It would always say "if only the girl would calm down or [dragon] was bigger.
What was your 'power' stat? If you went straight from tiny to small and then medium, that's expected. Getting a more combat-oriented evolution first would have helped you immensely.
The moment I turned man sized I never lost a maiden again.
I'm changing the rolls so that there's a bit more variation in the 'fights'. That being said, humans aren't strong enough to contend with even a moderately powerful dragon.
Requires a whopping three mana for one encounter, or wasting months on evolving a blue head.
Yeah, the mana option is only worth it in an emergency. But if you lay waste to the land, you should be preparing to go elsewhere.
" hunting bears/boar "
rare encounters
Not that rare. Boars have a base chance of 2/13, bears 3/11 for the respective 'hunt for...' options. But if you're desperate, they're one way to get a windfall
and a combat boost.
I'll admit that my view is somewhat skewed due to savescumming and that the chances get lowered after each encounter.
that have a lot of trouble adding up to the hundreds of food you need.
You don't
need hundreds of food. You only need a few tens per sleep cycle, anything beyond that is a strategic choice you should be preparing for. If you cut off your primary source, you have to look for others.
you only get the large 200 fish once every week or two, so while its nice, its still not nearly enough.
The 'week or two' can be sped up by donating lizardmen, and each donation also shortens the current timer. Plus, with a bit of money, you can also buy meat in addition to fish, making that 200 into 360 and eventually 720 (360 bi-weekly), more if you're providing settlers while doing it.
The name's obviously eastern, or southern in TfD geography. You've never run into a bunch of southerners?
Okay so maybe not centuries, but even in the absolutely best case scenario: if you have 15 caged maidens (about right for the capacity of end game lairs like the castle)
You mean the stone castle? That's not an endgame lair.

Engame lairs start with 40-60 slots and can be expanded quite a bit.
I think the actual limiting factor is stamina, which as a WAG is at most 20 impregnations per sleep cycle. So you need roughly 50+ sleep cycles, which is not all that unreasonable as preparation for the Final Battle. You also need a big pile of gold and an army numbering ~2500 total, so there's more preparation to do anyway.
...cant find enough maidens to keep them full, having to use up maidens as sacrifices, or using up minions in tough combats.
I don't think you
can run out of maidens and even if you do, Hakim has at least a dozen for sale every month. The second is a valid concern and
might slow you down enough to make things impossible, but I'm not committing to anything yet without some actual numbers from a
real game.
The minion losses will not exist during endgame. You'll be fielding a 500+, maybe even 1400+ HP dragon and 300-600 HP minions, all with resistances. I can't even imagine
not avoiding losses with some switching between battles.
I cant imagine having to sacrifice three maidens a month on top of trying to build an army. maidens dont just grow on trees
Since I was able to sacrifice two hand-picked virgins per month as a
small dragon, I think your imagination needs an upgrade.

Useless maidens pretty much
are just raining from the sky.
Nobles are uber-rare though. 6 years into the game and Ive only ever had 4 nobles.
You've never killed an old knight? Never raided a carriage, a yacht, a tournament, wooden fort, stone castle, etc? The Capital also has nobles of two different varieties, but the fights can get pretty tough there. got eaten by cockatrices...

that's no way to treat a princess.
...the others all died during their first birthing.
No breeding pits?
TBH if you its down to 30 seals Im fucked anyway, cause those will be gone in a couple weeks. In the end I was losing 3 seals a day.
I think your problem was the excessive poverty which got turned into fear and thus seals loss because the cultists got more support due to that.
The 'emergency mode' isn't really intended for such a situation.
I didnt even know there were elven minions, how do I get those?
Everything elven is hidden behind that magical mist...

here, there's an entire list of non-Forest sources. In general, it's a good idea to read the thread back a bit, there's a lot of good info scattered around in here.
Again these are all very small time amounts of food compared to the hundreds that you need to keep evolving. Raiding villages is the only really reliable way to get large amounts of food
What small-time amounts? Lizardmen give you 500+ per sleep cycle if you upgrade them a bit. A big enough fight can give hundreds as well. A few herds add another hundred or two. I think getting 500-1000 food per sleep cycle for a late mid-game dragon is entirely feasible without villages. It'll slow you down some, but I don't think you need to be able to plow ahead at full speed all the time, especially when you've killed off your main food source.
You mean to encourage one very strict style of play.
Not really. You can always level up, get your magic damage/minions in gear, let the demons invade and then play whack-a-mole with them until you're ready. Or level up some more and then go for the Big Bad.
Or you can look for the third ending in the
Darkwood dark castle.
Even normal play can accommodate a variety of choices, as long as you remember to feed the altars.
Just playing "normally" is going to get you demon fucked. I think thats my main issue with the demons, is you have to focus everything on just preventing the demonpocalypse, and cant just spend time experimenting with other aspects of the game.
That's intentional, and comes with appropriate warnings at the difficulty selection screen. I think your problem is that you're after the 'easy' experience, but for some reason don't want to choose that difficulty. That's exactly what it's meant to be, a relaxed version of the game where you can explore stuff at your own pace and the demon countdown is stopped entirely if you manage to lower your Kingdom fear to zero. You also need less food to evolve and face a bit easier opponents.
Also as a side note, why is the dragon the only one trying to stop the demons?
Read the
thread. TLDR, these are anti-Dragon demons.
And how about the witch and her crew, shes powerful and i doubt she wants demons roaming around.
The Witch is an enigma, and might actually benefit from the demons. Or not.

In any case, she's in a sort of cold war with Mom and the Archmage, which is why none of them is moving openly.
...our mom get off her lazy ass when its clear her son is completely outmatched...
She's used to biding her time. If you fail, there's always the next dragon. No dragon for a while, the humans repair the seals again and she can start over.
If shes so worried about the demons destroying the world then she should do something about it once they actually break out.
She does, and wins. But not against the 'regular' demons, and not when you completely mismanage the situation. She's not keen on gambling and losing.