you know what, the only main LI i think actually deserved better is our local island tomboy and alien/deity girl.
chef milf knew most of what she was getting into with fuckboy MC. as for the choice to impreg or not honestly, she's having sex... a baby is a normal consequence. she needs to choose to stop being guilt ridden for moving on with her life, she chose this. and she stupidly chooses to hate herself for he choices. her fearing MC corrupting their kid is both fair and unfair to him. she has 0 idea if he could or would be a good father or a bad one. all she knows is that MC is capable of killing but none of the circumstance. imo alien/diety girl is smarter than this dumb bitch.
alien/deity girl, honestly it's kinda fucked from get go. it's pretty much taking advantage of an amnesiac or slightly low functioning person. and she reacts in a very porn idealistic way.
MC's not sister i'm quite disappointed in. she doesn't even question if her mother was lying to her or not. and tbh it very much seemed like she was lying. the goal of pushing her daughter to cross the line if she hadn't already was VERY obvious to me. on a personal note also very sad we don't get our 'not' sister impregnated. only one single sex scene and it being tied to the epilogue was an idiotic choice. should've put one sex scene with her just before the epilogue.
all that flack aside, the ending wasn't as bad as i thought it would be with reading all the comments here. i do wish there was a better path to be a crime boss AND good lover/husband to the LIs. but it is what it is. and majority of it makes some sense in terms of cause and effect.