Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Nov 13, 2020
"They do. You get somewhat varied amounts of damage depending on how 'powerful' your party is, and goblins add power. So having a few goblins along might be the difference between taking 25% damage or 50% damage, or taking damage and dying."
I dunno Ive been keeping pretty close track and it seems like when you run away, everyone on your squad takes damage equal to the main enemy's attack, and ive tried it both with minions along, and without.

"I've been telling you to raid villages since the beginning. :D Although spending 10 gold is probably too much. I would save the gold until I have 200, and then buy the homunculus who massively ups your combat power. "
Except that 10 gold lets me raid a large village 4 times in that one day, which nets me between 5-10 gold in profit so its now my go to option everytime my infamy is low.

" And you can always let them drain captives to 'level up'. "
How do I do this? I cant find any option for it
Nevermind I figured it out -_-
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Nov 13, 2020
One of my captives has a magic barrier inside her preventing me from getting her pregnant. How do I solve this problem? Shes also stuck at 49 affection, and I dont have any interaction options other than play with. Shes a *really* powerful girl and I really want her in my army, so how do I do anything with her?
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Uh, what? You mean the "The Dragon's seed is blocked by a glowing magic barrier and doesn't reach the girl's womb" message? That's your doing, nothing to do with her. It's basically draconic birth control. :D

Shes a *really* powerful girl and I really want her in my army, so how do I do anything with her?
That's part of game balance. You can't recruit or interact with girls who are too powerful for you.

I think you can let your minions torture her for a while, so her power goes down and you can recruit her, then let her do the torturing to get her stats back.

I'm going to change the checks so that only minions who overpower her are actually able to do this. So enjoy it while it lasts.

it seems like when you run away, everyone on your squad takes damage equal to the main enemy's attack, and ive tried it both with minions along, and without.
Have you tried e.g. running from a cattle herd with full minions and without? Basically, everyone loses 25% HP if your party's 'power' (sum on individual 'power' stats) is at least the same as the enemy's 'power; 50% HP when the enemy is more powerful, 75% when they're more than twice as powerful and a full wipe when they're more than thrice as powerful.

Except that 10 gold lets me raid a large village 4 times in that one day, which nets me between 5-10 gold in profit
You can probably do it for less than 10 gold, i.e. pay for a lesser enchantment. And you're delaying your first homunculus for months this way. :cry: A homunculus is miles better than any enchantment.
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Nov 13, 2020
Uh, what? You mean the "The Dragon's seed is blocked by a glowing magic barrier and doesn't reach the girl's womb" message? That's your doing, nothing to do with her. It's basically draconic birth control. :D
Really? Oh and here I thought magic cum was using magic to make it more potent and more likely to get her pregnant. Whoops haha.
edit: oh wow shes got an egg potential of 3-5. Damn shes both a good breeder and a good fighter, not sure what role to keep her as >.>


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Oh and here I thought magic cum was using magic to make it more potent
Yeah, I'm going to rename the options to 'Impregnate!' and 'Magic cum!' so it becomes more clear.

...egg potential of 3-5. Damn shes both a good breeder and a good fighter, not sure what role to keep her as >.>
That potential is only for the first pregnancy. Used goods give much worse eggs. The dragon&virgins thing, you know? ;)

Incidentally, that's why zzczys has been gushing about the 'permavirgins'. I consider it a cheat, but I did add it so people can play how they like.


Nov 13, 2020
Yeah, I'm going to rename the options to 'Impregnate!' and 'Magic cum!' so it becomes more clear.

That potential is only for the first pregnancy. Used goods give much worse eggs. The dragon&virgins thing, you know? ;)

Incidentally, that's why zzczys has been gushing about the 'permavirgins'. I consider it a cheat, but I did add it so people can play how they like.
Ah okay, so give her one good baby, then either recruit or throw them to my minions and get a fresh one? In this case definately recruit. Shes got 5-7 attack just as a peasant :)

Wow, so I gave my cockatrice two full captives and now its just as powerful as I am! Im 40hp 7-8 attack, the cockatrice is 50hp 3-8 attack.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Ah okay, so give her one good baby, then either recruit or throw them to my minions and get a fresh one?
You can also breed or milk her until she breaks when you get access to breeding pits and milk farms. But yeah, the dragon considers his captives disposable. You might have a few 'waifus' on the combat team, or a few whom you 'magic cum!' in the evening to relieve stress ;), but this is not a harem game.

In this case definately recruit. Shes got 5-7 attack just as a peasant
Peasants cap out at 5-8. :( They have a lot of HP for girl minions, though. All that farm work, you know.

Wow, so I gave my cockatrice two full captives and now its just as powerful as I am!
Well, the cockatrice is going to get a swelled head now. I think you've seen what happens when your minions start becoming uppity? :p


Nov 13, 2020
So Ive reached a point where all of my quests are things i wont be able to do anytime soon, how do I reliably get enough XP now to keep evolving?

I just had one of my captured girls get eaten by my monsters. Tried reloading and it just kept happening like it was sripted or something. How the hell do I stop that from happening? edit: had another girl get eaten.

What kind of stats do I need to be able to demand tribute/virgins from the farms?

Is there an easier way to find a new lair other than just wandering around randomly hoping I find one? The knight is finding my current one fairly often now and its a stupidly OP battle. Lancelot is up to 18-28 attack, and has a full party that are all 10+ attack each themselves.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
...all of my quests are things i wont be able to do anytime soon, how do I reliably get enough XP now...
All these 'hard' battles you've been avoiding. Raiding smaller villages gives ~1 XP per pop, and there are many more difficult battles around. If you can level your dragon a bit more, try hunting solo so your minions don't hog all the XP.

Mountains have a 'hunt for trouble' option if you need XP, but don't want to raise your infamy. The enemies there can snowball, though.

...captured girls get eaten...
How the hell do I stop that from happening?
Read the thread back a bit, there's a full description in there. Basically, don't have too many or too powerful minions. Breeding asps with peasants is a good workaround for lair security that doesnt't eat your captives.

You can have a few 'unruly' minions around, if you entertain them with captives. But not too many.

It's also possible to micromanage them a bit by using the problem children as meatshields or throwing fights with them in the party, taking care not to kill them.

What kind of stats do I need to be able to demand tribute/virgins from the farms?
Fear. For each village size, you need 5 fear, so 5 for the farm, 10 for the small village etc. Alternatively, having a fearsome reputation (high Kingdom-wise fear) can also work. This takes 2 fear per village size.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Where to find the saves again?

\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Defiler Wings ?

The date modified doesnt match the times I saved...

Wrong folder... found them
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Nov 13, 2020
" If you can level your dragon a bit more, try hunting solo "
My dragon is way too weak to go soloing. 40 HP and 7-8 attack is puny.

" Basically, don't have too many or too powerful minions. "
Ive only got 2 cockatrices, 3 peasant girls, and a handfull of goblins. If thats considered too many/powerful then Im really fucked later on with the real monsters >.>

" For each village size, you need 5 fear "
Thats some seriously high fear requirements. So I would basically have to specialize my whole build around fear in order to make demands? And 2 kingdom fear per size is even harder since it needs 10 infamy per point and it completely resets into mobilization every week. Considering you only get like 3 infamy per attack you make on anything, that seems unreasonable. I feel like your sheer combat prowess should be able to count for at least something too. If you have enough power to wipe them off the face of the earth, then you shouldnt need fear-specialized evolutions.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Okay, it appears that the report numbers were being reset for each farm. o_O So you were never going to see a report listing more than one captive. Will be fixed.

My dragon is way too weak to go soloing. 40 HP and 7-8 attack is puny.
You can probably kill a mob+dog combination on your own, getting 3 XP. This is likely more than you're getting from sharing the XP from a tougher battle with all your minions. Afterwards, just heal up at the Coven or go kill a boar to 'recharge'.

Ive only got 2 cockatrices, 3 peasant girls, and a handfull of goblins.
Your cockatrices are too powerful, I guess. Entertain them. And goblins eating girls is the bane of weak dragons, just keep their numbers down and use snakes for security. Or don't let your captives' become too drained, as long as they have at least 1 'power' and the cockatrices are happy, you won't have problems.

You can also just rely on swapping out a large stable of peasant gals and skip the goblins entirely.

If thats considered too many/powerful then Im really fucked later on with the real monsters
Once you level your fear, things become easier. Every point of fear suppresses another 'weak' minion. And not all monsters like to eat girls. The very top ones are safe, for example, as are elven progeny.

Thats some seriously high fear requirements. So I would basically have to specialize my whole build around fear in order to make demands?
No? Just get some evolutions with fear. Fangs, claws and medium size easily gets you 5 fear. If you feel you need more, a shadow head will push it to 10. Starting with 15, the rewards are beginning to get pretty good. Intimidating large merchant caravans, gold mines, medium villages etc.

Creeping Ugliness, a shadow head, medium size and two fangs/claws/horns will get you over 15, and that allows you to perform most intimidation checks in the game. Villages are more tough, but you get the reputation boost there.

And 2 kingdom fear per size is even harder since it needs 10 infamy per point
More than 10, mostly.

...completely resets into mobilization every week.
Which isn't too bad once you have a combat-capable party. The patrols give out reasonable XP and will at least maintain a minimal level of satiety without increasing infamy any further.

Also, it doesn't reset completely. Usually only +1, maybe +2 mobilization per week.

Considering you only get like 3 infamy per attack you make on anything, that seems unreasonable.
If you get away from civilization, infamy increases go down or are eliminated completely. Choices and consequences.

I feel like your sheer combat prowess should be able to count for at least something too. If you have enough power...
If you can wipe them, attacking is always the better option. Unless you want to conserve HP. In which case you don't have 'enough power'.

And how should the peasants know you can wipe them? They don't see dragons every day. If you don't look impressive and fearsome, they may figure you're just a big dumb beast.

missing final closing bracket
Don't know how I missed copying that. :oops:
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Nov 13, 2020
I never had goblins eat girls. I had like 50 goblins around at once and never even knew girls could be eaten until I got these god damn cockatrices.

How do you entertain minions? I havent seen an option for that.

And what do you mean by using snakes for security? Is there a way to guard the girls or something? I only ever had two asps, and I completely ignored them cause their stats were so stupidly useless.

edit: just got two more girls, they both got eaten immediately. i think im gonna just kill off these god damn bird fucks cause they arent worth the trouble. hmm, maybe we could make upgraded cages that are monster proof? locking someone in a cage should logically protect them from anyone outside the cage that doesnt have they key
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
I never had goblins eat girls. I had like 50 goblins around at once and never even knew girls could be eaten until I got these god damn cockatrices.
Didn't you drain your girls down below 1 power then? Goblins (and any monster, really) can only eat girls who are weaker than them.

How do you entertain minions?
'Entertainment' is the same as draining. :) Except you have to continue doing that even after their stats max out, and you probably run out of room/girls if you have to do it for too many minions.

And what do you mean by using snakes for security? Is there a way to guard the girls or something? I only ever had two asps, and I completely ignored them cause their stats were so stupidly useless.
Yes, the 'defense' rating is directly subtracted from a girl's escape chance. Snakes cost nothing and don't eat girls, so they're pretty good lair guardians. If you get enough of them, they'll even catch the thieves for you.

Snakes can also swim/fly, unlike most minions. So when you grow wings/gills, you at least have something to take the first few hits for you. They also do 'poison' damage, which most humans can't ignore, unlike physical damage vs armor.

....both got eaten immediately. i think im gonna just kill off these god damn bird fucks...
Nooo! Don't kill the birdies! :eek:

As I said, you can station them at cages and they'll be happy and won't bother other girls. Or you can make them always take some damage so their 'power' is reduced below yours. That will only work without 50 goblins, though. :D

...upgraded cages that are monster proof?
Possibly, but that's not how dragons do things. Dragons get big and scary and make their minions fear them. :p

Edit: Also, if the cages look like the ones right below, they aren't necessarily tamper-proof when locked. Look at all the octopi having fun in there!
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Nov 13, 2020
Damn, just got myself a duchess and shes completely useless. Horrible stats, though that makes sense for a spolied rich brat, but only a 3-3 egg potential. Was really hoping that a better bloodline would give better eggs, but even my peasants are better than her with 3-5, or even a 3-6 i currently have.

Also, is there a way to tell how much xp is needed for a monster to level up? It just lists how much it has, but not how much is needed.

Hmm, too bad I cant throw my own minions in the cages to act as drain-fodder :p
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
nobles are really spoiled and rarely give good eggs. peasants are hardy from all the work. alva are physically frail but give good eggs. Angels and demons are at the top.

Orders > release minion;
Used on a minion, will turn them back into egg toys.
Used on hatchlings will set them loose to cause poverty.
3.50 star(s) 8 Votes