Ren'Py - Town of Magic [v0.72] [Deimus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Spent hours on it, so that must mean I like it. Oh, and since this review requires 200 words then I guess I'll even go on as to mention that the pixel art is pretty awesome, even the non-porn stuff. Pretty neat.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Strong one, I like the ghost shenanigans particularly, and that that path is further developed in this one than normal. It isn't just one-off scenes or a quick dead-end sidequest but adds a gameplay function and has story events alongside the main game.

    The grind does get pretty bad when you're trying to completely clear an area of its loot. But, that's sort of par for the course when you've got the completionist gene, and since just levelling up as you progress through the game normally seems quite smooth I didn't mind the 'region sieges' all that much.

    Especially when you add the fact that the game looks great, the background music can get pretty strong at times, and there are regularly even good story events that expand the game on top of the pr0ns.
    Likes: jttth
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very rare that a game focuses on possession as the main theme. Even more rare that it's F/F based. The game admittedly has performance issues especially during combat. However, it has been making steady improvements to performance. The only other point of friction is the item grinding. It doesn't bother me too much, but your mileage may vary. Great premise and charming art style. No graphic violence or any intense fetishes. Just female on female and possession, both voluntary and involuntary. Give it a try if you enjoy possession content.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun game, would like an option to hold a key to fast forward dialog tho

    The art style is very strong and consistent and most of the characters are fairly entertaining to interact with.

    Be a nice addition is if the map would zoom out abit so there was about four maps on the same screen just to help a touch with moving around the map screens.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Ech, dang it.
    I REALLY like RPGs with this kind of "amass passives based on equipment you wear for long enough" system like in Final Fantasy 9, and the art is pretty nice, but the game's got a couple issues I can't forgive, which will probably keep me from playing much more:

    1. Grind. One nasty RNG-based grind grind grind grind grind. I don't mind grind too much in RPGs, but I hate it in porn games because it's just more busywork to keep you away from the porn. Also, there seems to be some items in the game with straight-up Korean MMO drop rates, like I've spent probably an in-game year trying to get the rarest drop from the first battle area with the slimes, but it still hasn't dropped, like what the literal F, dev? I bet it's going to be something dumb like another alchemy ingredient that'll be common later in the game, like the other rare drop from the area that I HAVE gotten.
    Also I've got the equipment that increases drop rates, and I've gotten some points into luck.

    2. It's another "you get the porn when you do badly" game, meaning if you're halfway decent at it, you'll miss a great deal of the lewd content. If, say, you're crazy overleveled due to trying to get a rare item, then you'll just end fights so quick it doesn't matter anyway, and you'll never lose.

    3. The wallet size mechanic is very restrictive, and actively punishes you, as the game rewards you for staying in a combat area for longer, especially with that aforementioned item drop rate equipment, which charges more based on how long you've been out there in one zone. You can't stay out there too long or you'll waste loads of money you need to buy many, many things, and you can't only go out there for short periods of time because you'll get bad XP gain and lower item drop rates.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Dropped this game due to the ghost quest. You need to constantly run around town over and over to spend time which also uses your energy (why is this a mechanic?) and there's also no way to just pass time passively. You must be at the broken house with the ghost at ~midnight and yet by then you're out of energy. Sick of trying to headshot the perfect amount of time by clicking at different places every day, wasting day after day. Complete oversight by the developer into fruitless time wasting.

    A shame since the art style (while albeit simple and amateur) looks good. But, such is the case for so many "games" on this website.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The grind in this game is unbereable. To progress you have to spend literally tens of hours mindlessly killing monsters. Developer adressed this problem by adding possesion mechanic where you can take a break and let the game grind exp for you automatically in real time.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    More like Town of Grind... When other reviewers mentioned it, I didn't realize it was this bad, but the hellish grind in this game is just out of this world and that's not even the only bad thing about it. Several passes of unending fights with same bunch of monsters to "explore" an area just to find ingredients and a few special items, there's even a game mode in which your char is being possessed by a ghost and the game plays on its own while you sip you tea or coffee in some other room, don't know what the hell this developer was thinking. Not to mention that there's no real sex in it, other than a few instances where your female MC is being molested by a bunch of monsters or a ghost, as I said, it's all just some juvenile crap. And add an extremely sluggish UI on top of all that, all in all the whole thing is extremely annoying.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The current rating of this game is way below its true value! Even without pr0n, this would be as solid indie RPG game. Without the infamous RPGMaker, even.

    Ren'Py is an adequate choice, here, but I guess it could have Unity of whatever. Outside the main and save/load menu, it doesn't feel like Ren'Py. Not a bad point, mind you, just a remark. Anyways, making this game with Ren'Py is rather a feat on its own. I didn't look at the code, but I guess there is a lot of python there.

    About the "grind" issue, indeed, it's easy to get trapped in a grind loop early on. The game could be a bit more explicit about NOT trying to level at all cost. Instead, it only offer suggestion on what to do. These hints really must be followed, because, that's how it is possible to explore every area only once, levelling and getting all story driven items.

    Of cours, I grinded. :LOL: It's no big deal...

    There is not an actual story, rather an interesting lore that is uncovered as the game unfolds. MC is just expected to git gud, but somehow, there are some hints about a hidden agenda. I'm halfway through the storyline, so I still don't know what to expect. Concerning the characters, I liked the fact that overall, everyone is sensible and relatable.

    TL;DR: Just try and play it, it's fun!
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Too much of a grinde! I gave up after way to many hours of being stuck in a very boring loop.
    shame to see jet another potently good game wasted by pointless waste of player time good Art but if i have no cloue on how to progress or any kinde of canllange, its not worth the pla
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, smooth graphics and UI.The story structure is very logical.In particular, the plot where the player is spirit possession and controlled is fascinating, and there are no branches of the main plot yet, but there will be branches and different endings depending on the plot of the game.Corruption, submission, slavery, or justice may have different choices in the future development.

    There are several disadvantages:

    1, The Lewdness parameter has very little effect on the game, neither how the plot develops nor how the character is evaluated by those around him.

    2, Those plots are completed, those are not completed, it is best to give a hint, so that the player does not do unnecessary grinding.

    Anyway, I'm going to give this game 5 stars and look forward to more updates.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    0.55.010-->0.59.004: Very promising but also very grindy, particularly if you're unaware of how heavily possession plays into the game. The game updates monthly and the dev seems to address (some) issues the player base brings up, so I can see this game making it to 5-stars by the time it is finished. I can easily recommend Town of Magic, particularly if you're looking for a bit more game in your porn games. I'm updating this review to reflect a newer version of the game. The original review will be in white, while changes/insight are at the end of each section in blue.

    Lewds/Gallery: Animations are mostly of the protagonist (Celica) getting molested or raped by monsters mid-combat. Celica doesn't seem to mind it that much. You can disable monster sex in the options though, so then the lewds are getting molested buy a ghost, demoness, or slime girl and a bit of masturbation while possessed. There's no gallery in the game but most scenes are easy to trigger and only a few aren't repeatable. All are animated, which is nice. There's also some lesbian scenes which sort-of put Celica in the aggressive role, and it seems like the dev is going to incorporate more scenes with humans and humanoids.

    Combat: Pretty straightforward. Cast spells, kill enemies. Sometimes enemies get a free attack at the start of battle, which is nearly as cheap as the way some get two actions per turn. I guess it sort-of balances out since they'll take a turn off to tear Celica's top while she can Magic Missile their face nonstop. Unfortunately, most of the spells are just the same single-target spell in a different flavor. Enemies molesting Celica is actually a fairly interesting mechanic instead of just being an avenue for lewds. Since you can still cast spells after they grab on, you can play risky by whaling on their friends instead of immediately struggling them off, making it easier to deal with them that way since Celica doesn't have any AoE spells. Getting molested also gives you more skill experience after battle (+10% per molestation, max +50%) so you might want to let them be for a bit. Of course, each molestation raises Celica's lust meter which stuns her for a few turns when full. An additional downside is that if enough monsters are molesting her at once you might end up stunlocked. It becomes less of an issue once you can bring allies along, but you might still turn off monster sex just to reduce the time it takes to grind. Combat is a bit slow, but that might be a consequence of the game engine. There are now AoE spells, though they're dual element and you don't have access to them until you've bought all the base spells. Your allies are more robust too, so it's unlikely you'll be stunlocked even with monster sex turned on.

    Story: Perfectly serviceable. Celica rolls up looking to be the best mage; we hear there might be demons about; it'd be real neat if all the Celestrians hadn't left. Nothing groundbreaking, but I far prefer it over a story that does weird stuff just to try to stand out. The story takes some predictable (and less predictable!) turns. The general tone is somewhat lighthearted, so all-in-all the story really works for me.

    The Grind: Theoretically, not that bad. You clear one area, head to the next, see that enemies hit hard and you need ice magic to stand up to them, go back the previous area to collect enough gold to buy the necessary spell while also gaining a few levels along the way. It works for the first few areas, but then enemies become simply impossible to beat without gaining five levels first. They also use status attacks which completely disable Celica (sometimes during their free turn at the start of battle), molester her to climax, and now you're stunlocked. Even if you turn off battle sex that just means now you're dead. So instead you have to save scum and hope your first few explorations yield the item you need to craft the relevant anti-status potion so you even stand a chance. And if that weren't bad enough, you also have to grind to raise affection levels in all the possession-based relationship routes. Once you get enough relationship bars you can actually talk to the people in the possession-based routes, so their grind isn't so bad. Allies have been improved, and each area now gives you a hint when you enter if a certain anti-status potion will be useful. I haven't played from the start in a fresh save, but it feels like the grind has been slightly lessened. You'll probably still need to grind to finally get the item you need for a new outfit to drop.

    Possession!?: Yeah, possession plays a major role in this game. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a "possession game," but certain outfits and the ability to progress other relationships are locked behind possession relationships. And the grinding! The demoness, slime and ghost all start off as enemies. You usually need to beat them to advance the story, but after that you need to sort-of lose to them to advance their relationship. I say "sort-of" since you need to let them strip and climax Celica which isn't a traditional loss. Even if they say they just want to talk there's usually no way to just talk to them until you've advanced their relationship significantly, so now you have to jam the wait key all battle since there's also no auto-wait or forfeit function. Losing against the ghost causes her to posses you and go battle monsters (which is nice of her), but it takes so many rounds of possession that by the time you realize what she's about you're too strong to really need her. But you gotta raise her anyway because those 10 relationship bars aren't just for show. On the plus side, you can eventually just talk to the ghost and ask her to train in a specific area, so that lessens both the relationship and item-acquisition grind.

    In Development?: Notably. The Lewdness stat does nothing, the grind is real, and there are a handful of items/areas which don't really serve any purpose. Still, the dev adds content every month and has been pretty consistent with updates, even if each update isn't equally large. A decent amount of tips have been added to help smooth out the new player experience, while most updates also bring a new monster and NPC animations. The art in the newest release is a little wonky in places, but I can imagine that's just them breaking in a new artist.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.55.010] This game is very enjoyable (maybe even excellent, a strong 4 stars for sure).

    The tags have already told you whether it's your thing, I guess.

    The cast of characters is super fun, the plot is interesting and the dialogue is really good as well.

    The combat system is a bit slow, but ok. The complexity of equipment, abilities, items, spells is sometimes a bit of a hassle but acceptable and still fun. (I thought it was a bit difficult to guess which items will be worthwhile, but you can pretty quickly buy all of them). The game is not that difficult, so perhaps I have ignored an awesome item to my detriment, without noticing.

    The content for each character is good. But, because it is good, it's always a letdown to have reached the end of content. I hope this game takes off and becomes really long.

    The landscape you travel is divided into distinct screens. But, screens that are far away from the town tend to have more sparse content. I hope that each map location becomes more dense.

    Once you can reliably defeat every enemy in a location, combat becomes very boring, because the system is so slow. It will take a short but significant amount of time to load the combat screen, maybe endure one of their attacks, do the spell, see the creature die, fade out....

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    Animations can look weird because body poses are reused at times. The masturbation animation has an awkward shoulder position, to mention one example. But, most animations are really interesting and look good.

    I think that I would enjoy a slightly larger variety of sexual content or a bit more kinky stuff. For a porn game the sexual content is fairly ...vanilla, porn-game-vanilla, with tentacles.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 80377

    Great game with great potential. The animations are good, and the art is indeed very unique.
    Honestly, I've played many games out there, and this one is one of a kind.
    Most sexual content is provided in the battles with monsters which makes them very interesting.
    Grinding through the battles is very enjoyable as you have skills to learn, items to find, and events to unlock.
    There's also a character in the game that helps you level up. At some point, you become too powerful that you can find everything with ease.
    There are also some fascinating characters in the game where you can build relationships with. I really hope the best for the game developer as this game is truly a masterpiece in the making.
    I can't wait to see what happens in the next update.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    if it weren't for the patreon build that adds cheats and dev tools this'd be a 2 star at best, the game has potential but is kinda marred in bad/poor design choices. but locking off shit like cheats behind a paywall is money hungry at best, and scummy at worst. the dev tools are more understandable at least and i can understand those being behind a paywall (maybe not for the price they are however)

    the game also features some pretty poor choices of design in terms of turn based combat, the are games that have done worse but i think even the very first turn based RPG's had a better grasp on balance and gameplay than this does, having to grind to overprepare just in case you get unlucky enough to get stuck in a combat loop is repetitive and boring and just not fun game design from a gameplay aspect, let alone from an H-Game aspect (its hard to be aroused when you're annoyed)

    everyone and their mother has mentioned this so [Bad grind comment here]

    the animations are above average at least, but that's not saying much when there's no gallery or easy way to view some of the animations. and from what i've seen no one has taken the task of recording them and posting them somewhere online

    all this and more is increased by the fact this game is very slow, while i don't expect to be a demigod killer within the first hour, i do expect to be at least somewhat close to what could be amounted as "outside of the intro" within the first few hours, it took me a surprisingly long time to get my first combat encounter and an even longer time to get my second.

    all in all you'd probably be better off waiting for this to be finished and *hope* the dev takes note of how grindy the game can be and actually take the recieved criticism in stride, or find a different H-Game to play if you can't be bothered waiting
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with great potential. Grinding is not the least bit boring, the skill system is very interesting, the animations are great. I just really hope that in future updates there will be an option to play or team up with other female npcs.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I've played up to version 0.38
    I've enjoyed it a lot and the interactions between all the characters.
    The main character gets to interact with a decent chunk of characters, and it cleverly uses the other characters as mechanics, as an example Nel the ghost can unlock an auto grind feature for you where she does so by taking over your body.
    Unlike other renpy games tho, you cannot skip through scenes that you've already seen as that feature seems to have been disabled.
    The grinding can be annoying, and there's a lot of it, however, thanks to nel, you can just keep it running in the background while you do something else.
    The rates however were bad in v0.19, but after i updated to 0.38, that was less of an issue as the items to increase your chances have been upgraded.
    Getting used to Nel though, makes it a bit awkward to have to start farming again when a new area gets unlocked and can't use her.

    With update 0.38 i wish there was a better way to communicate to the player what to expect with dealing with the succubus. I don't know if i should've killed her or let her have her way with me. But since Celica the main character let's other creatures always have their way with her, I went with that route, and gave me another fight i had to let her take advantage of.
    I wish there was an auto wait button until you want to snap out of it, so i don't have to spam next until i get violet the slime, the succubus or any other monster i want to try out to see how they violate Celica.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    - Good art, the sprites are pretty and sexy
    - Neat combat, while not revolutionary it is pretty good
    - Unique ways to have a character build of some sort
    - Lots of events to uncover and stuff to collect

    - RNG up the ass, literally everything is RNG
    - Insanely, and I mean ridiculously, grindy due to the RNG
    - You can get stuck in Status+Sex loops forever
    (Get hit by a paralysing/sleeping status and then orgasm, both of these things stop you from taking turns. This can loop forever if you can't take a turn between paralysis/orgasm loops.)
    - Takes forever to get anything done either because you have to randomly explore places to progress, randomly find random rare treasure to progress, etc.

    This game sucks but the art is fine. That's all I've got from it.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly, not a bad game. Major problems are:

    -The grind is a little intense for very little pay off.
    -No gallery.
    -Art is average to below average, depending on the scene.
    -I liked most of the H-Animations, but some of it is poor.
    -Development is slow, particularly with adding new enemy variety.
    -Sometimes you can get soft locked into H-Animations for a few rounds, it's not the worst thing in the world but it can feel like a waste of time.
    -Direction isn't always clear, i.e. leveling up the ghost past 2nd bar.
    -Low appearance customization, and the few items that do exist are locked behind a lot of progression / grind. Appearance is usually for fun (though some of the items do add stats in this game), so I don't really understand why this is.

    I will say that the ability to let the ghost basically act as a bot for you to farm materials is a good addition, it's just unfortunate that getting that far takes a lot of grind.

    I'd say it's worth while to play if you have time, and the game looks like it could be a lot better in the future, but for now if you're only interested in the H-Scenes just download the save to save yourself hours of grind.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. I like the art, the character. I quite enjoy the 2d stye art games and this one is not exception. I do have one complaint, however. The grind is really bad. It needs a fix. I put up with it because games like this are rare, but it's really pushing it.