RPGM [Translation Request] Dungeon Repeater: The Tale of Adventurer Vera


Nov 12, 2018

i really like this sort of idea really: a lot of the sex scenes have little to do with the actual combat and are instead mostly in town (and with different costumes hehe) - even the fighting ones are put in the gallery when the boss gets beaten (tbh wish more than just the bosses might be able to have scenes but hell at this point even getting a translation update's wishful thinking)


Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
Alright so since I couldn't find any working link for the latest translation patch march 2019, I've then decided to take it upon myself to fill up the gaps and do a numbers of corrections and remakes. The translation patch from december 2018 had its story still kinda MTL-y, so I decided to redo the entire story (excluding the prologue) based on a fresh japanese version, along with the H-events. There's still a LOOOOOOT of things to translate so you pals should occupy yourself with something else until I'm done with it. I won't share the patch until I've at least completed 90% of it. Here's some examples of what little things I did.
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Something I'd like to point out and what you should expect from the translation quality and time of completion:
-I'm translating this hgame 1h per day (along with 2 other hgames, 'Horny Bunny Hana' and 'Granat', so that's 3 hours of translation per day). Idk when it will be completed, I have no knowledge on how to calculate the maximum numbers of lines this hgame have. I just know that I can complete 17 to 20 lines of texts during that 1h. I'll let the future decide on when it will be completed. From my guess, it will probably take more than 1 year beginning from now.
-I'm not a native english speaker, so don't expect quality writing style (with multiple slangs and such). I've never really talk to anyone in english, only ever used it through the keyboard or pencil.
-I don't know much about japanese, my experience mostly come from watching anime or playing jrpg. Most of the english vocabulary comes from multiple machine translations such as Bing, Yandex, Jparser, Mecab, etc in translator aggregator and sometimes from my memory.
-I'm using the Wolf RPG engine itself to translate it. Due to various reasons, I won't use any other third party application such as Translator++ to translate the game until I'm really forced to.
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Sep 14, 2017
Alright so since I couldn't find any working link for the latest translation patch march 2019, I've then decided to take it upon myself to fill up the gaps and do a numbers of corrections and remakes. The translation patch from december 2018 had its story still kinda MTL-y, so I decided to redo the entire story (excluding the prologue) based on a fresh japanese version, along with the H-events. There's still a LOOOOOOT of things to translate so you pals should occupy yourself with something else until I'm done with it. I won't share the patch until I've at least completed 90% of it. Here's some examples of what little things I did.
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Something I'd like to point out and what you should expect from the translation quality and time of completion:
-I'm translating this hgame 1h per day (along with 2 other hgames, 'Horny Bunny Hana' and 'Granat', so that's 3 hours of translation per day). Idk when it will be completed, I have no knowledge on how to calculate the maximum numbers of lines this hgame have. I just know that I can complete 17 to 20 lines of texts during that 1h. I'll let the future decide on when it will be completed. From my guess, it will probably take more than 1 year beginning from now.
-I'm not a native english speaker, so don't expect quality writing style (with multiple slangs and such). I've never really talk to anyone in english, only ever used it through the keyboard or pencil.
-I don't know much about japanese, my experience mostly come from watching anime or playing jrpg. Most of the english vocabulary comes from multiple machine translations such as Bing, Yandex, Jparser, Mecab, etc in translator aggregator and sometimes from my memory.
-I'm using the Wolf RPG engine itself to translate it. Due to various reasons, I won't use any other third party application such as Translator++ to translate the game until I'm really forced to.
You are doing gods work mate! Cheers!
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Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
Clicked on his link to get the translation and this keeps happening View attachment 737054
I'm already taking over the task of finishing up the possibly-abandonned translation.

I originally thought of only sharing the patch after I'm at least 90% done with it but, there was something that I needed confirmed earlier. ***I'd like you guys to test out this translation I made and tell me if there's any game-breaking bugs occuring when applying it. Try applying it on a pre-patched english version*** (As I said before, this was made based on a somehow fresh japanese version (from an already pre-patched game with an older translation made by Yrannil), so expect untranslated parts being in japanese. If you want to see the progression of the game, check out my signature, there's numbers beside the name indicating how much H-event has been done -(23/63 H-events done as of now)-, defeated H-events Boss will be done for last, my translation is up to 'Story Beat 6th Stratum')
View attachment Data.rar


Apr 30, 2019
I'm already taking over the task of finishing up the possibly-abandonned translation.

I originally thought of only sharing the patch after I'm at least 90% done with it but, there was something that I needed confirmed earlier. ***I'd like you guys to test out this translation I made and tell me if there's any game-breaking bugs occuring when applying it. Try applying it on a pre-patched english version*** (As I said before, this was made based on a somehow fresh japanese version (from an already pre-patched game with an older translation made by Yrannil), so expect untranslated parts being in japanese. If you want to see the progression of the game, check out my signature, there's numbers beside the name indicating how much H-event has been done -(23/63 H-events done as of now)-, defeated H-events Boss will be done for last, my translation is up to 'Story Beat 6th Stratum')
View attachment 737550
Thank you!
Just to make sure I do this right, where can I download a "pre-patched english version" ?


Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
Thank you!
Just to make sure I do this right, where can I download a "pre-patched english version" ?
Anything is fine, as long as the game's version is 1.34 (may probably work on 1.33 too). You can even apply it on a fully fresh japanese copy, though you may have to use 'arc_conv.exe' or 'touhouSE.exe' to decrypt the .wolf file first.

If you want a download link, here:
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Apr 30, 2019
Anything is fine, as long as the game's version is 1.34 (may probably work on 1.33 too). You can even apply it on a fully fresh japanese copy, though you may have to use 'arc_conv.exe' or 'touhouSE.exe' to decrypt the .wolf file first.

If you want a download link, here:
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Thanks man,
So I've started playing a bit. poking around to see if there are any issues. I've barely started, but hopefully I'll have time this weekend.
At any rate, nothing game braking yet. just some VERY minor notes I've taken so far. things like minor text issues such as "there are closing brackets but no opening" and such, in case those will interest you.
I will update after I've played a bit more. :)

Great work!
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Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
Thanks man,
So I've started playing a bit. poking around to see if there are any issues. I've barely started, but hopefully I'll have time this weekend.
At any rate, nothing game braking yet. just some VERY minor notes I've taken so far. things like minor text issues such as "there are closing brackets but no opening" and such, in case those will interest you.
I will update after I've played a bit more. :)

Great work!
Thanks for the info. Those minor issues will actually be verified/corrected after I'm done with at least 90% of the translation. Upon reaching that progression, I'll post a [WIP] translation thread for other people to playtest and report any of those issues in the game and even do some cleanup of the dialogue.
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Apr 30, 2019
So far I have made it to the point where I have all the Classes. (Next boss is Succubus)
This game is very playable as it is so far, the interface and plot text are all translated, and also plenty of the H-content.
True, plenty is still untranslated, but not the parts that truly matter IMO.

Nothing game breaking so far.
Also I've raised the bar for things I take note of. I wrote down only things that "popped" more.

There is one thing though that may be an issue, but I'm not 100% certain about it. I'll explain -
Passive skills (battle stands), are skills you can activate and still have an action on the same turn (and that action should be the regular attack). That causes the normal attack to have an extra property to it. However, it's easy to miss the activation of the passive when you look at the battle, since it doesn't have an animation and I also don't think it's on the battle log. The only way to see it is to see the effect happen, and also a text in very small font above your life bar.
I believe I noticed a bug - After the first time you set a passive skill as one of your actions, it will never trigger, no matter what, even if the conditions for it are met. To fix that I reloaded and tried entering the action set again from scratch (with the same conditions), and only after that the skill worked. I noticed it both on the 1st Swordsman stance and the first Ninja stance.
I say i'm not 100% sure because as I've mentioned before, sometimes it's easy to miss seeing the skill trigger, and I may have messed something up, but since I noticed it for 2 skills this could still be true.

Also, so far the game was rather easy (even though I did not change the difficulty to "easy"), but now with the Ninja Class... I'm not really sure how to properly use it to be honest, makes me feel dumb. For all the classes, aside for Ninja, it was simple for me to formulate what equipment and set of actions to use to properly utilize it's strengths. Ninja is tricky. got any tips? :)
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Apr 30, 2019
So it turns out the translated portions of the game drastically drop after the Succubus. I played up until I beat the following boss to make sure (that is 70 floors), but since the plot is no longer translated, this is a good place to call it quits for now, I assume.
(By the way, I figured out how to use the Ninja eventually)

Ignoring minor issues I took note of at first (things like minor text warping or missing brackets), here is a list of what I have to say:
1. Great job so far, seriously. I can appreciate the effort you put, especially considering I once went through the same thing with a different game, so kudos.
2. [Arms Training] - I think a more appropriate name is "Gear Crafting" or something along those lines. Also when the instructions for it appear, they start with "\F[22]"
3. On the Shop - when you go over an item, there is a field on the right that shows how many of it you own, that field is mistakenly labeled as "Money".
4. Labyrinth Facilities Explanation - The "Next" button text is actually above the button itself.
5. Passive Skills Explanation - The "Next" button text says "Nex".
6. The passive skills issue I mentioned on the above post.
7. Battle Statuses - They appear as small text to the right of your potion count during battle (along with stances), and they need abbreviation. 1 Status fits fine, 2 usually trail too much to the right, 3+ will probably go out of screen. I suggest changing things to be more like: BRN, PSN, FRZ, AT+, MAT+, DEF+ and such, instead of the full text like it is now. That way people could actually know what's going on.

And that's it. nothing game breaking encountered so far, and the game is fun. Can't wait for your next update! :)
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Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
So it turns out the translated portions of the game drastically drop after the Succubus. I played up until I beat the following boss to make sure (that is 70 floors), but since the plot is no longer translated, this is a good place to call it quits for not, I assume.
(By the way, I figured out how to use the Ninja eventually)

Ignoring minor issues I took note of at first (things like minor text warping or missing brackets), here is a list of what I have to say:
1. Great job so far, seriously. I can appreciate the effort you put, especially considering I once went through the same thing with a different game, so kudos.
2. [Arms Training] - I think a more appropriate name is "Gear Crafting" or something along those lines. Also when the instructions for it appear, they start with "\F[22]"
3. On the Shop - when you go over an item, there is a field on the right that shows how many of it you own, that field is mistakenly labeled as "Money".
4. Labyrinth Facilities Explanation - The "Next" button text is actually above the button itself.
5. Passive Skills Explanation - The "Next" button text says "Nex".
6. The passive skills issue I mentioned on the above post.
7. Battle Statuses - They appear as small text to the right of your potion count during battle (along with stances), and they need abbreviation. 1 Status fits fine, 2 usually trail too much to the right, 3+ will probably go out of screen. I suggest changing things to be more like: BRN, PSN, FRZ, AT+, MAT+, DEF+ and such, instead of the full text like it is now. That way people could actually know what's going on.

And that's it. nothing game breaking encountered so far, and the game is fun. Can't wait for your next update! :)
Thanks for your intensive playtest, I'll take everything in note and verify/correct them after I'm done with at least 90% of the translation (which will be for a while unfortunately). Hope to see you around when the time comes, you've been a great help ^^b. Glad to see that nothing's broken, now I can continue the translation with ease, thanks again for your contribution.