Currently, I'm working on the development by referring to the advice that
fakehb gave me.
Wow, thanks.
But I also want to say... make sure you think about things for yourself too. It's perfectly OK to disagree with people who provide feedback and you don't need to appease everyone.
Even people who seem totally authoritative probably don't understand your game or the direction you're going as well as you do. And I won't be offended in the least if you disagree with some of my feedback.
For me, the thing I appreciate about this game is the simulation aspect, and the randomness. I like that something unexpected occasionally happens, and the feeling of "there's probably something I haven't seen yet" keeps me interested. A lot of games on here, even plenty of very good ones, are easy to lose interest in after you feel you've seen everything and the next playthrough will just be a repeat of the last one. So my feedback is mostly coming from a place of "how can this game stay fresh and interesting as long as possible?"
If that's something that you're trying for, then I hope my feedback is useful.
The single most useful piece of advice I can think to give you in terms of interaction with players is that people tend to be very good at realizing there's a problem, and less good at knowing exactly what the problem is. In my experience, people will tend to gravitate towards easy explanations. If it's an obvious issue, that works a lot of the time. If it isn't though, you might get a disconnect.
So, if there's a feature that has an issue that makes the game less fun, and that feature is also pretty abstract, you might find a dozen people saying "x is unrealistic and this makes the game less fun." The actual problem might have nothing to do with realism, it's just that realism is about as easy of an explanation to reach for as anything. If a large number of people are all complaining about the same thing that does mean you have a problem, but it doesn't necessarily mean that those people have diagnosed the problem correctly. This isn't to say that they never get it right, because oftentimes they do, just that regardless of how many people are telling you to make a certain change, you can't absolutely rely on the wisdom of crowds.
I think you have a pretty good understanding of your game though, and I'm looking forward to the next few releases