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I’m curious if there’s a developer on this forum who has more haters than I do. And why do I have so many? Please, give me an honest opinion.
Well, some honest feedback... I don't think you're the most hated developer here, it only seems that way because you read a lot of comments here.
Of course, opinions are divided on your games... and I also found it difficult to like all of your games. The problem with your games is that you mix too many genres.
When I first became aware of UFO, I thought, oh, cool, a new incest game with well-known models. It was good, and even though it was a bit rough around the edges, it was entertaining.
Then came futa and incest... okay, I thought, why not? I like to watch male on futa every now and then... but not futa on male at all. And the problem is, it's not optional... So, you mix incest, shota, futa, and the sometimes long development time. That's the problem why many people criticize your decisions about how you develop your game.
I was also considering supporting you for UFO back then... until this story about futa on male came up... that was the point where I gave up on this game, and I haven't looked at it since.
Because of the variety of genres in your game, your niche becomes very small because only a few people completely share your taste. The vast majority of people you pique your curiosity about, like me at the beginning, are quickly disappointed... and some, loudly, complain... the vast majority turn away.
But regardless, I wish you success with your games...