4.90 star(s) 40 Votes


New Member
Sep 25, 2019
I actually like the format of this game, with specific events on each day. Open world would water down this game imho.
ehh, the main issue with alot of open world text games, especially ones recently released, is that they focus more on the "what can you do, where can you go" over the "why should you do, why should you go". There's great examples in DoL and CoC and TiTS of open world text-based games, where actual writing or mechanics incentivizes you to look around. Versus fresh off the iron games where the writing amounts to "this is a brothel, you do brothel things here. (not implemented yet)" and then when it is, it amounts to an entire gif and a sentence or two.


Dec 6, 2018
I don't really feel like derailing the topic, 90% of the time I let this go. The problem is a fuck ton of what gets called femdom here is from the sissification genre. I like femdom. It's hard to find good femdom, and if I have to take a good sissification game now and then to enjoy it, I do. I am not trying to blow up a stink, but I'm inquiring because its not tagged here. Femdom is. So I want to know the direction the game goes into before I get invested. Is that problematic or do you need me to explain it further?
That makes sense. I didn't really consider that. I guess it might be due to the fact that we're both looking for different things in these games. Sorry for getting on your case like that, I guess I was fed up with seeing comments on these games asking about that. This was the first time I even replied to that sort of question.
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Active Member
Feb 15, 2023
That makes sense. I didn't really consider that. I guess it might be due to the fact that we're both looking for different things in these games. Sorry for getting on your case like that, I guess I was fed up with seeing comments on these games asking about that. This was the first time I even replied to that sort of question.
No worries o/ Like I said, I am in the same boat, I'm tired of people asking "Is Femdom AvOiDaBlE?" so I get it. I hate asking myself, but it was a rare time it was like I just wanted to know, not because I'm avoiding the gay side, but just like, how focused is the femdom side since its here? I take for granted if I play a sissification game, its ultimately for a gay audience, and its fair. All the more reason though to get curious when I see a possible exception.


New Member
Jan 3, 2019
This was surprisingly fun!! I didn't expect to be on the edge of my seat playing a porn game but here I am cursing you for the cliffhanger after losing my boner from the Colette scene. Can't wait to see what comes next!!


Oct 8, 2016

0.2.0 - 20/06/23

  • Adds 70k words to the story.
  • Finishes up day 4, as well as including all of day 5.
  • The aftermath of the attack.
  • A close encounter with someone whom you've been dreading meeting.
  • The return of someone from the past.
  • More fixes and adjustments than I could possibly list here. Thank you so much to everyone who has lent their support!
  • Adjustments to the scene with la Madame de la Ruthe.
We now have a SubscribeStar! If you love the game, please consider subscribing - your support would be deeply appreciated.

This update includes a big change to how all filenames, passage names, and variables are organized, to help standardise and future-proof. As a result, all saves from 0.1.0 are incompatible with this version. I understand that this is a pain, but I could see that it was inevitable and I thought that it was better to get it over and done with sooner rather than later, when there's even more content to push through to get back to where you were.


Jan 28, 2018
So, how much transformation is in this game? Is it a full gender swap or just a guy getting boobs or what?

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2018
What's there isn't bad. I'm of the opinion that this is too much of a real story for the whole silent-protagonist-with-implied-dialogue format, though. That sort of strict second person narrative works best for lewd adventure games where the player character is just a vehicle to experience everything that's there; if conversations are a big part of the story (and here they are) it's just awkward to essentially have the characters talking to themselves.

That and I let out a big siiiiiigh when I got to the ~it's time to put your dick in a box teehee~ stuff. At least it seems to be optional.


Lesser-Known Mesmer
Apr 2, 2019
~it's time to put your dick in a box teehee~
One – cut a hole in a box…♫♪ :LOL::ROFLMAO:
Thank you for making me remember awesome trilogy of SNL shorts. They nailed themes, lyrics, clothes, …and moms. :love: Truly appreciate it!


New Member
May 25, 2022
If anybody is struggling reading the amount of text, open the game in the edge browser and use the "Read Aloud" function in the searchbar. it works really well you can change the voice and speed.


Feb 25, 2017
I really enjoy the concept of this game, sissification HTML games will always be a favorite of mine but a large majority of them are very copy and paste, this has a fun twist that works well and leads to fun relationships and situations.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Honestly quite enjoyable, and with a nice variety of choices and behaviour to not feel entirely railroaded in. Even for those of us stupid enough to yeet ourselves through a window to spite a spymaster (and I'd do it again.)

While I'm all for jumping headlong into the role of a sexy strumpet princess, is there any way we can reverse the changes down below, or is losing our dangly bits a forgone conclusion?

I kind of get the impression the queen would be into that with a willful player, besides.

Absolutely fun romp, will look into the subscribestar bit.


New Member
Feb 7, 2020
This was genuinely a surprise; I wasn't expecting anything special from a new HTML game but the quality of the writing, especially the characters, blew me away. Elodie and Simone are great, and I really like that they have their own different reasons for liking the MC. I'm actually really excited to see what comes next now.
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4.90 star(s) 40 Votes