
Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Can someone make Renpy version of it? Becouse it dammn complicated to instal it. it would be look better in Html as well bot this it kind stressfull to understand how to intall it.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
question futa exist in the game is it possible to become a futa ourselves as in having a pussy and a dick at the same time?

Unseelie Kitty

New Member
Aug 22, 2021
question futa exist in the game is it possible to become a futa ourselves as in having a pussy and a dick at the same time?
It is in the game, but I believe it's currently locked from non-paid players. Unless you have a unlock file from, say, wonderful people earlier in this post.


Sep 3, 2018
Can someone make Renpy version of it? Becouse it dammn complicated to instal it. it would be look better in Html as well bot this it kind stressfull to understand how to intall it.
There is nothing difficult about getting this game running any more. Install a program to run the file type. That's it. Ez Pz.

question futa exist in the game is it possible to become a futa ourselves as in having a pussy and a dick at the same time?
Yes, you can become a futa. While female, either turned from male to female or starting as female, use a Defiance Token on the Alchemy table. If you're using the most up-to-date version, and have the most recent backers' unlocker, you should grow a cock.

which version has the most pictures/content to them?
They all have the same amount of content. In fact, the only differences between backer versions is whether or not the game allows you to see it.
Past that, in terms of pictures related to the game, they all have a similar amount, though they vary widely.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
There is nothing difficult about getting this game running any more. Install a program to run the file type. That's it. Ez Pz.

Yes, you can become a futa. While female, either turned from male to female or starting as female, use a Defiance Token on the Alchemy table. If you're using the most up-to-date version, and have the most recent backers' unlocker, you should grow a cock.

They all have the same amount of content. In fact, the only differences between backer versions is whether or not the game allows you to see it.
Past that, in terms of pictures related to the game, they all have a similar amount, though they vary widely.
is the unlocker the debug thing?


Nov 10, 2019
how do you get a Defiance Token is it just random chance when opening chest and other containers Also do you have to run the debug each time or only once?
You only need to run the unlocker once.

tokens are obtained randomly in containers, or through trading with NPCs (giving them items they like/sexual favors). I don't remember which npc is likely to give which token though, maybe the gladiator or guards for defiance.

Angora Kitty

Sep 20, 2018
Maybe one can combine the cute character of 'Clothing' with the additional displays in 'Danaume'?
I think it would make the display in 'Clothing' more comfortable.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2020
Everything about this game is just a pain in the ass. I come back to it every now and then so I have enough of am understanding, but holy hell if its this infuriating to me then I can't imagine how overwhelming and confusing it must be to somebody coming here for the first time. One look at the install instructions is probably enough to send most would-be players packing, and then the ones who tough that out are likely to jump ship the second they see the clusterfuck mess of a UI. Honestly, I don't think I'll be coming back to this one again - I want to whip my dick out and play a game without having to jump through hoops to do it. There are so many other games out there that I can just click download, and then play and while I do like this game, its just too much effort. Best of luck to the players and the devs.


Aug 5, 2020
Heh. I husked over long ago from playing NetHack and Rogue. This is positively nostalgic and user friendly.*

*No snark intended. UI design and gameplay loop structure have come a long way in <mumble> years.


Jun 25, 2019
How the hell do so many people have a hard time with the download instructions?
  1. Download Git
  2. Download game
  3. Run Git
  4. Select game
  5. You are now playing game
Is it really that difficult?
If you put it in a nice list like that, it is not hard at all. Aika has not done this properly. Still, maybe someone could add these steps to the First Post.


Active Member
Feb 2, 2020
But... Isn't that what the guide says? :unsure:
I was going to make the concession that the instructions presented are a tad long winded and "over-explanatory" to the point of confusion. But then again: most of the porn on this site is very text-centric.
You'd think a community of people where reading makes their dick hard would have a higher literacy rate.


May 28, 2018
Yeah it's over-explanatory, but i understand that is like a joke or something. The formatting could be updated so that skipping past parts non-applicable to you become easier, for expanple the zip thing and the mac and linux instructions (those should be under a spoiler tag).

Also as sneezy_of_tie said, the guide should be a lot more visible.
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