Ren'Py - Town of Magic [v0.72] [Deimus]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is on version 0.67.003.

    What kills this game in my mind isn't even the grind (which is insane), but the completely linear "sandbox", lack of substantial character interaction, and conflicting information.

    So let's dive into those.

    The game features the usual sandbox map to move between locations, however, the entire story and its content is entirely linear. "Go here, talk to this character, go here, talk to this character, go here, talk to this character". You are never in any control of any decisions.

    That leads to the player never actually interacting with characters. Every single character exists to give you a task to progress to the next task. It's tragic, because some of the characters do seem genuinely interesting and I would like to be able to form relationships with them - but that isn't what they're used for, despite the taglines.

    Conflicting information. Some of the information provided is just plain wrong. The single biggest stand out in my mind is very early in the game, you are directed to the "Library", which houses a menu of books that are basically just tutorials. One of these specifies that you will not gain content by losing fights, and that you should never aim to. You guessed it, this is a straight, no-nonsense lie, because you encounter within just a couple hours a fight that is necessary to lose multiple times to progress the game. And because everything is entirely linear, you have no option on that despite the fight being very easy to win repeatedly, just to endlessely be looped into it.

    So what does this game do well? Not all that much, actually. The greatest thing I can say is that there are characters I want to get to know, as previously mentioned, but that doesn't count for much when that isn't possible.

    What attracts many people to this game is the art, and's not that great. I was interested in the art too, but its illusion was shattered for me instantly when I opened the game and the "animations" were the sprites just sliding around the screen. That in itself isn't awful, but the reasonably high-quality sprites contrast greatly with the lack of animation, a dissonance I found incredibly jarring. The sex animations are alright, often quite smooth, but the small viewing window combined with the rather vanilla poses and abstracted view means you can really never see much of anything. The hacked up solution provided for this is an unlockable to be able to zoom in. Yea, I'm serious, it's not a huge grind to get that one but it's there and doesn't really alleviate the problem at all.

    Just since I mentioned the viewport, I want to take a dig at the UI: it's bad. A lot of elements are oversized, many things don't need to be taking up room when they do. For instance, why put the hourglass in the inventory, which is already full of crap and too small visually for what it is, when you add a whole separate button on-screen to quickly use it? That inventory's visual is just 3x3 and takes up so much room on-screen, make it 7x7 at least. It's just not well thought out and takes up so much room that should be used for the game's graphics.

    The game is, in actuality, a linear time-sink turned possession rape game. The RPG elements, stats, items, combat, serve in absolutely no way to enhance the experience because they are your only interaction in a game that otherwise just does what it wants. What 95% of the playtime is, then, is simple padding. You could sink many tens of hours into this game and come out appalled at the lack of actual content with any substance. Ironically, I would likely rate the game higher were it not for this.

    What I have to say about Town of Magic, then, is that it holds a lot of initial promise that is quickly wasted by the completely kinetic and player-taxing experience.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The exploration and the grind are killing this game, seriously, this is the first porn game where I literally called an NPC and let her farm dungeons while I browse the web and wait for her to finish, this is how fucking atrocious the game design is.

    Hey, at least there is a guide, but the fact that the guide is required to progress, hell to even unlock the fortune teller hints, it's just absurd.

    The only high quality part in this game is the story and the characters - they are legit, well written and interesting.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, a bit grindy but i love the pixel art and the concept of possession. The way it is used is unique and the caracters are well written. I'm really looking forward to discovering new content. Keep up the good work !
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Usually seen this updated occasionally, but never tried it. Finally played it about a few days ago and gotta say it's definitely a hidden gem. It's super grindy and very hard to find things without a walkthrough so keep that in mind. The character routes are really well written and extremely sexy at times. Favorite routes so far are Glace, Domenea and Nel in those order from 1st to 3rd.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Ren'Py rpg on this website.

    Almost a hundred events animated. The different characters have a lot of personality. Maybe a little to grindy with the battle but the content is very good.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, and I can't say I've played a game before where the player is being mind-controlled to this extent. I would probably remove a star for the grindfactor, but the mind-control trivializes that easily.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a 5/5 in everything for me except grind and story progression hints.
    I was able to mitigate a lot of grind frustration by getting possesed but it took a long time regardless. With all that said, I do love the combat system, I would love more bosses or other challenges.

    I like the progression hints in theory, in practice they are a little agravating

    -1 star for each gripe

    Still one of my favorites; there are some games I'd rate higher and enjoy less.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 951200

    Great presentation, likeable characters, lovely art.
    Unfortunately the grind is unbearable. Went to the tavern, which is where you go for progression tips, and seems like every time its "you need to level up". Level up by fighting monsters in the forest.... over and over and over and over and over and over. and the fights are so slow. spam the same attack repeatedly to the same monsters. I thought this would be at least slightly remedied by exploring town and triggering some random events, but even those seem to be rare, and I didn't find any lewd ones (I'm sure they're there but I didn't have the patience).
    Honestly, keep the events rare, keep the buildup slow.... JUST eliminate the senseless grind and make the battles faster, then this game could be a 4 or 5 star game. Make it so that the game progresses at level 2 instead of level 4, then more progression at level 3 instead of level 6. I understand the dev is probably proud of his battle system, but it just isn't going to be the core draw....
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Art: 4/5
    Sound: 3/5
    Animation: 3/5 (not very many)
    Game Play: 1/5 (exercise in frustration trying to guess what the hell to do)

    Developer seems to have this sick fantasy of making you fucking guess what to do to solve any quest/event. It gets damn well impossible and there is no damn guide anywhere that makes sense! I finally just had to give up on it for my own damn sanity!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Have fun playing...lost my save...think about the grind...remember all the slow actions, dialogue, combat...Remember my farm period on WOW...lost the envy to play this game again...
    More serioulsy, great ambiance, characters and fetish...but the gameplay is horrible. Yes it's "innovative" for rem'py but after two fight you got bored and the problem is that you need to do a LOOOOOOOOOOOT of it. So you disconnect the brain and start to farm the xp and the zone for loot...THEN you need to rebranch it to undestand what to fuse together for crafting some items. Next farm is for the relations you need to have to unlock "romance" "sex scene" with others...not gonna give a try again, i have a life. i need to grind my level on others games !
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Lesbians, mind control, possession, combat sex, GREAT characters and a GREAT story to boot? If you like any of those things, please try the game. Just be wary that the combat can become a massive grind so you might wanna get a mod to make it easier/faster.

    Character design and interactions, story, sex animations, and general writing:
    Some of the best I've had the pleasure of witnessing!

    Seriously, the story and writing is super entertaining and it's really fun to witness the characters interacting even outside of sexual stuff. When it comes to sexual stuff, though, it's HAWT AF! Especially if you like possession/mind control and/or female on female cause those are the primary focuses so far.

    Seriously, this game pushes so many of my buttons cause I lost count of how many times a sexual encounter was starting and my eyes widened because I was thinking "Oh my god is this actually what they're doing? YES!"

    Moments like those can be attributed to how good the writing is. You can tell the characters really come to care for each other, resulting in adult scenes being much more passionate rather than them simply trying to get off. I mean, they're still horny as hell but they put care into making sure the other person is having a good time. This ties into the possession aspect of the story, where spirits need the body they're possessing to accept them as their owner. So the body's original spirit needs to enjoy what's happening to them, resulting in the possessor having to compromise with the person they're possessing by not just stealing the body and doing whatever they want, but actively improving the person's life. Overall quality-wise which includes sexually. This leads to spicier and spicier interactions as the story progresses and you improve relations with everyone. I don't want to spoil too much, but UGHHH I LOVE THIS STUFF. So I'm gonna write a bunch of spoilers.

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    HUGE MOTHAFECKIN' GRIND! BEWARE! But, it's fixable with mod(s) that you can find in this thread. I didn't use them and still loved the game but I recommend them cause holy shit you need to kill what feels like thousands of enemies to level up enough that you can make it through boss fights or get important loot. The problem with loot is that even with close to max or at max chance boosts from equipment specifically tailored to getting rare items, I still took forever to get them. Hopefully loot odds are improved, otherwise you should just use a mod to get stuff easier.

    The combat itself is really simple, but I found the power creep as you get better spells and stats good enough to be entertained. Another thing besides loot odds and XP gain that adds to the grind is certain status effects. If you don't have the right potion to make yourself immune or the ability that makes climaxes shorter, getting hit by things like paralysis, sleep, climaxing from sex attacks, or certain others can make fights a torturous slog. It can be avoided by simply saving a lot since you can save at any time outside of a battle, but in the case you ride out a battle after getting hit by a status, you get to sit there and do nothing. Unless you brought a party member that can cleanse your status or remembered to drink a potion, they last way too long.

    Speaking of sex attacks, there's combat sex with every enemy type in the game. I'd say they're maybe a tiny bit lower in quality than the story sex scenes, but the enemy designs are just as good as everyone else. Even the most basic of enemies from anything ever, slimes, have a quality to them (mostly when they're attached to your character) that you don't see often.

    But on top of the status effects and XP/loot, ANOTHER aspect to the grind is getting grappled. Every enemy has to grapple you before they can perform sex attacks, and if you're disabled from a status, you have to sit there and let them do it. If you aren't, you have a chance to get them off you based on your Willpower stat. The problem is that sometimes you'll get caught in an endless loop where they refuse to normally attack you and only try to grab you, so you push them off and then they go in for another grab. And as your lust rises, your willpower drops lower, making your chances to get them off worse and worse until your climax ends and your lust resets. Most enemies have a high enough speed stat that they get a free attack on you after you push them off as well, but that's more annoying than threatening since you become almost impossible to take down once you're strong enough.

    I personally found the quality of the animations and character art good enough to look past it, but you might be disappointed by the combat lewds, as there isn't actually much sex. It's mostly groping and teasing with only a few enemies doing penetration, but penetration is certainly there.

    I guess I love this game more than I thought cause I wasn't expecting to write this much. It's for sure one of my favorites, but the gameplay loop slows things down so much that I can't give it 5 stars. Maybe I would with mods that make it faster, but I haven't tried them.

    This review is of version 0.64.012
    Likes: roe92
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    It caters to different flavors of possession fetish (possessed by a ghost, a mind controller, a living suit) and getting molested by monsters, but that's about it. Like the previous review said the plot... exists. And the combat system... exists. And the skill system exists. And the quest system.

    AND EXISTENCE IS TORMENT grind. All these systems were obviously created with one singular purpose, to slow you down. Well, I'm happy to report, that was an overwhelming success.

    What does not exist is meaningful branching. You're going to slog through the storyline linearly, and basically no content is optional. Coupled with grind, this is just not fun.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The animations are good (but relatively few), I really like the monster design, the combat is simple enough to not get in the way.

    The plot... exists. The grind is real. And there isn't really an opt-out if you dislike a particular fetish or character, because they all require each other to progress.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    1. This game is incredibly grindy. I would never want to restart it from scratch.

    2. The combat is poorly designed. Any combat system that locks the player out of being able to take any kind of action at all for minutes on end is one that has to be fixed. When facing multiple enemies, you can get stuck in a cycle of enemies grabbing onto you, preventing you from attacking. However, when you struggle to get the enemies off of you, THEY get a free attack which can also (STILL) include grabbing you again. This is made far worse by the fact that you don't get an attack that can actually hit multiple enemies until way later into the game.

    The combat is also just boring in general. There's nothing that can add any kind of variety to a fight, like a critical hit or evasion. It's literally just "beat enemy in X attacks" over and over and over and over.

    3. You have to explore areas to be able to make antidotes for status effects. Yet this leaves open the very likely chance that you can run into an enemy and be affected by its gimmick before you ever had a chance to make a preventative antidote. This is really bad when it comes to effects like sleep, and paralysis which, again, lock the player out of doing anything at all for incredibly long periods of time. A status like paralysis is one thing for a typical RPG where you have multiple, controllable characters, but in this game most of the time you'll be alone so how on Earth did the creator think this was a good idea?

    4. This is more a personal gripe, but I was hoping more focus would be placed on sexual content involving the enemies. But by and large the content with them isn't interesting, most of them just grope the player character or something else, pretty much just all foreplay. The sex isn't really integrated into combat at all, as it pretty much just grinds things to a halt when it's happening. Your companion NPCs also don't react much at all to see you getting fucked.

    5. There's a "lewdness" stat, but as of yet there's practically nothing in the game that features any content with the player character being lewd in public settings. You can't even walk around in your underwear despite clothing being equippable/unequippable, even with your lewdness maxed out at 100. Again, it's personal taste to want that sort of content, but I feel like just having these kinds of systems in the game would imply that it should be there, yet it just isn't.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this game is very fun, and despite it being quite different from the game I usually play, it still holds up very well.

    - Good combat system for Renpy
    - Hot characters
    - The item and skill system is unique
    - It is a large sandbox game but you still are somewhat on the rails

    - The grind is real
    - There is no way to speed up anything, the grind could be fixed with simple battle animation speed controls or just allowing fast forward
    - What items can be fused together is unclear
    - Once you have bought all of the accessories and spells there is nothing left to get, but so much more game left to play.
    - The number of interactions required to get through a single stage of a characters development means that they could take many many hours.

    As a whole I do no think the Con's outweigh the Pro's, it is in fact a fun game which I have gotten pretty far in, but I would humbly suggest that there be a way to speed up the combat, since the only real long term downside is the amount of time things take to do. The lack of items it likely something that will be fixed on its own as the development progresses, but the amount of grind is surely a design flaw. Once that is fixed it's a 5 star game for sure.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game.
    Nice animations. Nice locations and characters.
    Pretty fun game-play.
    Negative points will be weak quest log (or its function deligated to npc) and very grind dependable.
    Desirable would be add hint to open scenes and completing the quests.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a well written story, and combines gameplay and sexual content very well. The combat does get quite grindy, but it's offset by the sexual attacks done by enemies, so it is still very bearable when there is some of the very high quality pixel art being shown. There is also a built in method to help reduce the need for clicking through the grind. It's basically a skip mode for the combat, an excellent idea, but introduced a little late into the game for my taste.

    Music is decent, if forgettable. No major bugs or errors in my playthrough. If the fetishes represented in this game are appealing to you and you can stand an (somewhat assisted) grind, this game is very good. Overall, slightly flawed but still one of the better adult games currently available.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    amazing possession game, easily the best on the site. Its just sad that its 95% lesbian scenes when it comes to outside of combat. I wish it took more adventurous paths like celica being mind controlled or possessed and they have sex in her body while shes forced to watch. But no, its just boring vanilla stuff.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best possession fetish games with excellent erotic scenes. Initial confusion for progress requires some grinding but the grind brings out more scenes and dialogue that allows for a more in depth possession story.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Beginning with the primary focus of the majority of other comments and reviews, the grinding, which I will start by saying it's unavoidable and at the point where it takes far more playtime than any other elements combined.
    Grinding is not inherently an insidious element of a game, especially one like Town of Magic where progression is clear, loot has the potential to be satisfying and you could argue that there are surprises to be had mid-grind to shake things up. The problems with grinding in Town of Magic are the numbers, the combat system, and the enemy design.
    Areas outlast their welcome by a wide margin, the exp earned from fighting the enemy of a given area will level the MC out of any challenge presented long before you get close to collecting the loot in any given area. Upping drop odds and finding the limited loot happens a few hundred clicks too late to feel like progress alongside the combat and plot. Getting to that point of the enemies not being a challenge hardly speeds up this process, as a consequence of how they function.
    Damage is kept under control very tightly, as a consequence of this, grabbing extra spells and maxing out the arcane stat as far as possible does very little to change how many turns a battle will take. The chasm between 3 shotting and 2 shotting an enemy is massive, so even though they stopped being a threat to your climbing max health as you grind, the battles will seldom feel faster until the area is irrelevant. This means every battle is going to have a chance to get extended even further by the seemingly universal enemy grapple mechanic. While this leads to some H-content, escaping it takes up your turn when it's applied and it never fails to hit. There was even an enemy that would at one point consistently apply it after you escaped, meaning no matter your stats, equipment, or level, it stun-locking you permanently if you didn't have a companion to take the random aggro. While that nightmare *has* been fixed, it goes to show the problem with the mechanic and enemy design that is going to pop up during grinding ad nauseam.
    To address Nel, you have a ghost friend that you're required to let grind *for* you if you want to progress her and other plots. While she is actually a very accurate farmer that reliably never makes mistakes and rotates gear and areas to make sure she's not wasting time and even drinks energy potions to farm long, she does not alleviate the problem of the grinding, she's not *faster*, does require input to continue farming long and screws around with the monsters to up SP exp. Even if she didn't require input to continue farming, aiming to make your game AFKable is questionable at best.
    If you put the grinding aside (A big ask for some), the game can really shine when you give it the chance and enjoy the flavour of 'content' the dev/author cooks up. The pixel art and animations speak for themselves; all that really needs to be added is that they're plentiful, at no point does the game neglect to show not tell, which is a very high bar to clear in my experience. The writing can be a bit aggressive and to the point, it doesn't ever hold its metaphorical cards to its chest or leave in doubt what sort of content you can expect at any given point. This isn't to say it's bad or a pain to read, it simply doesn't push to woo the reader with the plot; it's a porn game, so fair enough so long as there's plenty of naughty content to digest, which there certainly is.
    The gameplay outside of the grinding is reminiscent of LucasArts-style point-and-click adventures. Intentionally inspired or not, it's passable. It never feels like an area is superfluous or overloaded with purpose. The map won't leave a barely-reasonable player confused and exploring new areas is always rewarded one way or another, the dev(s?) keep all the content digestible with this approach.
    Overall, Town of Magic has a lot to offer and actually holds some fairly high standards. It's impossible to not talk about the grinding and I couldn't bring myself to tell someone who quit because of the grind to give it another chance, because it simply isn't something you can tell someone to bear with. If you are the type of person that can grit through the timesink, there is an abnormally high amount of content locked behind it all.