More content is coming out for day 6. that has already been in the works.
Including but not limited to...
Male route:
Expanded middle of day with Alex.
Expanded ava scene with choices.
Expanded mei scene with choices.
Expanded night with alex with choices.
Female route.
Overall extending the female route.
Expanded morning scene.
Expanded middle of the day with alex (Female specific.)
Expanded ava scene with choices.
Expanded night with Alex with choices.
All this content has been in the works, just wasn't fully complete yet, and I don't want a repeat of last year so the most played route for day 6 is what is in this update. Ill be finishing this up and getting it out soon, while working on day 7.
I am going to dig into sancho's mod and see all what he has been correcting and try to implement it all so he doesn't have to keep fixing it, I had some one who was going to do this stuff for me, but half way through his work on day one he just vanished... So... Shit.. I took more care in writing in day 6, so I hope day 6 is at least better.
I am going to copy and paste a post I made on patreon, and on steam here so you guys can read it.
I had a question over on steam that I answered and I wanted to post it here (publicly) in case anyone else had the same question.
"First of all, I really enjoyed day 6. However, I have a couple of questions. First question: are you completely done with the points system? Did my choices at the beginning of the story matter at all? Second question: Is this a straight up kinetic novel now? I made zero decisions in day 6." - Penn
This is the answer.
No I am not done with the points system, or the choices, awhile back I ran a poll on how "most" people play the game, and that's what is here, most people are going for alex so that is what is here so I could get the "primary route" out in a timely manner.
Over the next few weeks there will be periodic updates that add choices into day 6, and if you rejected alex in the past it will either not allow anything to happen at night, or allow you to make the choice again, as well as more of "playable" mid day rather then just a summery like what is here now.
All of its been in the works but as I reached the 3 month deadline, I made sure the most played route was finished, and tried to finish as many animations as i could
(I didn't sleep for 3 days while trying to get this out, kind of had a little panic attack too

I've talked before about my issue's with over rendering, and its still an issue but doing everything I can to get better at it. Some one mentioned that the driving scene with kayla had the most renders, while that is partially true(at the time I wasn't sure what they were talking about, so wanted to make sure I had every possible expression..), in terms of what you can see, the animations had the most renders, my animation directory for day 6 has a little over 2000 images, some failed renders for various reasons (I am ocd, Alex's hair jump during the bj still bothers the crap out of me.)
*Still learning to get better at them
I did the math on the amount of renders I did in this, including the ones not in it yet, and if I was able to just render 24/7 without having gaps to pose and everything else, it was somewhere around 24 and a half days of just straight rendering, not including posing, scene setup, etc, and that's at an average of 10 minutes per image.
It does seem a little weird to release like this, where some peoples choices aren't in it yet,but I always get both sides of it, The amount of comments I get just telling me to finish the main story arc first then worry about side stuff later is insane. So I tried that here, knowing now I'll get the other side of it

But now I am able to work on day 7 while finishing the other content for day 6 (I do run two instances of daz studio as it allows me to be more productive as I can pose one scene while another is rendering, which limits the amount of time I wait and the gaps between complete images.)
Also wanted to add, more is coming for the female route, its no secret that I am guy so I tend to like to render the male route, especially when it comes to Alex. (In case you didn't catch on, I really enjoyed the look of her in those jeans... like.. drool....)
So yes, The female route for day 6 will get longer and have more renders, They just weren't finished yet, but the main story is present as right now the main story for female route is focused more on Kayla at the moment. (an intentional shift to break up the paths)