Iirc even magic defense was really high, so your dragon won't do much either.
No, projections are vulnerable only to magic, zero resistance to that. They're
magical constructs.
I like a hard fight, but putting all resistances but 1 to 95%, just forces you to get a certain build
It does not. You have the option to mutate certain parts of your anatomy at a discount for exactly that reason, so you can prepare for different fights. And Architot is an endame opponent, your build no longer matters after that, so if you want that ending, you have to build your dragon for it. If you want to win with your 'thematic' build, you either use the auto-killer or go for another ending.
Why not put most resis to 70% and then ice and one more to 50%, same result "he's gonna tear you a new one if unprepared", without the whole "do exactly this or die"
Architot is meant to be a 'do this or die' enemy, since he's optional and on what I consider the 'failed' path of the game.
Or atleast for the Projections?
Projections are there to make sure you're not 100% focused on ice damage. If I was really evil, every single one of them would have a different resistance.
So you can be a little more relaxed to do the quests if you really want?
You can do your quests however you want. I've seen quite a few saves where there are hundreds and thousands of unused experience points, so dragon customisation is entirely viable.
And for the masochists here there is still impossible difficulty
Yeah, even I can't stomach impossible for more than a few years.
Edit: Wait the gate for the rolling-quest is the phoenix?
I don't know about 'rolling', but the demon-killer is indeed gated by the Phoenix.
Make it so they spread fast, but leave dragonia for last
Yeah, I think I'll try that.
Uh no he already has the 50% ice resistance
I guess I snuck
that in too, then.
...mistake in the text (three years in fact, one year in the text)
Yeah, I just fixed that text.
And suddenly understood that i CAN'T SCREW WITH HUMANS!
So how do i, well, get around this?
What do you mean?

You can always screw anyone as long as you have enough lust and stamina. Or do you mean that they die too easily? I posted a mini-fix for this issue
And also i now understand that i have no way to screw with merfolk at all at this size!
But mermaids are generally much tougher than elves? I don't know why you can't do them while elves are okay.
Well, i tried for a lot of time, saw TITAN at one of the ambushes, but never found cloud castle.
These are really rare. Like about 0.3% chance to find rare, I think. Maybe I should increase the base chances a little, but then I'd have to redo all the lairs...
How chances to find things even work?
There are 'weights' for every encounter, specified for each location in 'event_[location].ini' files. Each has a [weight/sum_of_all_weights_for_this_location] chance of happening when you just wander around, and higher chances for specific 'hunt' options. Each time you hit an event, the weight goes down by 1-5 depending on what you do, and regenerates by one every x days, where x is the 'regen' value from the same .ini file.
Some events are special cases and scale with certain stats, primarily the cultists, patrols and 'poverty' encounters.
And any changes to the files need a new game or manually reloading all the events.
Yeah, I may have been a little too conservative when assigning weights to lairs.

But then again, an ogre lair being about eight times as rare as a rabbit kinda made sense at the time...