And you're making statements without knowing at all.
I literally played the game, formed my own opinion (the ending was bad and overall plot was somewhat convoluted with the "big twists" especially the "Oh!, it's not REALLY incest" thing), saw numerous feedback beyond that of the dev's most dedicated supporters.
More feedback, even retarded feedback is still able to give one an understanding of the perception of a game. Being a backer usually results in copium/sunken cost fallacy and gives a much greater bias than someone who isn't financially/personally vested in it.
How do I know this? I backed Twisted World for over three years and not at the minimal tier. Take that however you like. Unlike you who haven't apparently invested in these games financially, I can tell you there is leeway you give a dev for what you personally feel are negative choices for how they develop a game given you backed them due to liking another project or the early builds of the same one.
My issue was the latter portions of the game. They are convoluted at best. If there is supposedly an intent to have two more parts to this game as a series, they are better off just focusing on OOT, a game that does seem decent, and why I played this one.
"Deconstructing" a genre is cringe, and comes across as implied lecturing the of player's tastes that brought their interest to a game in the first place. If he wants to do narrative stories, go for it. This one isn't "awful" but it certainly isn't good. "Mediocre" or "sub-par" suits it best. again, All the best for them on OOT, but this game made me feel like I wasted my time.