Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
But mating seems to give no damage.
Obviously, since the girls are no longer resisting then.

Where is the code block so that I can reduce my own numbers?
Function 'change_affection()' in girl.rpy, about line 825. My current thinking is to replace the fear line with
                affection_change = random.randint(80,120)/100.0 * max(0.25*value*fear_mult,min(max(4*fear_mult,value),value + fear_mult * (dragon.fear//5 - (self.power))))
Thief is now too good to foil, need a specific type of minion?
The thieves were upgraded, yes, since even a single failure captures one. So you also need to focus your defence. Lots of goblins, or lots of snakes, or lots of one kind of trap. Tentacle traps are best. :cool:


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Hrm will think of it.... I caught one early on and she died after making 1 egg. Now the same one has robbed me like 10x :LOL:


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
The defense rating isn't particularly reliable for judging lair security vs thieves, since they're not fighting their way through the lair. The only thing it reflects accurately is a malus to the captives' escape chance. Otherwise, it's a rough estimate of performance vs knights, and pretty useless as a metric for thieves.

What are the thief's stats and how many traps and minions do you have?


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
After building alot of tentacles traps she finally died.

Your code change for girl affection code works, I tried it and have a peasant survive with 2 hp to be dragged back to lair.

Ice palace and fire palace are still in the sky or changed location?

Water palace is hard to find.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
After building alot of tentacles traps she finally died.
Awww, she didn't like the tentacles? :sneaky:

Ice palace and fire palace are still in the sky or changed location?
Efreeti are still in the sky. Jötuns are both sky and mountains, plus there's a high-poverty event with an ice castle being abandoned.

Water palace is hard to find.
Yeah. But it's totally RNG. I got it while just fishing for mermaids as a small and puny dragon.

I have a 'hunt for specific lairs' feature in the WIP version, too, which should alleviate this issue a bit once it gets released.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Possible to have a gremlin in the workshop also allow fast building and expanding? A little annoyed that it takes a full day to build and dig now. Maybe add a requirement of 100% digging also?


Nov 13, 2020
You did have enough satiety when you went to sleep, right? Running out during sleep makes the dragon angry. Really angry. :D

If you did, can you get me a save? An autosave will do as well.

Are you trying to ironman or something? Otherwise, auto-saves, quick-saves and just plain old saves are your friends. :p
No I just keep forgetting to save. Its a problem in most games that I keep forgetting to save. And what autosave? Ive never seen an autosave.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Possible to have a gremlin in the workshop also allow fast building and expanding? A little annoyed that it takes a full day to build and dig now.
Gremlin union rules don't allow this. :p It's another resource management part of the game, one that I don't want to just remove. The gremlin tribe is already plenty powerful with the addition of cages to their purchase list.

Maybe add a requirement of 100% digging also?
The actual digging is performed during 'expand lair' and indeed requires that the dragon is capable of burrowing. The 'build' order is setting stuff up in your newly excavated corner of the lair, no more digging needed.

Ive never seen an autosave.
'Load game' -> there are tabs 'A B 1 2 3 ...'. 'A' is for autosaves, 'B' for quicksaves, the others for regular saves. You can have more than 9 pages as well, but then you need to navigate purely via arrows.


Nov 13, 2020
Wow, I never even noticed the extra pages of save -_-'

Okay, so how do I lower mobilization other than winning the rare hunter encounter?
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Okay, so how do I lower mobilization other than winning the rare hunter encounter?
There are several ways to lower mobilization. The easiest during early game is to micromanage your fame, i.e. throw a fight (preferably with only the dragon in the party and against a chump enemy like a dog or fox to minimise HP loss) when fame rises over 9 or so. Never let it rise above 20, unless you're prepared to say goodbye to the 0-mobilization fights (pigs protected by only a single 'mob', farms with just the dog etc).

Otherwise, you can just let fame and mobilization rise and kill the patrols (that's what the 'rare hunter encounter' is, a very low-level patrol). There's also a 'militia training' encounter in the countryside that reduces mobilization if you win.

Finally, a mid-game way to do it is to increase poverty. Every 5 povery will reduce mobilization by one, but poverty decays over time and mobilization changes take up to a week to kick in. If poverty is high, it decays slower.

Raising poverty can be done in person dragon, or you can pay some bandits on the Smugglers' Isle to do it for you.


Nov 13, 2020
There are several ways to lower mobilization. The easiest during early game is to micromanage your fame, i.e. throw a fight (preferably with only the dragon in the party and against a chump enemy like a dog or fox to minimise HP loss) when fame rises over 9 or so. Never let it rise above 20, unless you're prepared to say goodbye to the 0-mobilization fights (pigs protected by only a single 'mob', farms with just the dog etc).

Otherwise, you can just let fame and mobilization rise and kill the patrols (that's what the 'rare hunter encounter' is, a very low-level patrol). There's also a 'militia training' encounter in the countryside that reduces mobilization if you win.

Finally, a mid-game way to do it is to increase poverty. Every 5 povery will reduce mobilization by one, but poverty decays over time and mobilization changes take up to a week to kick in. If poverty is high, it decays slower.

Raising poverty can be done in person dragon, or you can pay some bandits on the Smugglers' Isle to do it for you.
Im currently at 66 infamy and mobilization just hit 5, and now the hunter encounter has an extra archer that is even stronger, and i can barely win that fight. How many fights am I going to have to throw to get this back down to a reasonable level?


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
You lose 5% of your infamy per thrown fight (and get some 'shame' :p ), but at least 5 infamy per 'battle'. The threshold for 5 mobilization is 5 fear, which comes from 5 reputation level, and that is reached at 60 fame.

Since 66*0.05 = 3.3 < 5, you lose 5 fame per fight, and 66 - 2*5 < 60. Meaning two fights. But you'll go over that threshold again pretty soon, so you've sort of dug yourself into a hole. :) Your 'minimum fame' is now ~14, and you can lower yourself there by running away ca 10 times.

Unless you can get poverty going, you're stuck with at least 2 mobilization now, most of the time. Not as bad as 5, but painful if you're still smaller than man-sized.

The 'extra archer' is random. In the countryside, it's more likely to be another hunter. On the roads and in the mountains/sky, you start with an archer. The forest has elven rangers and maybe even boars, and sea has sharks and mermen. And 5 mobilization is bad, because there's now ~20% chance that you won't run into bowmen, but something stronger. Footmen, mounted patrols, druids, dwarven warriors, even catapults, depending on location. And if mobilization rises even more, these things get progressively worse, up to and including full parties of angelic warriors, titans with griffins as support, fleets of battleships etc. :D

Mobilization is bad if you're not a hard-ass dragon.
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
:devilish: fiddled with the code to increase mobilization decay when winning a guards battle

The many traps to stop thieves also serve to ko the whole knight party :ROFLMAO:


No more easy demons, will have to look in darkwood
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
fiddled with the code to increase mobilization decay when winning a guards battle
Won't help you too much, since mobilization springs back in a while. But why? Do you have something against beating down arrogant mortals who think they're dragon-hunters? o_O For me, half the fun in the game lies in preparing for and fighting battles.

The many traps to stop thieves also serve to ko the whole knight party
Must've been a weak knight, then. E.g. 60 tentacle traps will stop any thief cold, but will do just 120 HP of damage. The knight herself can reach 400+.

Nice name, I had another minion named No no
Yeah, the name files have a lot of gems like 'Sneeze', 'And about', 'Mayonnaise'... :D

no Affection cap at 100?
The cap is at 111. 100 is a soft cap for torturing and the like.

Edit: 51 pregnancies? o_O You must really like that elf queen...
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
She was the first to arrive, fortunately, or unfortunately. Also gave the same flag to all spouses of palace owners, the mermaid has arrived. Still hunting for ice maiden and fireling. Thats why I upped mobilize decay, tired of running into things that cant even be dragged back to lair. :devilish:
3.50 star(s) 8 Votes