I'm rating version 1.110, to be clear
I'm giving this gem 5 stars because of how much I play it. It's a game I find hard to turn off. In reality, it's more honest to give it 4 stars, simply due to early production and spelling errors, and lack of overall balance. But the dev Ollane is constantly taking it further in the right direction and works hard, so it's gonna get much better.
Up front, it's generally a VN, but YES it has sex animations. Think Honey Select.
It's set up as a sort of management game, but it plays like a tabletop game. You have cards and dice, and those decide what set of outcomes you are after. Going to Town is a bit different. It's much more like a management game there.
No lack of possible outcomes, though right now Endings are kind of just a Checkpoint, Milestone or Achievement, with an image or 2 and a description of what Tomie did next. You can then proceed to play, considering that ending to be a "thing you did" rather than the game's Ending.
You get Trait Points [TP] for getting endings, that can be used at the start of a New Game to get Traits, like Pheromonal Flower, which adds Attractive and [BP] to increase Skills, from the start of the game, according to how many TP you have. Or you can start as a virgin, be Sensually Tight, etc.
Tomie has it rough.
Go outside, basically raped. There are very, very few things Tomie can do that don't result in sex and pain in some way. She can also be strait-up killed. Every male in Tomie's entire world will at least try to bang her, and she's never met a man who hasn't slapped her ass hard.
For now, balancing is more or less handled by using Cheats. If you've played Skyrim, you know what a [ ` ] Console is. The game is basically stuck on Hard Mode, so you'll probably need to use them eventually. Tomie can only handle this world for so long. Do not underestimate the usefulness of putting Persuasion on EASY for that +50. I think that's default, actually.
Get ready to get Tomie raped, robbed, kidnapped, enslaved, impregnated, killed, or if you're very, VERY lucky... Married.