shade555 Yeah, but while DoL is text-based, I need to add art to every location, character, outfit, face etc., then create animations, facial expressions, and tie everything into what's currently happening on screen. That's the issue - while everyone talks about unlimited potential, the sheer amount of work is overwhelming. Even 20 years wouldn't be enough to add everything people want.
Adding support for lesbians? That's weeks of work. Support for 4P animations? Even more. Adding dresses? That takes a few extra weeks and introduces a seemingly endless stream of bugs. Big dicks not fitting in the mouth? That's unfixable. I could go on and on.
The only way to address these issues is a complete core remake on a newer version of Unity & using Spine for animations -essentially what I'm doing right now. After 8-9 months of work, we're still refining core features and will need several more months. If I hadn't hired a few extra people to help me out, this project wouldn't even be possible. Oh, and in the meantime, I'm still working on UiTC, or some patrons and Steam users might rip me apart otherwise ^^
Anyway, it's much more than just a simple art update - I'm aiming for the ultimate open-world RPG, and only time will tell if we succeed. But as long as I can make a living from this, I'm not stopping anytime soon, because this is my main income and I have a family to feed.
ronzion` It will take some time before we add them to the game, but we have to design the entire world and game concept beforehand, or it will turn into a mess like it did with UiTC.
Mwanted In UiTC, random NPC quotes were manually added to their dialogues - something like "Make a comment on her breasts" in the middle of an event. If I remember correctly, there were only one or two events that provided a bonus to stats based on breast size, so it didn't have a real impact on gameplay. In UiTC:R, this is funny, because breasts that are too small or too big can break some animations (like a titjob scene without breasts, etc.). I was considering "error" like "Your breasts are getting in the way; you can't do it" in some scenes, or having Jane get more tired as she walks

We are moving some NPC dialogues and reactions to bubble chats above their heads (if you watched the devlog videos, you should know what I'm talking about). Instead of adding every quote one by one and multiple times in each event - which would result in a nonsensical scene where an NPC comments on her breasts, clothes, and drunkenness one by one - we'll use a general pool (where he comments on one aspect, such as her breasts, clothes, or status, but not all at once) for overall interactions, and a separate pool for specific ones (so if he gropes her breasts, he will comment on her breasts, not her dress). I have the entire concept designed for this, but still need to finish programming it.