Last one and then I piss off from this thread.
Out of Touch is a game with a comically large story to tell in which the porn is more of an afterthought.
People like an engaging story... but people also like porn....especially on a porn forum. Since OuT has amazing models and art direction people wanted more sex scenes...which are not coming in the amount people want to since OuT is not that kinda game.
This is fine. Patreon is making 4K+ monthly so people really love the way OuT is presented.
So the dev decided to make Tropicali in which the porn aspect is way more present in tandem to a story and management sim with pregnancy content to boot?

. Not gonna lie that sounded way more interesting to me than dry reading the colossal epic with dick in hand that is Out of Touch and waiting for some action.
So yeah. I am not the audience for Out of Touch but I guess I would be the audience for Tropicali.
Well, sucks to be me there is no pregnancy content but I ranted about this already.
But then writing downer endings in Tropicali for people who are pursuing the porn in a porn game is a weird move. What is the dev trying to tell us?
Porn is bad and destroy lifes? How dare we going for the porn options.
Is the dev calling us out with the game for all the times people criticised OuT for the lack of sex scenes?
I don't mind bad endings or endings that let you think about certain things...but not as the single main ending you can achieve if you go for the sex scenes.
I understand that Tropicali was going for some fundamental different tones than OuT but...bottom line is I don't want to feel all doom and gloom and even depressed after playing a porn game. Life is shit enough.
You showed us what can happen. Now give the player the chance to go back and choose a different approach to let it all end on a more happy note while still pursuing the sex scenes. Having to pick the no porn options in a porn game can't be the solution.
Maybe I don't get the big picture and I wasn't the audience for Tropicali as well but then I guess I will never be the audience for games from Story Anon.
I can picture the dev chuckling at posts like this and thinking "these reactions are exactly the ones I was going for with the ending of Tropicali". I mean yeah, if so then mission accomplished but as a player it's pretty unsatisfactory.
OuT = massive project with little porn but happy notions or Tropicali = smaller project with more porn but evil and depressing notions.
I don't think I want a sequel to Tropicali if this is their style going forward for games with porn content as the driving factor.