My only real criticism of this currently, and it seemed heightened in the last update compared to earlier ones is:
The amount of ultimately, pointless renders. Don't get me wrong, I like many of them but they don't do anything, they don't progress the story. 16 renders alone, just to pull back into the driveway and get to (and open) the front door (then 14 renders of Alex from diff viewpoints). Really, is that actually neccessary? Something that could have been achieved with less than 10...not 26. Sure, I can see once the VN is complete (lol) that those may not be as obvious in the whole scheme of the story and actually add some depth....
But with what the dev is taking on, multiple paths, multiple protag viewpoints (male/female etc)...these renders are just not required because that's a hell of a lot of rendering time on something completely uneccessary. Make the VN, progress the story, want to prettify it with stuff like that, do it at the end once it's completed as a definitive edition or something.
You wonder why you're struggling for time? This is one reason...not to mention the bugs, bugs, bugs and more bugs that still have not been fixed, relying on the good nature of a moddder to sort it out for you.