sorry that comemnt of MC's face cracked me up

No, you're not alone
Regaring, Finn and Medb, that story arc was exactly written to increase the Relationship (not only LI points) with Alfar, unfortunatly for those who liked Finn, she was never thought to be a LI or Side LI she was created how Ceolag said just to unify MC and Medb, and set the stage for the journey, (the goal was earning Alfars respect)
the story allows you a unified path wit Alfar and Templar from what I understood. But outcome still to be seen (on all paths of course)
as pointed out repeatedly in the thread, the conflict is not between Alfars/ Templars it is between corruption and power this threatens not only the Humans (Templars) it threatens all species, Alfar , and the other.
Eleas, and Fionas path, is still to be developed, so yeah they're Bland at the moment, I delibartly left Kaija out of this, because given the 3 paths you have with her it is more complex she is one of the better written characters, in this Novel.