Thank you all for the links and information!
yes it works, but you need a lot of ram. so most people are unable to use it (i think it loads every image).
With 64GB RAM I had to wait a noticeable amount of time.
First all images load row after row.
Then it takes some more time until you actually see the preview thumbnails.
if you want to just unpack all images, you can use dragon unpacker
Dragon UnPACKer v5.7.0 Beta
- Configuration / File Types / selected all (noted that gblorb is not listed there)
- Add Windows Explorer extension "..."
- now when rightclicking the gblorb first Dragon UnPACKer would run
- error msg "File format not regognized"
- then "HyperRipper" 5.6b is started
- Advanced / toggle "Auto Start search when unknown source file format"
- now all images will load
For both options it seems recommended to read their instructions first.
But to actually find those images you want to swap if there are no named sub directories is a challenge in itself.