Dr. Mick

Nov 21, 2017
Here are my thoughts, and yes it IS an honest review. Doing this from memory since I ripped it out of my system quite a while ago.

Story concept is pretty good. MC gets abducted by aliens and cryo stasis takes him (ha ha) to a time where there is only 1 other human
The models (non futa) are good. They actually look like moms, not some half baked idea that an 18 year old with big tits and wide hips are MILFs. Just wish more were portrayed with shaved pussies.
The cat being a corrupting force is funny

Developer seems to think when you click "No" to a kink it means they need to force you to deal with it happening anyway. "No I don't want it." Dev probably: "Too bad, here's some Rohypnol so you won't remember anything, but I'll talk about raping you in front of your face tomorrow. Don't worry about it." If you can't tell, this pissed me off the most.
Model variety is damn near non-existent. Your choices are voluptuous woman or voluptuous futa, which if you could get rid of futa content, I wouldn't have a problem with. Maybe a wish for more shaved pussies?
No animations.
Kinetic novel (the only reason to click a choice is to move on with the story, you click any decision, 99% of your choices have NO impact)
No menu option to turn off kinks.
Missing tags which I think is inexcusable
Release schedule vs content released sucks (probably not dev's fault, but this is an honest review so it goes in the cons)
Political content isn't welcomed especially since I don't like either faction, nor the option to join space pirates which is probably the better choice between the other 2 factions.
I'd rather MC walk around naked than running around in women's clothes or that onesie.
MC is a sub, extremely rarely takes control of situations, yet he's got the confidence to aim for toppling a whole tyrannical government. Really.
Sex scenes are uninteresting meaning that everything from angles to content is just boring.
MC is supposed to be smart and dorky. Yet both of his working brain cells are competing for 3rd place. He (loosely termed) just does whatever whoever spoke to him last wants, no matter how dumb it is.
To all you futa lovers out there, this review isn't meant to offend or be targeted. I just find that content absolutely repulsive, especially when I wasn't expecting to read about it afterwards.
So you dismiss my compliment about your MILFs because you can't deal with my founded criticisms? Maybe you shouldn't ask for feedback if your ego is so easily bruised.
Considering that your Pros and Cons sections were massively disproportionate, you hide behind the premise of it being an "honest" review without offering any constructive criticism, and even your pros are halfhearted at best, are you really surprised that your "feedback" isn't well received?

UFO is a relatively lighthearted story, with a sci-fi space setting, about a young guy who wakes up 1000 years after being abducted by aliens, put in cryo sleep, and finding that everyone and everything he knows is long gone.
With all that in mind, it shouldn't really be surprising that the MC is more apprehensive, disoriented, and not at all in charge for the majority of the story's beginning. It would be a little weird if he came fresh out of the pod, filled with confidence and knowhow of what to do in a completely unfamiliar environment. He does display that he can learn and understand, adapting as best he can when situations go awry, and also that his libido gets in the way of thinking clearly on a somewhat regular basis. However, if you had actually bothered to read the story as it was told, you would know that part of that can be explained by the injection he was given when they woke him up.
Even if it wasn't, this isn't a drama; it's a sci-fi comedy adult visual novel. The remaining humanoid beings that the MC encounters are all partially synthetic sex dolls, in a ship which has an internal design based on Star Trek, and who are best taken with a little suspension of disbelief.

For some reason you took the time to spew your opinion for a VN that is obviously not for you into a comment, masquerading as a review. From what you said, it should have been obvious it wasn't for you before you even finished reading the original post. The tags alone should have clued you in, but for some reason you still decided to download it. After doing so, you took the time to go through at least most of the current content, despite nothing seeming to have appealed to you.
Then you proceed to talk down about different parts of the novel, some of which are out in the open and clearly seen in the OP, as though you somehow didn't know what to expect. Even contradicting your own statements as you go through. The fact that you read a visual novel that has the futa tag, clearly shows a futa character in the preview images, a quarter of them feature her, and then gripe about futa content makes no sense.

Frankly, you read a novel that wasn't to your tastes, didn't find what you like, and rather than simply moving on decided to whine about it.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of titles out there, over nineteen thousand on this site alone, so I'm sure you can find something you'll like.
In the meantime, those of us who do enjoy UFO will continue to do so, despite your backhanded "compliments", unfounded "criticisms", and disingenuous "feedback".


Mar 22, 2023
Considering that your Pros and Cons sections were massively disproportionate, you hide behind the premise of it being an "honest" review without offering any constructive criticism, and even your pros are halfhearted at best, are you really surprised that your "feedback" isn't well received?

UFO is a relatively lighthearted story, with a sci-fi space setting, about a young guy who wakes up 1000 years after being abducted by aliens, put in cryo sleep, and finding that everyone and everything he knows is long gone.
With all that in mind, it shouldn't really be surprising that the MC is more apprehensive, disoriented, and not at all in charge for the majority of the story's beginning. It would be a little weird if he came fresh out of the pod, filled with confidence and knowhow of what to do in a completely unfamiliar environment. He does display that he can learn and understand, adapting as best he can when situations go awry, and also that his libido gets in the way of thinking clearly on a somewhat regular basis. However, if you had actually bothered to read the story as it was told, you would know that part of that can be explained by the injection he was given when they woke him up.
Even if it wasn't, this isn't a drama; it's a sci-fi comedy adult visual novel. The remaining humanoid beings that the MC encounters are all partially synthetic sex dolls, in a ship which has an internal design based on Star Trek, and who are best taken with a little suspension of disbelief.

For some reason you took the time to spew your opinion for a VN that is obviously not for you into a comment, masquerading as a review. From what you said, it should have been obvious it wasn't for you before you even finished reading the original post. The tags alone should have clued you in, but for some reason you still decided to download it. After doing so, you took the time to go through at least most of the current content, despite nothing seeming to have appealed to you.
Then you proceed to talk down about different parts of the novel, some of which are out in the open and clearly seen in the OP, as though you somehow didn't know what to expect. Even contradicting your own statements as you go through. The fact that you read a visual novel that has the futa tag, clearly shows a futa character in the preview images, a quarter of them feature her, and then gripe about futa content makes no sense.

Frankly, you read a novel that wasn't to your tastes, didn't find what you like, and rather than simply moving on decided to whine about it.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of titles out there, over nineteen thousand on this site alone, so I'm sure you can find something you'll like.
In the meantime, those of us who do enjoy UFO will continue to do so, despite your backhanded "compliments", unfounded "criticisms", and disingenuous "feedback".
Here's my thoughts. The tags in genre are misleading. I agree that if I looked at the tags in the top of the post, I would have been more prepared for the futa nastiness. To my knowledge, that is the only mistake I personally made. I read, and reread my post, to what are you referring to when you said I contradict myself? Moving on! You think I was whining. I didn't read it as such, but since you seem to be too sensitive to take ACTUAL criticism, how about this...your ego is bruised too easily to ask people to give you feedback. Either figure out a better hobby/job where you aren't exposed to the opinions of others, or grow a thicker skin because as you act right now, I don't think you're cut out for this business. DON'T ASK FOR FEEDBACK IF YOU DON'T WANT IT! Now on to the previously stated criticisms. IF you want constructive criticisms, here you go.

MILFs actually look like MILFS, this is self explanatory, but I went farther into explaining WHY I gave you the compliment. Other VNs make a MILFs have 18 year old faces on a body with big tits and wide hips, so once again kudos! I love them!

I like your premise of the story. With a premise like that, there is so much room for your story to grow leaving yourself room to let the story and characters take you where they will without too many issues. Good idea!

I just love the cat being a corrupting influence on MC. He's a self serving addict that NEEDS someone with opposable thumbs to help him and wrangles the MC into helping him. Amusing and quirky. Many kudos and much love for that idea as a concept! Don't like the futa cream shit though. Personal preference.

CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM INCOMING. When someone says "No, I don't want to see the content, that also means they don't want any reference to said content. Lemme put you in my shoes. I want you to imagine a kink you don't like....as an example let's say bestiality since I imagine it isn't a kink for many people and I hope you are one of them. Now you read a VN, and that VN gives you the CHOICE to see said content. The kink is repugnant to you, so you click no expecting it to be bypassed. NOW you have to read about how you swallowed so much of a bull's cum that your belly is distended and you might throw up at any second but you LOVE the feeling of fullness that bull gave you. You love the taste of your bull sperm scented burps! What in the actual fuck is that shit? The way you did it is JUST like my Rohypnol example. Why have the choice if you force the reader to deal with that shit anyway? It was so off putting that I ripped your VN out of my system immediately. I don't want to see it. I don't want to read about it. No means no, period. So now constructive criticism. Stop acting like your tastes are the only one out there and stop insulting people who don't share your tastes. YOU gave the choice, YOU didn't give a warning, so stop! Update the tags in "Genre", Give people a warning at the beginning of the VN that it's unavoidable, or COMPLETELY bypass the content that YOU give the choice to bypass! It's not hard! Just let go of your crusade to try and FORCE people to like what you want them to like. It will never work.

MILFs are awesome, and I was making a comment that there is no real variety. MILF women, or MILF futa. If it wasn't for the futa, I wouldn't have an issue because I love your MILFs. My comment after was that some MILFs shave, but it wasn't a detraction. Where's the redheads, brunettes, small or medium titties with wide hips, or even toned asses on wide hips? Variety is the spice of life. Let's live life to the fullest!

No animations is self explanatory, but I will delve further. Animations help your VN come to life (if done well), and the technology is there. I get that there is a time and effort cost, but I believe that your VN will very much benefit from animations. Especially since your models have so much that your could implement jiggle physics on. Missed opportunity for sure.

Kinetic novel comment is just that. It's referencing that you have choices, but they don't matter. Why put the choices in? Doesn't make sense at all. Either you want to tell a story and the player has NO agency, or you want to give the player choices and let the story be molded by the players wants and desires, and for some...exploration. Not a hard concept, yet you took the route to disillusion the player into THINKING they have agency, but they don't. It's not just you who do this, but a LOT of other VNs as well, and its irritating. Choose one and stick with it.

No menu to turn off kinks. You are creating something for other people to consume, which means that you want as many eyeballs as possible while staying true to your story. The only reasons I can think of for you to NOT implement a menu where people can choose to see and read about content they don't want to see is 1) you don't care about your audience, therefore your income. 2) You don't know how. 3) You're lazy. 4) You are on this crusade to MAKE people like kinks you're into. (I think it's this one, especially after seeing some of your posts about futa content. You talk like a rapist and I'm surprised you aren't in prison with the world views of FORCING people into things they want nothing of). So no surprise there, yet it IS something that you could do to make your audience happier with you and your VN, which directly effects your income from your work.

Release schedule vs content released. I expanded on this a little bit, but let me constructively dive further. There are no animations, the release schedule for just pics in a slideshow is far too long and content far too short. I get that life outside of work happens, which is why I said it probably isn't your fault. That comment was also made BEFORE I saw all your posts ranting and raving about how too many people hate futas and blah blah blah. You spend way too much time on your crusade then creating your VN. It's better spent making the people who are happy with your VN even happier with a more frequent or maybe *GASP* animations with jiggle physics. OH NO! Not that!! You MUST stay on your crusade to MAKE people like futas! Its impossible to think otherwise!

Political content isn't something someone who wants to rub one out looks for in a VN. Maybe you're looking for immersion? Congrats! You stepped into a quagmire of shit that you can't back out of. What's that old adage? Never talk about religion or politics with people you want to stick around. Yeah. Now onto constructive criticism. Our choices are as follows: a tyrannical government controled (literally) by one entity that has absolute domination over all future entities, OR a faction that FORCES their views on other entities with no option to return back to the control or to leave that faction and enjoy your freedom. There is literally no appealing option. Mental rape turned into hostage, or absolute domination. Meh.

MC running around being sissified and subbed by everyone is just not my cup of tea. It's your artistic view, but it wasn't in the tags, so it went in the cons. Constructive criticism: update your "Genre" heading so people are in a hurry to find the next best thing (like me) can look in there and see the tags. Not a lot of work, for maximum gain. Especially if you consider reviews and ratings of your product.

MC is just a sub. Period. Every choice he makes is due to someone else telling him to do it. I agree, he could be disoriented, but at the same time, he has all the info he needs between the VN's version of the internet, and the bot that runs around with him. There's no reason for someone smart, even if disoriented, to not do research on his own to figure shit out and make his own choices. That also doesn't mention his dorkiness. He would have been so enamored with learning as much as he could about his new life, especially since the spaceship is loosely based off of Star Trek. Instead, of doing that, he runs around doing things he's told. Even going so far as to go on a mission to planetside where an unknown quantities of foes exist. He does this with the idea that a pistol like weapon and a single bot is his only offensive capabilities. There was no recon, no info gathering from the net. No population density metrics for quadrants in the city for the timeslots the mission is supposed to take place in, no back up plan, and no planning escape routes. He was just told "It'll be fine, don't worry about it." So he does what any sub would do. Trust their master and just do it. Since MC doesn't seem to take pleasure in receiving commands and executing them, he isn't doing it for that reason. He just has no spine and is a follower, not a leader. So now that I've defended my position that MC is a sub and an idiot, let's move one to the part where even suspension of disbelief cannot happen (also where constructive criticism happens). Take your VN and your point of view, MC is disorented and doesn't know his head from his ass. Takes orders from everyone, even a cat. He has no spine, no direction without guidance, no standing up for his beliefs, and exercises (as far as I got in the story) agency and control ONCE. Yet he happily agrees to overthrow a tyrannical government because he was told to, without said guidance...wouldn't happen...sorry. He would need confidence, agency, intestinal fortitude, and grit to agree to something like that because EVERY human has a self preservation instinct. It takes dominant characteristics to override survival instincts and try to overthrow a government, and he just doesn't have them.

On to the sex scenes. Since they aren't animated (not a dig because I already went over this and moving on), they need to have fantastic angles, interesting props, great lighting, fantastic content, and (since you have the comedy tag) even humor. Just SOMETHING to make it not so boring, repetitive and lackluster. Bring on your humor! Show emotional development! Make the positions super sexy! Play with the lighting! Literally ANYTHING to make them more interesting, because as they are now, they fall flat and not worth reading or looking at.

This last one got lumped into my view that the MC is a sub and an idiot. I could redownload the VN and tear it apart scene by scene, but I'm not trying to put you down, I'm trying to give you ideas on how to make what you have better, so I'm moving on.

This was a comment because after rereading my review, I just wanted people to understand my point, and my views. I abhor futa content, but I want to make sure that future readers would know it isn't an attack on their tastes. Whatever floats your boat (as long as it doesn't harm someone or an animal), I'm all for your freedom to consume said content. Let your freak flag fly! So not an attack on anyone's fav kinks, I promise!

There! Now it's constructive and more in depth. I hope you take at least some of my criticisms to heart and you prosper! If you change the futa thing so I'm not exposed at all, I would love for you to DM me and I'll redownload to see the changes you made!

Dr. Mick

Nov 21, 2017
Here's my thoughts. The tags in genre are misleading. I agree that if I looked at the tags in the top of the post, I would have been more prepared for the futa nastiness. To my knowledge, that is the only mistake I personally made. I read, and reread my post, to what are you referring to when you said I contradict myself? Moving on! You think I was whining. I didn't read it as such, but since you seem to be too sensitive to take ACTUAL criticism, how about this...your ego is bruised too easily to ask people to give you feedback. Either figure out a better hobby/job where you aren't exposed to the opinions of others, or grow a thicker skin because as you act right now, I don't think you're cut out for this business. DON'T ASK FOR FEEDBACK IF YOU DON'T WANT IT! Now on to the previously stated criticisms. IF you want constructive criticisms, here you go.

MILFs actually look like MILFS, this is self explanatory, but I went farther into explaining WHY I gave you the compliment. Other VNs make a MILFs have 18 year old faces on a body with big tits and wide hips, so once again kudos! I love them!

I like your premise of the story. With a premise like that, there is so much room for your story to grow leaving yourself room to let the story and characters take you where they will without too many issues. Good idea!

I just love the cat being a corrupting influence on MC. He's a self serving addict that NEEDS someone with opposable thumbs to help him and wrangles the MC into helping him. Amusing and quirky. Many kudos and much love for that idea as a concept! Don't like the futa cream shit though. Personal preference.

CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM INCOMING. When someone says "No, I don't want to see the content, that also means they don't want any reference to said content. Lemme put you in my shoes. I want you to imagine a kink you don't like....as an example let's say bestiality since I imagine it isn't a kink for many people and I hope you are one of them. Now you read a VN, and that VN gives you the CHOICE to see said content. The kink is repugnant to you, so you click no expecting it to be bypassed. NOW you have to read about how you swallowed so much of a bull's cum that your belly is distended and you might throw up at any second but you LOVE the feeling of fullness that bull gave you. You love the taste of your bull sperm scented burps! What in the actual fuck is that shit? The way you did it is JUST like my Rohypnol example. Why have the choice if you force the reader to deal with that shit anyway? It was so off putting that I ripped your VN out of my system immediately. I don't want to see it. I don't want to read about it. No means no, period. So now constructive criticism. Stop acting like your tastes are the only one out there and stop insulting people who don't share your tastes. YOU gave the choice, YOU didn't give a warning, so stop! Update the tags in "Genre", Give people a warning at the beginning of the VN that it's unavoidable, or COMPLETELY bypass the content that YOU give the choice to bypass! It's not hard! Just let go of your crusade to try and FORCE people to like what you want them to like. It will never work.

MILFs are awesome, and I was making a comment that there is no real variety. MILF women, or MILF futa. If it wasn't for the futa, I wouldn't have an issue because I love your MILFs. My comment after was that some MILFs shave, but it wasn't a detraction. Where's the redheads, brunettes, small or medium titties with wide hips, or even toned asses on wide hips? Variety is the spice of life. Let's live life to the fullest!

No animations is self explanatory, but I will delve further. Animations help your VN come to life (if done well), and the technology is there. I get that there is a time and effort cost, but I believe that your VN will very much benefit from animations. Especially since your models have so much that your could implement jiggle physics on. Missed opportunity for sure.

Kinetic novel comment is just that. It's referencing that you have choices, but they don't matter. Why put the choices in? Doesn't make sense at all. Either you want to tell a story and the player has NO agency, or you want to give the player choices and let the story be molded by the players wants and desires, and for some...exploration. Not a hard concept, yet you took the route to disillusion the player into THINKING they have agency, but they don't. It's not just you who do this, but a LOT of other VNs as well, and its irritating. Choose one and stick with it.

No menu to turn off kinks. You are creating something for other people to consume, which means that you want as many eyeballs as possible while staying true to your story. The only reasons I can think of for you to NOT implement a menu where people can choose to see and read about content they don't want to see is 1) you don't care about your audience, therefore your income. 2) You don't know how. 3) You're lazy. 4) You are on this crusade to MAKE people like kinks you're into. (I think it's this one, especially after seeing some of your posts about futa content. You talk like a rapist and I'm surprised you aren't in prison with the world views of FORCING people into things they want nothing of). So no surprise there, yet it IS something that you could do to make your audience happier with you and your VN, which directly effects your income from your work.

Release schedule vs content released. I expanded on this a little bit, but let me constructively dive further. There are no animations, the release schedule for just pics in a slideshow is far too long and content far too short. I get that life outside of work happens, which is why I said it probably isn't your fault. That comment was also made BEFORE I saw all your posts ranting and raving about how too many people hate futas and blah blah blah. You spend way too much time on your crusade then creating your VN. It's better spent making the people who are happy with your VN even happier with a more frequent or maybe *GASP* animations with jiggle physics. OH NO! Not that!! You MUST stay on your crusade to MAKE people like futas! Its impossible to think otherwise!

Political content isn't something someone who wants to rub one out looks for in a VN. Maybe you're looking for immersion? Congrats! You stepped into a quagmire of shit that you can't back out of. What's that old adage? Never talk about religion or politics with people you want to stick around. Yeah. Now onto constructive criticism. Our choices are as follows: a tyrannical government controled (literally) by one entity that has absolute domination over all future entities, OR a faction that FORCES their views on other entities with no option to return back to the control or to leave that faction and enjoy your freedom. There is literally no appealing option. Mental rape turned into hostage, or absolute domination. Meh.

MC running around being sissified and subbed by everyone is just not my cup of tea. It's your artistic view, but it wasn't in the tags, so it went in the cons. Constructive criticism: update your "Genre" heading so people are in a hurry to find the next best thing (like me) can look in there and see the tags. Not a lot of work, for maximum gain. Especially if you consider reviews and ratings of your product.

MC is just a sub. Period. Every choice he makes is due to someone else telling him to do it. I agree, he could be disoriented, but at the same time, he has all the info he needs between the VN's version of the internet, and the bot that runs around with him. There's no reason for someone smart, even if disoriented, to not do research on his own to figure shit out and make his own choices. That also doesn't mention his dorkiness. He would have been so enamored with learning as much as he could about his new life, especially since the spaceship is loosely based off of Star Trek. Instead, of doing that, he runs around doing things he's told. Even going so far as to go on a mission to planetside where an unknown quantities of foes exist. He does this with the idea that a pistol like weapon and a single bot is his only offensive capabilities. There was no recon, no info gathering from the net. No population density metrics for quadrants in the city for the timeslots the mission is supposed to take place in, no back up plan, and no planning escape routes. He was just told "It'll be fine, don't worry about it." So he does what any sub would do. Trust their master and just do it. Since MC doesn't seem to take pleasure in receiving commands and executing them, he isn't doing it for that reason. He just has no spine and is a follower, not a leader. So now that I've defended my position that MC is a sub and an idiot, let's move one to the part where even suspension of disbelief cannot happen (also where constructive criticism happens). Take your VN and your point of view, MC is disorented and doesn't know his head from his ass. Takes orders from everyone, even a cat. He has no spine, no direction without guidance, no standing up for his beliefs, and exercises (as far as I got in the story) agency and control ONCE. Yet he happily agrees to overthrow a tyrannical government because he was told to, without said guidance...wouldn't happen...sorry. He would need confidence, agency, intestinal fortitude, and grit to agree to something like that because EVERY human has a self preservation instinct. It takes dominant characteristics to override survival instincts and try to overthrow a government, and he just doesn't have them.

On to the sex scenes. Since they aren't animated (not a dig because I already went over this and moving on), they need to have fantastic angles, interesting props, great lighting, fantastic content, and (since you have the comedy tag) even humor. Just SOMETHING to make it not so boring, repetitive and lackluster. Bring on your humor! Show emotional development! Make the positions super sexy! Play with the lighting! Literally ANYTHING to make them more interesting, because as they are now, they fall flat and not worth reading or looking at.

This last one got lumped into my view that the MC is a sub and an idiot. I could redownload the VN and tear it apart scene by scene, but I'm not trying to put you down, I'm trying to give you ideas on how to make what you have better, so I'm moving on.

This was a comment because after rereading my review, I just wanted people to understand my point, and my views. I abhor futa content, but I want to make sure that future readers would know it isn't an attack on their tastes. Whatever floats your boat (as long as it doesn't harm someone or an animal), I'm all for your freedom to consume said content. Let your freak flag fly! So not an attack on anyone's fav kinks, I promise!

There! Now it's constructive and more in depth. I hope you take at least some of my criticisms to heart and you prosper! If you change the futa thing so I'm not exposed at all, I would love for you to DM me and I'll redownload to see the changes you made!
I'll start with a relatively short summary, since you've already wasted too much of your time.
Think of this top section as a TL;DR, in case you're in a hurry...
  • Your whole post is essentially invalidated since you wrote it with the premise that I'm the author/dev. I'm not.
  • The main reason I discounted your criticism was because it's all based around your dislike for a VN you could have easily avoided. With twenty seconds of reading and looking through preview images, followed by ten seconds of critical thinking, you could have realized this novel wasn't for you before you even downloaded it. You could have even started the download, then done that, and canceled it once you realized.
There's more I can say, and will below, but that's the quick and dirty explanation why what you're saying isn't really relevant feedback.
If, however, you'd like more details about why I disagree with what you're saying feel free to continue below the line.

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  • Angry
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Active Member
Nov 13, 2023
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
Originally checked it out because of the beautiful futa, but was very reluctant to push past with all the mommy shit. Came in to request an uncest option. As I don't like incest stuff either. (Like a toggle in the preferences)

But I stuck around when I saw that MC would be "aged up". Shame to see that's not going to happen. But I understand this is part of the fetishes for this game, really don't like shotacon, so with that information I'm out.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2024
Originally checked it out because of the beautiful futa, but was very reluctant to push past with all the mommy shit. Came in to request an uncest option. As I don't like incest stuff either. (Like a toggle in the preferences)

But I stuck around when I saw that MC would be "aged up". Shame to see that's not going to happen. But I understand this is part of the fetishes for this game, really don't like shotacon, so with that information I'm out.
...I'm sorry, but if you hate incest, shotacon and age play, then why did you even start playing the game in the first place when those themes are so blatantly central to it all? :unsure:

  • Like
Reactions: PhineasFlynn


Active Member
Nov 13, 2023
...I'm sorry, but if you hate incest, shotacon and age play, then why did you even start playing the game in the first place when those themes are so blatantly central to it all? :unsure:


Because none of those things are in the tags
Last edited:


Active Member
Nov 13, 2023
There are at least two of those tags listed. As in Shota and Incest. :coffee:
Oh damn, I always check this:
Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 11.03.05.png

I never even noticed those tags before. My bad.

Nevertheless I was lured here by the beautiful futa. Or rather the promise of beautiful futa, and wasn't disappointed on that front.


Feb 27, 2022
That's bullshit "What the characters want" is A lie for the gullible, the characters don't exist and they literally do what your imagination, as an author, tells them to do.

Honestly, stop trying to say it softly or make excuses, the story goes where you want it and that's okay, you're the author, you don't have to justify yourself, there will be those who like it and those who don't.

Sorry if you feel that it's harsh but it's the reality, that thing about characters is nonsense, I work in a publishing house in my country and I have enough experience to know that that thing about characters is just part of "the romance of writing."

So yes, your story, your rules and whoever doesn't agree can go fuck themselves.


Adult Fairy Tales ❤️
Game Developer
Jan 31, 2023
That's bullshit "What the characters want" is A lie for the gullible, the characters don't exist and they literally do what your imagination, as an author, tells them to do.

Honestly, stop trying to say it softly or make excuses, the story goes where you want it and that's okay, you're the author, you don't have to justify yourself, there will be those who like it and those who don't.

Sorry if you feel that it's harsh but it's the reality, that thing about characters is nonsense, I work in a publishing house in my country and I have enough experience to know that that thing about characters is just part of "the romance of writing."

So yes, your story, your rules and whoever doesn't agree can go fuck themselves.
I disagree with you, you probably never wrote a story. Yes, I can turn the story where I want or relax and listen to the characters, getting into them like in a trance.


Jul 22, 2022
I disagree with you, you probably never wrote a story. Yes, I can turn the story where I want or relax and listen to the characters, getting into them like in a trance.
That's bullshit "What the characters want" is A lie for the gullible, the characters don't exist and they literally do what your imagination, as an author, tells them to do.

Honestly, stop trying to say it softly or make excuses, the story goes where you want it and that's okay, you're the author, you don't have to justify yourself, there will be those who like it and those who don't.

Sorry if you feel that it's harsh but it's the reality, that thing about characters is nonsense, I work in a publishing house in my country and I have enough experience to know that that thing about characters is just part of "the romance of writing."

So yes, your story, your rules and whoever doesn't agree can go fuck themselves.
he's listening to the voices in his heads, they're the "characters" he speaks of


Active Member
Jan 26, 2024
hahaha it's really hilarious, like I said that's part of the "romance of writing", do you really think someone is talking to you in your mind you should see a psychologist.

It's just your mind working, in the end nothing happens without you wanting it to happen in YOUR story.

Let me make a little clarification here, I really do think you can hear those voices you say, I've done it myself when I'm working but thinking rationally it's just my imagination working, it's impossible for your characters to talk to you unless I have a mental problem, and it's part of the job but to say that it's actually your characters telling you what to do... you're kidding yourself, so if it's just the romance of writing talking by saying that the characters tell you what to do, ultimately YOU DICTATE YOUR STORY.

P.S. You can quote whatever books you want, it's still a game of your mind, there's no way for something that doesn't exist to talk to you... and to be clear, my friend, I'm not throwing hate, it just bothers me that you lack character, hiding behind that nonsense of the characters... let's be clear, it's my story and what I think is best for it will happen, and I do like your game, I only differ in this opinion.
Yep... 17MOONKEYS was absolutely right about you: You've clearly never written a single story in your life. If you had, you would actually know that what you're saying is the pointless ravings of a creatively impotent dullard. I would add "no offence" but with the tone you are taking here... Mmyeah, I really do not think anyone here owes you any respect at this point. I suggest you try and do something creative at some point in your life before trying to critique someone else's creative work again.

If not, well, then your "criticism" is as useless as it is unwelcome I'm sorry to say. An uncreative person trying to critique art is like a person entirely without a sense of taste trying to critique a complex and intricate meal. And even the most bland and unoriginal story is, above all, a creative work of art. If you're unable to comprehend that simple fact, then what are you even doing here? :unsure:

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