RPGM [Translation Request] Dungeon Repeater: The Tale of Adventurer Vera


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017

So to be clear, if anyone wants to know how things stand:

2018 December update:
Request Events - General: 12/12
Request Events - Erotic: 6/21
Document Event: 11/11
Main Story Events: 18/18
Normal Events: 5/5
Special Events: 7/7
Boss Events: 19/19
Ending Events: 11/11
H-Events - Defeat: 2/11
H-Events - Around Town: 1/8
H-Events - Classes: 0/16
H-Events - Tavern: 1/7
H-Events - Harassment: 2/15
H-Events - Clothes Damage: 0/7
Total: 95/168

2019 March update:
Request Events - General: 12/12
Request Events - Erotic: 21/21
Document Event: 11/11
Main Story Events: 18/18
Normal Events: 5/5
Special Events: 7/7
Boss Events: 19/19
Ending Events: 11/11
H-Events - Defeat: 2/11
H-Events - Around Town: 1/8
H-Events - Classes: 0/16
H-Events - Tavern: 1/7
H-Events - Harassment: 2/15
H-Events - Clothes Damage: 0/7
Total: 110/168

The person doing the translation has seemingly disappeared after March 8th (when he shared the progress update news of his TL on ULMF - hasn't logged in there ever since, apparently).
Unfortunately, as of now, only the December update is available/has a download link.

Imho there is a chance he burned out, and translating H-scenes is probably not the most fun part of the process...

So, that said, could I perhaps ask someone who somehow got their hands on the March update to share it? Because there is a distinct possibility that will be the most updated one...
(though I hope I will be proved wrong and translator-sama will show up out of nowhere with the finished product! here's to hope! xD)
Sep 14, 2017
There is one class left I cannot seem to be able to unlock even after finishing the game.
Its the one that has this outfit. (Lewd and Non-Lewd versions)
b08探求者_b06立ちAex通常.png b08探求者_b01立ちA通常.png
Does anyone know how to unlock it?


Oct 31, 2017
There is one class left I cannot seem to be able to unlock even after finishing the game.
Its the one that has this outfit. (Lewd and Non-Lewd versions)
View attachment 610200 View attachment 610201
Does anyone know how to unlock it?
Same, I thought that the answer might be beating it as a virgin. I did so, and the game even restricted me to the A ending only, I thought I had it.
Nope, no dice.
I have no idea what the solution is here.


Feb 5, 2018
There is one class left I cannot seem to be able to unlock even after finishing the game.
Its the one that has this outfit. (Lewd and Non-Lewd versions)
View attachment 610200 View attachment 610201
Does anyone know how to unlock it?
If I remember correctly it has something to do with beating the game under specific days or completing that challenge where you are always level 1 against opponents. If you dont want to do that here are my saves.


Oct 31, 2017
If I remember correctly it has something to do with beating the game under specific days or completing that challenge where you are always level 1 against opponents. If you dont want to do that here are my saves.
Nah, I figured it out, it's the C ending.
You accomplish the C ending by completing the request where you hand over a heavy bag of gold to a merchant(not sure how exactly you get it, I just went through the dungeon a few times to rank up and it ended up in my inventory eventually)
He gives you prismatic feathers, then you just complete the game normally with that in your inventory and it gives you a special option at the red orb that kicks off the C route.