Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Well done but dont rely on them. To defeat a knight's party, have lots of minions, combined with traps of all types.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
where to find the list/def of guard types like snakes, elite etc?
Minions.yaml has the 'type' field, but I think at least some of the effects are hard-coded. :(

...duchess and shes completely useless. Horrible stats, though that makes sense for a spolied rich brat, but only a 3-3 egg potential.
That 3-3 is probably for the lizardman spawn. Her improved children are way better than anything you have now. Yes, including the homunculus.

...even my peasants are better than her with 3-5, or even a 3-6 i currently have.
Peasants only give more cockatrices, though.

nobles are really spoiled and rarely give good eggs.
Uh, what? Nobles are the only type that's relatively available and gives you powerful children. Everything else is gated behind something or rare.

Also, is there a way to tell how much xp is needed for a monster to level up?
Always 10 XP.

Hmm, too bad I cant throw my own minions in the cages to act as drain-fodder
Yeah, well, they're not that loyal. :D

Any more to this? Did rape her already.
No, that's it. It's a boost to get poverty going, if you did the completely un-dragonlike thing and let her go.

Yay I finally got my first homunculus!
Nice! The dragon should be a bit less stressed now that peasants can't fuck him with pitchforks anymore.


Nov 13, 2020
Honestly I dont think a party full of homunculi could defeat the knight party after me now.

And traps *of all types*? Ive only ever seen just traps. I didnt know there were different types?

Ah lizardmen. Well too bad she died giving birth to it :(

And yeah fuck the pitchforks. I should be able to do large villages reliably now.

Wooooooww... did you really steal the dragon fanatic chick from Ravager? Just came across her as a peasant.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Honestly I dont think a party full of homunculi could defeat the knight party after me now.
How bad is it? An upgraded homunculus has 20-40DAM/240HP/medium armor. The 'young knight' should top out not far above that, and his companions are weaker than him.

Also, traps and minions damage his party beforehand, so it's not as bad as it looks.

I didnt know there were different types?
Do more quests. Most buildings are gated behind quests. Advanced traps are available after completing The Fearful One, which saddles you with enough infamy that you need them. Although it looks like you might need them even now. :D

Well too bad she died giving birth to it
I suppose you don't have access to breeding pits yet? These prevent deaths during childbirth, although they might kill your captives in other ways. :sneaky:

...did you really steal the dragon fanatic chick from Ravager?
I stole everyone from Ravager, and the PC from Adorevia as well. That's not all I took, either. All the small cutscenes are from there, and a few sound effects as well. I'm a filthy bandit. :devilish:

Ravager is very nice-looking and has passably good scenes, but it's criminally neglecting the actual 'game' part of it all.

Edit2: Although the fangirl should be a 'towngirl', not a peasant. Large villages can have visiting townspeople.
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Some Lair locations are not easy to open up - got all but the wizard tower, cunning mages...


Nov 13, 2020
Its not "young knight" Its Sir Lancelot, and hes been around since like, the first couple weeks of my game and has been collecting gear and artifacts that whole time. Hes a level 42 paladin, 245 hp (with really high damage reduction) 23-43 attack. Heres the smuggler info on him:

Every quest I have right now is a long ways off, and I dont have that one. In case it matters my list is: Blood awakens (become impressive size), Tribes (have children settle), Scourge of the plains (250 infamy), Cold spawn, and fiery spawn (and I dont know how to find the efreet/giants needed for those)

Nope, no breeding pits.

Oh you are right, shes not a peasant, shes a burghess, whatever the hell that is.

Well on the plus side, I can reliably do 2-3 towns a day now so I can just keep saving up money for more homunculi :p
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Get breeding, go food hunting. Pay the gremlins to build traps. Minions + traps should stop knights n thieves.

You start with green hatchery, the most basic one. To get the others;

stone - toss the dwarves in their hall in the mountains
forest - burn the sacred alva tree in the forest
fire - douse the ifreet in his lair in the sky
frozen - melt the joutun in his lair in the sky or mountain


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Its not "young knight" Its Sir Lancelot
It's 'young' Sir Lancelot. The real deal looks like the one in the attachment. :D

...hes been around since like, the first couple weeks of my game and has been collecting gear and artifacts that whole time.
Yeah, he looks maxed. Better get it over with and let a weaker version start over.

with really high damage reduction
Young knights should have 33% physical resistance. The 'real' knights have 50%.

Every quest I have right now is a long ways off...
Tribes (have children settle), Scourge of the plains (250 infamy)
These two should be doable. You can whittle your infamy back down to ~50 after becoming the Scourge, which still lands you below 5 mobilization. And you already had a lizardman kid, didn't you?

Cold spawn, and fiery spawn (and I dont know how to find the efreet/giants needed for those)
Efreeti are mid-lategame opponents, hard to find and their mates are difficult to impregnate properly. Jötuns are a little easier to find, but otherwise not much better.

...burghess, whatever the hell that is.
Well, I had to come up with a word for 'citizen' girls. Since most of them are supposed to be virgins, 'townswoman' didn't seem appropriate.

Well on the plus side, I can reliably do 2-3 towns a day now so I can just keep saving up money for more homunculi
Homunculi aren't unlimited. They 'respawn' once a year, and once per three years once I update again.


Nov 13, 2020
Why would you change it to every three years?? One per year seems pretty reasonable to me, I mean Ive been in this play through for about three days now and Im only now into my fourth year. I cant imagine getting to a point where Im trying to grind away three years of game time to get my next homunculus.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Maybe give them a rolling increase in cost? Each one bought will increase the price of the next one.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Why would you change it to every three years??
...grind away three years of game time to get my next homunculus.
You're never going to want more than 4 homunculi, and they outclass lower-level minions quite badly. So something needs to be done about them, or everyone will be fielding parties full of 'dollies'. Also, I've seen quite a few saves that have been going on for more than 10 in-game years.

And at least on normal difficulty, by the time three years have passed you get two homunculi and should be starting to expand into wyverns/nagas, maybe even drakes and minotaurs.

Maybe give them a rolling increase in cost?
Already exists, but given that you didn't even notice, it's not a solution getting too many homunculi too fast. :(


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
I just tried a doll once and never did again, thats why i dont notice much about it.

BTW where is the code block that generates the wares of the slave traders? cant seem to find it.
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Nov 13, 2020
" And at least on normal difficulty, by the time three years have passed you get two homunculi and should be starting to expand into wyverns/nagas, maybe even drakes and minotaurs. "

Im on my 4th year and my highest unit other than the one homunculus (and im no where near affording my second) is a basilisk, followed by one lizardman, with everything else being cock's or lower o_O

Question, do multiple evolutions with physical reduction stack? If they do, is it additive or multiplicative? Like would three steel heads be 3*10%=30%, or would it be 10% of 10% of 10% = 27.1% ?
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
im no where near affording my second
I told you this habit of insisting on only the most extravagant rituals would come back to bite you. :p

Anyway, if you have such low-powered minions after three years, it makes even more sense to restrict access to homunculi.

Question, do multiple evolutions with physical reduction stack? If they do, is it additive or multiplicative?
Yes, most everything stacks additively. If something doesn't, it's probably an oversight on my part. So three steel heads indeed give 30% physical resistance.
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Nov 13, 2020
" I told you this habit of insisting on only the most extravagant rituals would come back to bite you. "
I havent needed those in quite a while, and even when I was using them it was still earning me a profit of 5-10 gold a day.

" Anyway, if you have such low-powered minions after three years "
If I had played smarter I probably could have had plenty of minions by now, but I spent most of my time focusing entirely on evolving my dragon. And since you cant get minions until medium size (since tiny/small are too small to overpower peasant girls) I didnt really realize how important minions were to the game until a few years in.

How long does it take for the smugglers to rob the knight? I just paid 96 gold and it said they would leave him naked as a babe, but even six months later and the knight still had all his gear

For the hatcheries, how do I find dwarves, efreet, or jotuns? Ive spent weeks wandering around the mountains and sky and have never seen a single one of these guys.

Ive got a quest where I have to get 5 mobilization, but my poverty is so stupidly high (82) that the mobilization cant go up any. Do I just have to wait a few years for the poverty to finally go down or what? *edit* just hit 100 poverty and every single village is abandoned now so I have no easy way to get food or maidens.

Just got a quest to send a total of *1000* minions to the army. That is absolutely insane. How many centuries of in game time does that take? Im guessing no one has ever beaten this game cause I cant imagine anyone sitting and playing for weeks on end just grinding a thousand minions.

So something I would really like to see a QoL change in would be the squad screen. Its annoying when I want to arrange my troops in a specific way, cause I gotta remove troops, add other ones, then add the first back in, then rearrange where the dragon is. It would be so much better to just be able to do a click-drag rearrange.

Something else that is becoming a problem is the demon seals. Its down to a quarter of them left intact. How do I deal with this problem? So I figured out the sacrificial alter, but the problem there is it only gives 4-6 seals and can only be used once a month, so Im still losing progress. Am I just fucked or is there some other way to deal with this? Its really urgent cause Im down to 46 seals. *edit*: so all the seals are broken and now ive got the architot projections every where. How do I fight them when they are 90% resistant to everything but magic, and none my minions are able to do magic? *edit2* the demons have taken over the whole map, meaning i have no way to get food. starvation game over. I lost and I dont know if I have it in me to start all over again.
So in the end, demons are *way* too over powered. There is no way to stop them from happening. You can slow them down if you do nothing but build alters and sacrifice maidens, but at that point you arent doing anything to progress the game and its going to happen eventually anyway. And when they do eventually emerge, its a game over because they block off encounter zones with enemies that literally cannot be beaten. Demons need a major revamp because right now they make the game completely unwinnable. There needs to be *some* way of actually dealing with these assholes.
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Nov 13, 2020
If you are up for some modding, you can mod the game to make things easier for yourself. :devilish:
Gee thanks for the totally useful reply instead of actually adressing my questions/issues :rolleyes:

1. Ive never done modding or programming of any kind and would have no clue where to start
2. I dont *want* to mod the game, I want the game to actually be winnable at its base design. Its currently got a few major issues that are just making it way too hard, namely that there doesnt seem to be any way to balance your food needs with the resulting poverty from raiding villages; a quest that requires decades if not centuries of in game grinding; and this horrible demon problem Ive already mentioned above. Demons are an unavoidable time bomb that means game over when they happen.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
...even when I was using them it was still earning me a profit of 5-10 gold a day.
Yeah, but using a cheaper option would have given you even better profits and quicker access to the second homunculus. The mod turns TfD into a resource management game, so squeezing every extra bit out of your activities is a given.

And since you cant get minions until medium size (since tiny/small are too small to overpower peasant girls)
Goblins aren't minions now? o_O And even peasant minions can be had as a tiny dragon. Just pick your first evolution wisely and get a power-1 farmgirl. The lonely farms are full of them. It might take a little longer to level those up, but at least all the time you're still tiny/small will be put to good use that way.

How long does it take for the smugglers to rob the knight? I just paid 96 gold and it said they would leave him naked as a babe...
Right now, it's instant. I have a version with a delay planned, but it's not released yet. But this 'naked as a babe' is ruffians bragging about themselves, they take only one item off of him and he can just level up again. Robbing is really not a remedy against maxed knights.

For the hatcheries, how do I find dwarves, efreet, or jotuns? Ive spent weeks wandering around the mountains and sky and have never seen a single one of these guys.
The dwarven home and hatchery are hidden. Look around in certain shady places to get access. But this is the hatchery, the endgame one, so I doubt you could actually fight your way through to it right now.

Efreeti are quite rare. Jötuns are as well, but there are three places they can occur so maybe a little more accessible. Keep wandering, you'll run into them sometime.

Do I just have to wait a few years for the poverty to finally go down or what?
Yes, there's no magical 'poverty go away' option. If you devastate the Kingdom, you have to live with the consequences. Time is the only cure here.

...100 poverty and every single village is abandoned now so I have no easy way to get food or maidens.
The Sea has several food encounters, and you still have the animal herds. Although these do increase poverty again.

I suppose hunting bears/boar might work for a while, plus you really should have the lizardman village unlocked by now. And the Capital always has maidens, although the fights can get really tough. Or you can fish for mermaids.

And Hakim is your 'emergency' source of girls. Did you unlock him yet?

Just got a quest to send a total of *1000* minions to the army. That is absolutely insane. How many centuries of in game time does that take?
I don't know, no-one's who's actually tried has ever said a peep about it. But this is one of the endgame quests, you can have quite a baby factory set up by then.

squad screen
Would be nice, sure. I haven't actually seen a Ren'Py game use drag'n'drop and while it's supposed to be possible, I'd rather do everything else with a better gameplay impact first rather than bang my head against this UI headache. If I really get everything else finished, I might take a look. But definitely not in the near future unless someone more or less points me to a working example that's similar to the current game.

Something else that is becoming a problem is the demon seals. ... How do I deal with this problem?
Welcome to the main challenge of the game. The warning Mom gives you at the start of the game isn't there for flavour, you know. :p It's there precisely because people have been running head-first into the demon invasion and then acting surprised that demons are tough.

Also if demon encounters are becoming commonplace in the land, you should really make it so that the dragon can encounter some!
I have some plans along these lines, but it takes time to do this, time I don't have ATM.

...sacrificial alter, but the problem there is it only gives 4-6 seals
A solid peasant should give about 9, actually. Are you sacrificing good-quality virgins? As long as you only have one altar, you really need to pick and choose.

...can only be used once a month, so Im still losing progress. Am I just fucked or is there some other way to deal with this?
You should get multiple altars as soon as you can afford them. Two are barely sufficient with savescumming, three are more or less okay. BTW, these 'useless' nobles make for quite nice sacrifices, ~19 seals as an average for a virgin.

Its really urgent cause Im down to 46 seals.
If your seals go below 30, you get an 'emergency mode' where you can use your altar repeatedly but with halved results until they rise above 30 again.

How do I fight them when they are 90% resistant to everything but magic, and none my minions are able to do magic?
I guess you don't. I'm going to replace the 'projections' with something a little less resistant in the future.

I lost and I dont know if I have it in me to start all over again.
It's fine if you take a break and come back to the game another time, now equipped with better knowledge of game systems.

Or you can play on easy and/or one of the larger starting sizes. Even modify your copy of the mod to your liking, as several people have done.

The target audience of this mod is me :sneaky:, and I'm a sucker for punishment and a serial savescummer. I'm willing to accommodate some changes that make sense to me as well, but in the end, the final advice if you think the game is too tough is 'play on easy'. If that looks too, well, easy, then you can propose an intermediate difficulty and I can add that.

There is no way to stop them from happening.
Just last week I showed that it is possible to handle the seals even on 'impossible', if you savescum like a maniac and are focused on it. :cool: that point you arent doing anything to progress the game and its going to happen eventually anyway.
It's entirely possible to 'build up' the seals again while evolving your dragon so he can beat them.

...enemies that literally cannot be beaten.
There needs to be *some* way of actually dealing with these assholes.
Not quite unbeatable. :) Rainbow or shadow heads and elven minions are possible options even during mid-game. But as I said, the projections are actually meant for the 'boss' fight with Architot, and there's going to be a slightly weaker opponent guarding the gates.

But the main gameplay loop is about not letting the demons invade rather than beating them. The invasion is supposed to be something you really don't want to happen. This seems to be the case right now, doesn't it?

Gee thanks for the totally useful reply instead of actually adressing my questions/issues
No, that's a perfectly valid answer. If you want a game tailored to your playstyle, you have to do it yourself. If you are unwilling to do that, you have to live with what others provide.

Ive never done modding or programming of any kind and would have no clue where to start
No modder or programmer ever emerged from the womb ready to code. Everyone starts somewhere. I'm willing to tell you how to achieve your goals if you're serious about it.

I want the game to actually be winnable at its base design.
Nothing you've said indicates the game actually is unwinnable. All you've shown this far that it's unwinnable on normal with a moderately wasteful strategy.

...any way to balance your food needs with the resulting poverty from raiding villages...
The lizardman village. The Sea. The Forest. Big fights. Eating Hakim's merchandise, in a pinch.

...a quest that requires decades if not centuries of in game grinding...
Even if true, this doesn't make the game unwinnable, merely tedious. And I'm not convinced that it actually takes decades with a high-level dragon.

...this horrible demon problem Ive already mentioned above. Demons are an unavoidable time bomb that means game over when they happen.
The demons are a 'time bomb' and difficult by design, to introduce a sense of urgency and limited resources. And to encourage you to play the game normally and not just go for the demon ending all the time.
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3.50 star(s) 8 Votes