Listen to the man, since most of his suggestions are actually rubbish.But I also want to say... make sure you think about things for yourself too. It's perfectly OK to disagree with people who provide feedback and you don't need to appease everyone.
Seriously though, most of the ideas sound reasonable, but some will drive the game further down a road it's already travelled down too far imo - namely the game being too formulaic, repetetive and ,quite frankly, boring.
In my opinion, the games biggest weakness is that it lacks proper characters.
Yes, some of the npcs at least go into this direction, especially the "love interests" (i.e. the guys you can marry), but even they are usually lacking, and it's especially bad for Tomies sisters and, worst of all, for Tomie herself.
Now, I do realize this is basically a glorified virtual boardgame, so it's unrealistic to expect too much, but still...
Right now, playing TWGM feels too much like an empty exercise in numbercrunching.
The entire skill system makes little sense, where you have to "buy" things like exhibitionsm with experience points.
Some improvements were made, now you can pick up more skills through ingame events such as the blind guy wanting to cross the street giving you grope resistance.
In my opinion it would be neccessary to rethink the entire approach to skills and traits - exhibitionism or submissive tendencies (humilation resistance in the game) would make more sense as traits, for example.
Anyway, there's probably a number of ways to achieve this, but Tomie should be a character actually representing her traits and "skills", acting on these "impulses" would be the easy thing as her corruption grows, "fighting them" would cost willpower, but giving in should also have negative ramifications. For example, fraternizing with the photographers after underwear shots could get her fired from the model agency, giving in to the cafe manager could cause her to lose the job, stuff like that.
But then there'd also have to be more things to cost money.
If you're reading this, I feel you already made a lot of progress in the last couple of versions ollane, just keep at it.
That said, one thing I really feel MUST be improved is that more things in the game should actually feed erotic/arousing.
In my current playthrough I've taken the habit of just skipping all H-Scenes, because they are boring anyway, and on top of that they run terribly sluggish on Android. Is that really a good thing for this type of game?