I dont know if my guest is right or wrong but i think you guys uses random trigger for most of the scene, like when sometimes the same matt or any character event got triggerd on different days in each playthrough and when we chooses to walk around the town, the event that we trigger kinda random in each playthrough... i think this is the one who contributed in most of the bug that still in the game, cuz if two event that uses random trigger got triggered in the same day, it will think that we see two of them at the same time but we only see one of them, but because of this, the other one cant be triggered anymore cuz the game think that we already see that or maybe that event got skipped cuz we only can see one of them at one time, maybe this is the one that makes a lot of routes got blocked in many of my playthough.
The only solutions that i can think of right now just set each event for each character in specific day, like matt_event2 got trigger in only day 4, and other character event got trigger in only day 5 and stop using random trigger, this solution i think can be used for School and Jobs, cuz we cant skip going to school or job.
And for walking around the town, maybe you guys can sort it by how many time the player choose to walk around the town, like when player walk around the town for the first time, they will triggerd, very first event for walk, when they do it for 10th time, they will trigger another specific event
I know by using this, this game will not be as fluid as you guys want, cuz the event will be trigerd only on the specific day not random like before, but at least you guys can makes the bug free version of the game and developing this method that you guys wanna use outside the main version until you guys can makes it bug free too
This game had a lot of potential, it just the bug that blocking the player such as myself to unlock every scene in the game even though i played it 3 times, and i just hope you guys can fix this bug problem even though its makes the games wont be as fluid as you guys want, but at least you guys dont had to think about this bug anymore in every updates
Btw, great job and thanks, this new public version got decent amount of new content if compared to version 0.39, i really want to see how this games got more developed in the future