Please don't take it as complaints, just as bug reports.
- ESC key drops you on the main menu and resets your progress to the start of the level.
Expected: pause menu with options, back to game, back to main menu, quit to desktop
- Option menu with control information is unnecessary small.
- start area: stockade object has no boundary box
View attachment 131356
- hud: Interact prompt below health&stamina for your gear chest does not clear
View attachment 131357
- after picking up your gear, the player immediatly does an attack animation. Probably cued click I did before I got to the gear.
- Action cueing is still a thing. Can lock the player in quite a long string of actions.
- window mode: mouse is not always captured and clicking may throw the game in the background.
since you use mouse click to defend yourself, you are certainly fucked if that happens ;)
- "dieing" on the first level after getting your stuff, restarts you already equipped.
May be intentional and I welcome to not repeat "sub quests" in a level.
- In cutscenes, player model can be rotated with movement keys after a few seconds.
View attachment 131360
- In archways, moving the camera close to a wall makes part of the level invisible.
Same effect sometimes occours for a split second while moving through the level normally.
View attachment 131362
- Second level: barrel next to the first priestess fight is "walkable" space.
View attachment 131363
- Second level: covered chair has no boundary box
- second level: brown orcs in the "pit" are spazzing out when trying to climb the stairs.
-> also you have a hard time hittem them, but they don't. Despite the high ground :D
-> because they can't walk the stairs, they can't reach me for the game over fucking.
View attachment 131364
- Blowjob with crazy elf: right clicking leads to skull fucking :p
View attachment 131365
-> pressing E jumps out of the Animation. May be intentional.
- After freeing the elf girl: She cheats and walks straight through the cage bars to her lover before transfering to her fucking animation.
Now some suggestions :)
- Make the barrels smashable. Maybe later when you have the gameplay more fleshed out, they may drop some useful items. (Health, throwing weapons, etc)
Also, smashing stuff is fun in itself ;)
- Elf blowjob: some indication that you reached your goal and can go free the girl.
- Cutscenes: give different actors different text colors when they speak (ye old Lucasarts adventure way).
Makes it easier to distinguish who is speaking.

Overall, very nice progress :)
Thank you nice to notice

User Delete

Dec 13, 2017
@Viktor Black
I gave the latest Version a whirl, here some feedback. Please don't take it as complaints, just as bug reports.
- ESC key drops you on the main menu and resets your progress to the start of the level.
Expected: pause menu with options, back to game, back to main menu, quit to desktop
- Option menu with control information is unnecessary small.
- start area: stockade object has no boundary box
View attachment 131356
- hud: Interact prompt below health&stamina for your gear chest does not clear
View attachment 131357
- after picking up your gear, the player immediatly does an attack animation. Probably cued click I did before I got to the gear.
- Action cueing is still a thing. Can lock the player in quite a long string of actions.
- window mode: mouse is not always captured and clicking may throw the game in the background.
since you use mouse click to defend yourself, you are certainly fucked if that happens ;)
- "dieing" on the first level after getting your stuff, restarts you already equipped.
May be intentional and I welcome to not repeat "sub quests" in a level.
- In cutscenes, player model can be rotated with movement keys after a few seconds.
View attachment 131360
- In archways, moving the camera close to a wall makes part of the level invisible.
Same effect sometimes occours for a split second while moving through the level normally.
View attachment 131362
- Second level: barrel next to the first priestess fight is "walkable" space.
View attachment 131363
- Second level: covered chair has no boundary box
- second level: brown orcs in the "pit" are spazzing out when trying to climb the stairs.
-> also you have a hard time hittem them, but they don't. Despite the high ground :D
-> because they can't walk the stairs, they can't reach me for the game over fucking.
View attachment 131364
- Blowjob with crazy elf: right clicking leads to skull fucking :p
View attachment 131365
-> pressing E jumps out of the Animation. May be intentional.
- After freeing the elf girl: She cheats and walks straight through the cage bars to her lover before transfering to her fucking animation.
Now some suggestions :)
- Make the barrels smashable. Maybe later when you have the gameplay more fleshed out, they may drop some useful items. (Health, throwing weapons, etc)
Also, smashing stuff is fun in itself ;)
- Elf blowjob: some indication that you reached your goal and can go free the girl.
- Cutscenes: give different actors different text colors when they speak (ye old Lucasarts adventure way).
Makes it easier to distinguish who is speaking.

Overall, very nice progress :)
This is a demo or an original full version which one
3.90 star(s) 57 Votes