Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Nov 13, 2020
"What was your 'power' stat? If you went straight from tiny to small and then medium, that's expected. Getting a more combat-oriented evolution first would have helped you immensely. "
I have no idea what my power stat is, I dont see it listed anywhere, but my evolutions in order were small size, working paws, long tail, flapping wings, medium size, shadow head, double jaw, large size

" 2/13, 3/11 "
Sounds pretty rare to me. If you can go days without finding one then its rare, especially when desperate for food.

" You don't need hundreds of food. You only need a few tens per sleep cycle "
If you have an evolution going, then yeah you need hundreds of food. And as far as I can tell you should *always* have an evolution going because you always need more power.

" The 'week or two' can be sped up by donating lizardmen, and each donation also shortens the current timer. Plus, with a bit of money, you can also buy meat in addition to fish, making that 200 into 360 "
Donating lizardmen relies on the incredibly rare noble girls for breeding. And where are you getting 360? Getting a boar/bear from the lizardmen only gives 50 food, so you're only looking at 250 with that and the super fish.

" You've never run into a bunch of southerners? "
Obviously not or I would not be asking about it. Whos Hakim and how do I find him if hes so usefull?

" You mean the stone castle? That's not an endgame lair. "
Then what is an endgame lair? Cause the stone castle is by far the most powerful lair Ive found. Its got really good defense and a pretty good capacity.

" 300-600 HP minions "
What do we get thats more powerful than the homunculi? The best thing Ive got so far is a wyvern at 100HP

" Useless maidens pretty much are just raining from the sky. "
How do you figure? Getting a maiden requires luck with random encounters, or raiding a town (anything smaller than a town only has a small chance of spawning a maiden, though i guess demanding virgin would work, but im not scary enough)

" You've never killed an old knight? Never raided a carriage, a yacht, a tournament, wooden fort, stone castle, etc? The Capital also has nobles of two different varieties, but the fights can get pretty tough there. "
Ive killed two old knights, one wooden fort, and one stone castle. Never seen a carraige, yacht, or tournament. And yeah the capital is way too hard. Even with two homunculi and two basilisks I cant even storm the front gates without loosing most of the party, which is my only way in now cause Im too big to burrow or use the sewers, and my party cant fly or swim.

" Look here, there's an entire list of non-Forest sources "
So for the most part, extremely rare or needing special circumstances. Ive never seen a brothel, or a wizard, or this hakim guy.

" A big enough fight can give hundreds as well "
Which fights give food? The biggest fight I can handle is storming the city gates and that gives a battle satiety in the 20's. Attacking large patrols or merchant wagons also gives about 20 battle satiety, but i might get lucky and find a horse in the encounter for an extra + 50ish?

" I think your problem is that you're after the 'easy' experience "
No Im really not. I dont want to just waltz through everything like butter. I like a challenge, but as it stands normal feels downright unbeatable, and thats really weird. In a game with this many difficulty choices, "normal" should be fairly beatable within a couple of tries and figuring out the game mechanics. Easy should be walk in the park, beat it everytime. Normal should be about 75% success rate if you dont fuck around too much. I think part of the problem is you keep saying that you like a lot of save scumming, which is incredibly weird. Everyone Ive ever met despises having to save scum anything. The need for save scumming should be reserved for hard and up. If you have to save scum on normal, then there is something inherently wrong with the core game balance.

" No dragon for a while, the humans repair the seals again and she can start over. "
Except the game *starts* with humans already breaking the seals even when they dont know a dragon is around yet. Even doing nothing but hunting wild animals seals are breaking at a seal every few days. So clearly they arent just breaking seals because of the dragon.

Question: Does demanding tribute from a village/merchant affect poverty the same as robbing them?
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
I have no idea what my power stat is, I dont see it listed anywhere
Uh, I take it you've never clicked on the dragon's portrait, either? evolutions in order were small size, working paws...
These two should have enabled you to play with 'lone farm girls' without problems.

...long tail...
And this should've made all peasants submit. I don't know why it didn't. I never saw anything like that during testing. o_O

Sounds pretty rare to me. If you can go days without finding one then its rare, especially when desperate for food.
Well, yeah, my notion of rarity is more like 'can I reload until I get it without being bored out of my skull'. :D And rage might make longer treks infeasible.

If you have an evolution going, then yeah you need hundreds of food.
You don't need to evolve at full speed. You're in a critical situation, after all. Although one evolution can still be going relatively fast with 500 food per month or two of sleep.

Donating lizardmen relies on the incredibly rare noble girls for breeding.
You can also donate other lizardmen, like Crocs. Some nuns can bear them, and so do Beastkin girls. Both are probably rarer than nobles, though. I don't really know where you're getting that nobles are 'ultra-rare'. Nuns are rarer than nobles, by my account.

And where are you getting 360? Getting a boar/bear from the lizardmen only gives 50 food, so you're only looking at 250 with that and the super fish.
You're right, it's more like 200+30+30 max. Still 500 food in the end, but less than I thought.

Whos Hakim and how do I find him if hes so usefull?
Hakim is a slaver you can find in the mountains. If you 'befriend' him, he'll set up a trading station at the Smuggler's Isle once you unlock that.

Then what is an endgame lair?
Cloud Castle, Dwarven Halls, Underwater Palace. Maybe also Jötun and Efreet lairs, Summer Palaces and Mountain Citadels.

What do we get thats more powerful than the homunculi?
Drakes, elven super-Lizardmen, Manticores, Ice Wyrms, Balors, Chimeras, Draconic demons. Possibly also angelic and demonic Dragon Priestesses.

How do you figure? Getting a maiden requires luck with random encounters, or raiding a town ... demanding virgin
There are lots of encounters with maidens. I'm usually rather annoyed when another one I don't need pops up. :) And yes, demanding tribute is perhaps the easiest option. You can also raid the Capital, buy or steal a prostitute or nun there, or use Hakim. If you have wings and are moderately leveled, you can target certain encounters like carriages and yachts.

Ive killed two old knights, one wooden fort, and one stone castle.
Well, that's four nobles, then.

Never seen a carraige, yacht, or tournament.
Scour the Trade Routes.

And yeah the capital is way too hard. Even with two homunculi and two basilisks I cant even storm the front gates without loosing most of the party, which is my only way in now cause Im too big to burrow or use the sewers, and my party cant fly or swim.
A horse-sized dragon with a few snakes in tow isn't really something that should threaten the Kingdom's main stronghold. :D

I'm giving all Homunculi the ability to swim. Currently, some might be able to both fly and swim, since their appearance actually still confers some perks. I hope I've finally eliminated that.

Plus, the difficulty isn't all bad. The harder the battle, the more food you get from slain enemies. And you've seen nothing yet. There are 9-round battles with the King and Archmage in the palace. :cool:

So for the most part, extremely rare or needing special circumstances. Ive never seen a brothel, or a wizard, or this hakim guy.
The brothel is available to everyone who can afford five mana to enter the Capital. Hakim is a random encounter, but you only need to meet him once to unlock the slave trade. And your definition of 'extremely rare' seems to be anything below 10%. o_O Elves are rare outside the Forest, but you're almost guaranteed to meet at least one sometime.

The biggest fight I can handle is storming the city gates and that gives a battle satiety in the 20's.
:confused: Something is wrong here. The 'city' itself should be giving 100 satiety, with 148 satiety total.

Attacking large patrols or merchant wagons also gives about 20 battle satiety
Again, this doesn't match what I see. A 'normal' large caravan gives ~40 satiety and a three-man cavalry patrol 50. Smaller ones give less, or course.

No Im really not. I dont want to just waltz through everything like butter. I like a challenge
Try 'easy', it's not that easy. The names don't match 'mainstream' gaming conventions. And if it indeed is too easy, I can make another intermediate difficulty level.

The blurb below difficulty selection and the 'gong' sound are there for a reason. If you can't heed that, well, you've got to learn from your mistakes and/or game experience.

Also, I don't think I've ever played a strategy game where I don't play for a day or two to learn the ropes and then start over. it stands normal feels downright unbeatable, and thats really weird.
Normal is just a slightly weakened version of my own intended difficulty, 'normal+'. It's not really 'normal' or 'medium' if you look at it from an outside perspective.

..."normal" should be fairly beatable ... Easy should be walk in the park...
Well, I don't subscribe to that difficulty convention. :p 'Easy easy' is pointless, and 'easy' is 'normal' for people without previous experience with the game. Normal is where you can't do well without some reloading, and anything beyond that is for true masochists.

I think part of the problem is you keep saying that you like a lot of save scumming, which is incredibly weird. Everyone Ive ever met despises having to save scum anything.
I never claimed to be 'normal' myself. :D

The need for save scumming should be reserved for hard and up. If you have to save scum on normal, then there is something inherently wrong with the core game balance.
The only thing that's wrong is that the difficulty levels are shifted about one level upwards. Your 'hard' is my 'normal'.

Except the game *starts* with humans already breaking the seals even when they dont know a dragon is around yet.
Only on 'normal' and above. Perhaps a bunch of wizards with little wisdom and lots of pentagrams is keeping an eye on the Mistress, and they're trying to plan 'long-term' when they scry your dragon entering the Kingdom. Or maybe it's just some sort of cultist 'background radiation' that's always going on.

So clearly they arent just breaking seals because of the dragon.
Maybe, but the ramp-up is caused entirely by the dragon.

Does demanding tribute from a village/merchant affect poverty the same as robbing them?
No. Virgins don't affect poverty and tribute only increases it by one regardless of village level.

How to complete the "Tribes!" quest?
Didn't Mom tell you? Get the lizardmen to settle, using one of the three options.


New Member
May 16, 2020
So, the start mentions that blue dragons have an unique start, but I never found anything different in them. Is it already in game?


Nov 13, 2020
A homonculus that can fly would be amazing! Ive got one that her portrait has wings, you'd think she should be able to fly but nope :(

" Uh, I take it you've never clicked on the dragon's portrait, either? "
Well I feel like an idiot. Ive never clicked the portrait, ive only looked at the various pages in the lair.

" my notion of rarity is more like 'can I reload until I get it without being bored out of my skull' "
And that right there is the problem. Save scumming is not something that exists in any other game except at the highest difficulties. Save scumming so so universally despised that save scummers are reffered to as *cheaters*. No one playing this game is going to realize the rarity of encounters is based around your truly strange love of save scumming, and thus they arent *going* to save scum. Meaning that the base encounter rarity becomes a real problem. Even now knowing this, the only time I save scum is if I get attacked by the knight I reload the last autosave, and thats because having to reload for every little thing just feels so weird. I feel like you should put a big bold warning on the front page that this game was designed with save scumming in mind so they are aware of it going into the game.

" like Crocs. Some nuns can bear them, and so do Beastkin girls "
Ive had probably a dozen nuns and never seen a croc, and Ive never heard of a beastkin.

" Cloud Castle, Dwarven Halls, Underwater Palace. Maybe also Jötun and Efreet lairs, Summer Palaces and Mountain Citadels "
Ive seen a summer palace once. The rest Ive never seen.

So funny story.. Apparently the demon invasion isnt *quite* the game over I first thought it was. Ive been able to use the skies with my one wyvern to attack trade caravans for their 50-100 food. So im still able to slowly make my evolutions. Im up to impressive size and am working on a rainbow head. Im hoping a couple of rainbow heads will give me enough magic damage to take on the projections.
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Nov 13, 2020
So, the start mentions that blue dragons have an unique start, but I never found anything different in them. Is it already in game?
Blue dragons can swim without using mana, so they have the sea location unlocked for free. Other colors have to spend a whopping three mana to breathe underwater *per encounter*


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
965 dragons have an unique start... Is it already in game?
As said above, they can swim and thus have access to a bit more food and mermaids from the start.

I like the game concept tho to be honest I would have prefer better with original art
Sure. You provide me with some, I'll add it to the game. :p

A homonculus that can fly would be amazing! Ive got one that her portrait has wings, you'd think she should be able to fly but nope
What does she look like? The portraits unfortunately have somewhat weak connections with the actual profile pictures.

Demon- and angel-looking homunculi should be flying in the current release. Enjoy them while they last! :sneaky:

And that right there is the problem. Save scumming is not something that exists in any other game except at the highest difficulties.
I don't know, I was never able to do Sengoku Rance without some amount of reloading. Or Arkham Asylum/City, but that was mostly about going for maximum combos. Or Darkest Dungeon, but that one is somewhat weird. Probably more.

...the rarity of encounters is based around your truly strange love of save scumming...
But it isn't? Woods are chock full of rabbits because there are lots of rabbits compared to boars, not because I want players to reload until they get a boar. And the rabbits get scared after you've leveled up a bit.

I also think normal is doable with only the occasional reload, since no-one else has complained about these 'ultra-rare nobles' and 'devastated countryside' issues you seem to have. Could be wrong, though.

I feel like you should put a big bold warning on the front page that this game was designed with save scumming in mind so they are aware of it going into the game.
Maybe, although I'd need to test it myself first if it really is nearly impossible without reloading or just a lack of systems mastery.

Ive had probably a dozen nuns and never seen a croc, and Ive never heard of a beastkin.
Did all of them really give you only Kobolds? One third of all nuns should spawn Crocs and out of a dozen, it's highly improbable that all of them rolled Kobolds.

Beastkin live in the Darkwood, which is Large+ dragon territory now.

Ive seen a summer palace once. The rest Ive never seen.
Well, they're lategame lairs and you don't seem to have reached that. Although if you never reload, you should have more places in your 'Recall Locations' list than I usually do. o_O Maybe it's all that village raiding, again.

Apparently the demon invasion isnt *quite* the game over I first thought it was... slowly make my evolutions.
Aren't the gates spreading?

So what does the defence rating in my lair do?
In and of itself, it's subtracted from your captives' runaway chance. Indirectly, it roughly measures the amount of damage your traps and minions can do to the knight's party.

...guard posts full of homunculi and basilisks...
I'm not even sure how you did it without crashing. :confused: The attached file should fix that.

...for a defence of 150, but it made no difference to the invading knight party.
When I tried right now, eight basilisks in guard posts (rating 60) did ~50-60 damage to the knight and 8 goblins outside (rating 8) did ~10. So there is definitely a difference.
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Nov 13, 2020
Here she is, as you can see she has wings, but cant fly:

" Did all of them really give you only Kobolds? One third of all nuns should spawn Crocs and out of a dozen, it's highly improbable that all of them rolled Kobolds. "
Ive only had one kobold, one croc. The rest was just the same spawns that the peasant girls get.

" Aren't the gates spreading? "
The gates cover everything but darkwood, dragonia, and the skies. Its been stable there for a few months now. I had archibitch attack my lair directly once, but I reloaded and kept going.

So what does the defence rating in my lair do? Ive tried it without any guards for a rating of like, 40, and Ive tried it with the guard posts full of homunculi and basilisks for a defence of 150, but it made no difference to the invading knight party. The only thing that seems to have any effect is traps.

Speaking of traps, how do I upgrade them? I remember upgrading one when I first moved into the castle, but now for the life of me I cant figure out how I did it. I feel like im missing something dead obvious, like the dragons portrait all over again :p


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
That's weird. I can't get it to do the same for me, even using your previous save. And nothing is obviously broken in the script, either. :confused: Can you give me one where it happens more or less consistently?
Its intermittent, doesnt happen with all knights n thieves. That makes it hard to nail. Anyway its not really game breaking, the lair encounter will happen again on the next sleep cycle.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
So what does the defence rating in my lair do?
I think its been mentioned in earlier posts that it mainly affects captive escape chance. To have minions fight the knight party traps are needed to slow and damage them, which wakes up the dragon to do battle. If theres many minions and traps the battle will always defeat the knight party with a chance to capture the knight.

Speaking of traps


Evolutions - what evolutions are ongoing.

The last column, click on it to cycle;


Traps - what traps you have


This is what you want, and you can upgrade ordinary traps after getting a workshop, after finishing a quest.

The absurd numbers of the dragon stats is due to modding.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
See the defence edit above.

Its intermittent, doesnt happen with all knights n thieves. That makes it hard to nail.
I'd still appreciate a save when you next run into this.

Here she is, as you can see she has wings, but cant fly
Ah, I think the current bug makes it so it's her first appearance that determines whether she can fly or swim. If you pick 'Ask for a different one', only the appearance changes.

There will be no flying homunculi in the future, of course. :devilish: Not because I hate you, but so that angel and demon girls remain special.

Ive only had one kobold, one croc. The rest was just the same spawns that the peasant girls get.
Your dragon wouldn't have had, ahem, potency problems? :sneaky: Although Crocs need 3 virility and Kobolds two, so it's really weird that you got the asps. Did you get the 'fills to the brim' message when you impregnated them?

I just tried as a small dragon, and got three Kobolds and a Croc. So I don't know what's going on there. If you have a save that exhibits this behaviour, I'd like to take a look at it.

The gates cover everything but darkwood, dragonia, and the skies. Its been stable there for a few months now.
You've been incredibly lucky, then. You should have at least a 55% chance of getting the last gate in Dragonia every time you sleep. Dragonia is incidental, BTW. It's not scripted to be the last gate.

I had archibitch attack my lair directly once, but I reloaded and kept going.
o_O Archibitch? Why did no-one tell me there's an archi-bitch? Nothing but knights should ever touch your lair.

Speaking of traps, how do I upgrade them?
The 'Evolution' button right below 'Sleep' and 'Bestiary'.

I feel like im missing something dead obvious, like the dragons portrait all over again
Right-click -> Lair -> Basics -> third line. My alter ego even screams roars at you in the beginning to take a look. :cry:


Nov 13, 2020
Ah, I think the current bug makes it so it's her first appearance that determines whether she can fly or swim. If you pick 'Ask for a different one', only the appearance changes.

There will be no flying homunculi in the future, of course. :devilish: Not because I hate you, but so that angel and demon girls remain special.

Your dragon wouldn't have had, ahem, potency problems? :sneaky: Although Crocs need 3 virility and Kobolds two, so it's really weird that you got the asps. Did you get the 'fills to the brim' message when you impregnated them?

I just tried as a small dragon, and got three Kobolds and a Croc. So I don't know what's going on there. If you have a save that exhibits this behaviour, I'd like to take a look at it.

You've been incredibly lucky, then. You should have at least a 55% chance of getting the last gate in Dragonia every time you sleep. Dragonia is incidental, BTW. It's not scripted to be the last gate.

o_O Archibitch? Why did no-one tell me there's an archi-bitch? Nothing but knights should ever touch your lair.
Oh that makes sense. Unfortunate.

How the hell do I get angel/demon girls O.O

No asps, cocks and basilisks mostly. Lots of basilisks in this game, they seem to be by far my most common minion. Havent seen an asp since year 1.

Architot. I was calling him Archibitch :p
But yeah I realized he wasnt attacking my lair, just forcing the final battle. And yeah Im having to reload a couple times a turn to keep playing. Im just going long enough to see if my next rainbow head will give me enough magic damage to fight the projections and reclaim gated areas. If not then imma have to quit and start over.

You know what I would really like to see? Being able to send minions out raiding without you. Give all those extra guys something to do and it can be an extra source of food and girls.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Angels come from capturing fully powered knights, titan's wife, from winning cult battle.

Demons come from darkwood rarely, and fully powered thieves.

Knights have a chance to be deflowered if they went around having sex, thieves are always deflowered. Darkwood demons are virgin.

Being able to send minions out raiding without you
This one is partly in game; Orders > release minion. Choose any of the hatched minions. They will go around inflicting poverty and maybe some other damage based on their power.
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Nov 13, 2020
You can capture thieves? My dragon just eats them when they wake him up.

Releasing a minion is not even partly what I was asking for. I want to send out squads to bring back food and girls


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
How the hell do I get angel/demon girls
You can also get angels by defeating really high-level patrols and blaspheming in the Cathedral's ruins.

No asps, cocks and basilisks mostly.
I meant the nuns. They give you neither cockatrices nor basilisks, and asps only if your virility is really low. ;)

Im just going long enough to see if my next rainbow head will give me enough magic damage to fight the projections and reclaim gated areas.
Tell me how it goes. There's very little balancing in that part of the game.

You know what I would really like to see? Being able to send minions out raiding without you.
I'll just quote myself:
The out-of-game reasons being, of course, that then people want to start using minions for everything, totally destroying the theme of the game (you're a big bad dragon who does terrible things, or at least a mean little one who does nasty stuff :sneaky:). Not to mention the UI, scripting, all of the current balancing...
katari was planning to make something like that, but I don't know if anything comes of this anytime soon.

You can capture thieves? My dragon just eats them when they wake him up.
I think you're having rage problems again. :p

And yeah Im having to reload a couple times a turn
Welcome to the Dark Side. :devilish:


Feb 12, 2019
You know what I would really like to see? Being able to send minions out raiding without you. Give all those extra guys something to do and it can be an extra source of food and girls.
As Jman said, i am working on a little mod-mod that would put some of your minions to work. Spent alot of time, learning about the engine, but haven't really had much time last week to work on it. The base-event are done though, just need to add some more proper events and then test it, don't want it to completely trivialise what the dragon does. Should at the very least be done for the next big release.

PS: Jman9 take your time with the release, im very slow xD


Nov 13, 2020
Tell me how it goes. There's very little balancing in that part of the game.

I think you're having rage problems again. :p
The rainbow head helped a lot, but not enough. With 22-28 attack at 60% magic, I was killing the guys pretty well, but they were killing me even faster cause I still only had 140hp. In a party of 2 homunculi, a wyvern, and a basilisk for cannon fodder, against a party of 5 projections, I killed 2 projections, and had the rest below half. However I reloaded until I had only a party of 3 projections, and was able to beat that with no casualties, unlocking an area and giving me just that little more time (by the way Im at -666 seals right now), then with serious save scumming so I never fought more than 3 enemies at once, I cleared 3 more areas that turn before using the rest of the turn to get food. Then while I slept for a month and a half to work on another rainbow head, they took back over 3 of the 4 areas, then using more save scumming for small fights (and this time with a damage enchantment from the witch) I took back 4 areas again. Finished my second rainbow head for 80% magic.

So it looks like with 3+ magic heads, plenty of cannon fodder, and a lot of save scumming, an upper mid game dragon can in fact keep the demon hordes beaten back enough to make slow progress.

Its not rage problems, its literally part of the cutscene panels, the thief wakes me up by being clumsy and dragon says "Oh good I was wondering when my next meal was" and eats her.
3.50 star(s) 8 Votes