Ren'Py - Uni [v0.57.120b] [Hizor Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game. I really do. The MC is cute, Kate is adorable, and I really wanted to explore the Violet and Damien paths. But the game promises choice, and there is very little choice here.

    For example, I ended up locked into the a where the MC is getting blackmailed after meeting a guy in the bathroom and got expelled when I had her stand up for herself. Okay, sure. I feel like that's a pretty dick move by the principal, who seemed like a reasonable and chill guy, but technically going to the bathroom on the first day broke a rule. Whatever.

    So I tried again. Ignored Matt's note, awesome. Not on the bad path. Until an event where the MC gets milk spilled on her. So logically I went to take a shower. Turns out, Matt takes pictures of her in the shower. But fuck him. I'm not gonna be scared. They're clearly cause he was perving on her, I didn't do anything wrong. And it's the SAME game over. The fuck?! How is she getting expelled for taking a goddam shower?

    It's inconsistencies and railroading into plotlines that remove any actual feel of choice from the game. Plus the events are incredibly random. You can play for a while and never see a certain event, or events will overlap or just make no sense. (I go on a date with a guy and then he's texting like he hasn't seen me all day?)

    The art is great. And honestly the writing is solid and mostly free of typos (a rarity for porn games). But more actual choice is needed in a game that advertises the narrative being about your choices and decisions.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    You have so many possibilities and everything just feel authentic and original, I really recommend this game because unlike most eroge games this one makes u care about what happens whit their characters and these need have lots of work and love for their history
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This was pretty fun. I got a few hours of enjoyment out of it, but then seemingly ran out of content. I later found browsing this thread that certain actions can block people's paths really easily. So I'm sure I've missed a lot of content - but I'm not quite interested enough to replay it.

    You have few options to roleplay with the character, as some parts can feel quite linear. Other parts might have lots of reading that isn't very interesting - in the style of some VNs, there might be a lot of meaningless dialogue or descriptions.

    The art is quite nice, though lacking for some scenes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty damn good game, with some weird design choices that I can't really call outright flaws.

    For the positives, I think most of the characters are really interesting, and I liked the ones I chose to hang around with. Having the ability to just flat out ignore the people you don't want to interact with is a plus. The art is really nice too and I think it's more or less well-written.

    For the stuff I personally didn't like, the game is very linear and prone to locking you into content without realizing it. At the beginning of the game you're introduced to many different characters, and can interact with them all, but there are a lot of points-of-no-return that aren't totally clear (why does unbuttoning the top two buttons of my shirt lock me out of the kate romance route for example). Basically expect to replay this game for each character you're interested in. That's not *necessarily* a bad thing, to just say no to the romantic harem stuff, but I found it weirdly set up.

    Also, because of the design of many totally distinct paths, the development cycle will feel a bit slow. It could be multiple updates before you receive new content for the path you like.

    Still, a great game especially if you're into more text-heavy stuff.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Your very first day in the game you get groped with no way to avoid it.

    That largely sets the tone for the game. You will get assaulted.

    I don't want to say there's no player choice, but the choice sure is limited: You either interact with somebody or you don't. Often times events occur that you have very little say in, being forced into situations that I would expect out of a rape game, which is not what this advertises itself as. Despite that, it's a staple of the game's content and you quite literally cannot avoid it. On top of that, there are no real repercussions to the characters who engage in these actions. That guy who gropes you on the first day? Nothing. Get assaulted in the bathroom? Nada. You'd think you could at least report them to the principle? He seems pretty cool, and not just because he's one of the few male characters not intending to assault/rape/sexually blackmail you. I am in no way opposed to games of that nature, I play them regularly, but that is not what this claims to be.

    As an example of how you would adjust this,
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    But what bothers me most is that the game is inconsistent to the point of being buggy.

    For instance, boy is being bullied in the hallway. I intervene. He talks to me the next day, I'm polite and introduce myself. He tries to have lunch with me later, I decline, he says outright, "I won't bother you again." I receive a text from him before the scene even finishes fading out. Excuse me? Didn't you just say you wouldn't bother me again? When did we exchange contact information? If that happened the game sure didn't tell me. He wasn't even in my contact list in the phone. Is he a stalker character and got it from someone else? I have two people in my contacts list, one he has no contact with and the other who wouldn't talk to him, so who gave me up?

    The game has dream sequences, some of which are pretty good. Even better, the game provides a menu where you can enable/disable certain things appearing in dreams. There are a few issues with this:

    - For what the game advertises, these selections are not enough. I can enable or disable "Yuri" but not straight content? Huh?

    - No description for the categories are given. Is "Femdom" MC dominate or submissive? Is "Submission" MC sub or dom? Enable both and encounter a scene you don't want in order to figure it out.

    - Dream settings are in some cases incorrectly categorized. I disabled both "Multiple Pairings" and "Exhibition"...and then received a scene about the MC playing with a coworker in the middle of her workplace in front of the customers and having a customer undress her. Huh? Doesn't this violate at least "Exhibition", if not both? (For the developer, this is specifically 'monsi7_dream_scene', your events file is pretty well-organized and readable so I had no issue editing this myself, good job there.)

    Text messages can sometimes cover events they shouldn't. For instance, you start dating Kate, after work you walk her home in the rain. You text her after going home yourself, only for the MC to...ask her if she works today...when you just walked her home from work...and to let her know it's going to rain today...when you just walked through the rain...and the MC forgot an umbrella herself that morning so I'm not actually sure when this text is supposed to be used at all...

    Many things that I would never even consider "corrupt" increment the stat. I assume that the stat affects reactions to certain situations, but I'm not even entirely sure on that.

    The MC is often times not just naive but outright slow, to an unbelievable degree. This is typically to set up "corruption" moments, but is again something that is forced on the player. The player knows something is wrong, they have to sit there and watch it happen.

    This is very minor, but I want to mention grades. I'm not entirely sure how much impact they have, I always kept them up, but I feel the system often is at odds with other aspects of the game. For instance, you sometimes go to work and it forces an event that you can't turn down, this leads to it being night, which means you can't complete homework that day if the RNG homework system gave it to you. However, at the same time, one of the benefits given for keeping your grades up is that it means completing homework does not consume can't I do it at night or the morning before school if it doesn't consume time? Maybe add a check to see if your grade is high enough to complete it without consuming time, and allow it to be done at night or the morning if so. This would at least add a benefit to having managed your time up till now.

    Typically in Ren'py, you can delete saves by hovering over the save and hitting "delete". This is not the case in "Uni", and while I can understand that in some games which don't really need a lot of save states, this game absolutely does. I imagine this is due to the custom UI, but as far as I can tell there is no method for deleting saves in-game, which it really needs.

    Essentially, at least at this time, the game advertises itself in a way I would define as "misleading", if not an outright lie. I don't deny that there's a good amount of different content present, and you could certainly argue in its favor, but I feel that the game leans and pushes the player in a very specific direction. Should the game's current content be adjusted to allow the player more influence, as well as the scope of the content, I can see myself recommending it, but due to the rather dishonest presentation I can't help but have an overall negative opinion.

    Edit (0.53): Just want to say that the "revised" bathroom ambush with Kenzie's group has signficantly worse writing than the old one. It provides less tension and build-up, skipping directly to the rapey bits before offering an out, whereas the previous version offered it as it led into the rapey bit. Of course, this also further pushes the game towards a central focus on rape and sexual blackmail, as well as moving it further away from containing well-constructed player choices. It's overall just a bad change.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, interresting characters and a lot of hentai.
    Enjoyed my time with this and its quite long good anime character design and a good story so far.
    Will look foreward to the updates.
    Played for a few hours now.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This falls into that extremely painful category of "REALLY good game, but updates that take too long to come out with minimal content per update".

    Synopsis is you play as a university schoolgirl and meet multiple different people. Depending on how you interact with these people, you have different relationships. You might get blackmailed. You might become a dom or a sub. You might get a boyfriend. You might get that said boyfriend cucked. It has a lot, and its really nice to see the FMC get corrupted over time.

    Now, as hot as all this is, its also a big problem in terms of updates and playability. For updates, it makes it so a little bit of each "option" gets filled, making updates feel scarce. For playability, it means that no matter what option you pick, you'll be locked out of content. While that sounds nice, its also frustrating, as when you replay for content it'll be 70% of the same content, with 30% new content.

    As for progression, its weird. Sometimes, its RNG based. Sometimes, its time based. What does that mean for you, the player? Well, it means running around the same part of town over and over, and hoping that you haven't missed anything.

    This is a game I absolutely enjoyed, but if you haven't played it yet, I would heavily recommend holding off on playing this for a few more years. Installing it right now only makes consecutive updates feel disappointing and underwhelming.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty okay to run through in a sitting. There's a light corruption mechanic that's pretty much just down to bad choice vs. good choices throughout. There's two kinky romance options and two wholesome/vanilla romance options - two guys and two girls as well, so pick what sort your prefer.

    Although they don't say it outright, if you get invested onto one route, you'll probably end up locking the other out, since their first few date events happen to overlap. Not only that, the more wholesome romance options require you to have very little corruption level and choose less slutty options.

    You can choose which clubs you go to, which affect which H scenes you end up seeing. For a sluttier mc, I'd go with cheerleading. For a wholesome mc, go for the track club - there you just play middleman between two rivals. Haven't ran through the "yearbook" club yet.

    You're also able to choose which job to go through with. Both jobs have slutty options as you progress, but cafe job has almost twice the content that the bakery job does. Bakery job wants you to suck up to your boss, whereas the cafe job makes your character constantly provactive and horny. The slutty option ALWAYS gives you more money, which you need to avoid getting for sale .

    No sound effects or voice acting....pretty nice art CGs though.

    Overall, look forward to seeing how the game evolves!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's very hard not to like this game for me, its a 2dcg with a lot of tags that I like, ofc there are things I dislike about it, like softlocks, or not being told when the story for now is finished, yet I believe that this game is going to be one of the best Ren'Pys I will ever play, when it's fully completed. I love the art, the freedom of choices, is meh, the clothing doesn't seem to matter much, that's what would be my picks on what to improve for now. But I will just hope that the game will develop into the Amazing Ren'Py which it's supposed to be.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    That you can direct the character to the fantasies exactly the way you want. I would like to thank everyone who has developed a game that you will want to play many times, leaving the choices between dom/sub up to you.
    Likes: Daioh
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Haven't played much of this game and at this point I don't plan to. The dream segments, while occasionally interesting, obliterate the pacing of the main story, and having no visuals to them, aren't super fun to read through, save for a couple of the better ones.

    At present, there's not a whole lot of freedom in your choices. You wake up, fight the menus to go to school, go to work, wander around town, and go to bed. Unfortunately the vast majority of the tasks here don't feel like they build up to much. School only ever really results in getting raped by Matt from blackmail, club doesn't happen enough for it to go anywhere nearly as much as the rest of your options, work gets you sexually harassed by customers and your boss, and wandering around town gets you taken advantage of.

    Unfortunately if you're not into non-con, it's very hard to dodge it here. I ended my first run because I soft locked myself into blowing Matt, and I'm ending my current run after every interaction in-game I've had resulting in rape or the threat of rape.

    Even if you're into non-con and blackmail, all you'll find here is another "sandbox" nsfw game with like 4 locations, alright art, characters I'm already forgetting the names of, and a complete absence of sound. Maybe come back in a handful of months when it's got more content, praying it's less rapey, or just skip this one and move on to sandbox nsfw game with a "landlady" and "roommate" #47.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    it's a visual novel so no gameplay is to be expected, but the story is really goofld, it has many branch and one character story interavt with another, and the mc is not an idiot slut that always goes with the flow no matter what, there are choices that makes the mc at least resist to be played with.
    Likes: Daioh
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has lovely visual design, stunning art which beats VNs made by many professional studios and situations heroine finds herself are often incredibly hot. It has 4 main love interests (2 male, 2 female) and allows to play both dom, sub or vanilla.

    Sounds like great game? Well it would be , but as for now (v0.45) all of it is ruined by a couple of poor game design choices. First, game poses itself as sandbox, while it isn't. It has city layout with 4 or 5 locations, but you can't really choose between them. You can's skip the school, nor you can go to the school in the evening. So all "gameplay" here is just clicking same 3 buttons over and over.

    This alone wouldn't be a big deal, but in combination with second one it makes the game unbearably frustrating: there is no way to track your relationship progression. Events with another characters pop up randomly during daily routine, and if you fucked up their route, or in some cases finished it... they just don't. And you have no way to know about it. You are stuck clicking same buttons for days until you realize nothing is happening. Then you go back, change you decision (will it help - who knows?) and back clicking freaking buttons. I even managed to get Bad End, despite seemingly doing nothing wrong, and had to go back again of course. It was somehow worse than worst grind games despite having no grind.

    This problem is fixable. They only have to do one of three:
    1) Add a way track you status in relationships and secondary events sequences. Ether directly or through hints.
    2) Remove city layout (which serves no purpose anyway) and clicking altogether.
    3) Make it meaningful. Considering it would significantly change game structure - probably not the best idea.

    Overall, this game has potential, but I would be cautious about it. While it's anything but empty, it was in development for five years, knowing that amount of content looks less impressive. Only heavy lifting here are CGs and game is about half done, with some characters only just introduced. This pacing of development combined with successful patreon gives me a few sad concerns...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent dating-sim/life-sim/school/work and honestly an everything sim.
    Now, if you find yourself locked out of some paths, you will unfortunately end up with a lot of events being... uneventful. The solution is to let go of any moral compass you may have and indulge the inner slut you'd want the MC to be.

    I'm looking forward to more renders being complete. The game is styled quite well, with a simple coherent design throughout, and decent quality of life features such as the keyboard shortcuts to quickly jump between locations. And, of course, I do appreciate the cheat mod being included.

    Best of luck and I can't wait to see more.
    Likes: Daioh
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Essentially no sound. Basically no gameplay.
    Really, really like the story. It reacts to basically everything you do and gives you different dialogue and choices depending on how far along you are with the other storylines.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.44.104. Great potential, wasted in a repetitive gameplay.
    Very basic storyline, which is not even flowing smoothly thanks to the monotonous gameplay. Characters are varied, but not much interesting.
    Very good art! Unfortunately with a lot of placeholders and mixed art styles, which lower the overall quality.
    For now very few effects and sound. Negligible.
    If this was a VN with interwined plot, it'll be great. Unfortunately is just repeating the same actions everyday to advance slowly the story. Boring.
    Not encountered and, given how complex is this game coding wise, is a pretty good result.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with ton's of content. Art is great. Very frequent updates keep the game fresh and me coming back. Although i don't play every single one (maybe one out of 2/3 bigger patches) I never regret playing again.
    Art 4/5
    Story 4.5/5
    Gameplay 4/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Music 4/5
    DevSupport 5/5
    Originality 5/5
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really a lovely game !

    I wasn't sure about it at first thinking it would be pretty much the same as most games regarding a female prot after reading the tags (forced nonsense i thought), but i was really surprised how you are able to really guide the MC through the whole story regarding your taste and avoid everything you are not comfortably with (with the right decisions that is).
    Great routes which cover different tastes.
    First i was only looking into the Yuri routes - but than i couldn't stop and try all of them...

    You have F(sub/dom/love) and M(sub/love) options or even the go all out slutty way (full corruption - as i said, all of it is optional if you wish so - even with the chance of getting out of those realtionships/blackmail if you like so).

    Beside that you even have a early choice which kinda establishes your MC's personality!

    1). Strong and reliable
    2). Girly, flirty but no bullshit
    3). Shy and a little more introverted

    (even tho these are just differences in how the MC acts, you are still able to make the same decisions - so no biggie)

    It has sandbox elements but you are even provided with a integrated cheat mode for making it an easy ride and you are able to unlock pretty much everything through it.

    I would suggest giving the game atleast a download and try and see if it's for you !
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    +++ Great art (it's on par with some VN's made by professional teams)
    ++ Good character designs
    ++ Appreciate the MC's outfit & hairstyle customization
    ++ Appreciate the MC being able to stand up for herself if the player so chooses, in a lot of porn games they'll just roll over and get fucked
    ++ It's cool to see different routes interacting with each other
    + The writing can get endearing when it wants to. The karaoke side story was a nice read
    + Every game should have a cheat menu and this game has it

    Not sure/suggestion
    . When I play games with female MC's, I tend avoid submissive situations and try to stick with vanilla content. This game, from what I've seen in the CG gallery, seems like it has more sexual content for submissive MC's. Because of the corruption bar, I'm assuming that that's the point/focus of this game, so I'm not considering this a negative. Just leaving this as a note/feedback for the dev in case he wants to make more vanilla content in the future.
    . Maybe put a system that prevents the same random events from repeating consequentially. In the bakery I would sometimes get "feed the cat" 2 or 3 times in a row, in the "walk around" I would get the lottery guy 2 or 3 times in a row too

    --- The characters just disappear after their route is done.
    -- I'm not sure what's the point of the city layout. Maybe the dev intended to have more activities and different locations, but right now it's barren and gameplay's design forces the player into a routine of picking the same locations throughout the week
    -- Speaking of which, the gameplay kind of doesn't exist. On paper it kind of works like a sandbox, in practice you're pretty much forced into a routine
    - Considering the tone of the game, feels like the rape attempt by those 2 characters should have bigger repercussions
    - MC's backstory is too tragic/edgy for this kind of game. Personal preference obviously, but it threw me off a bit how the opening is dark, then develops into a normal slice of life, and then I'm reminded that this is a porn game when your boob gets groped out of nowhere. There was a moment there that I thought this would have a more nuanced/deeper story, all because of the intro
    - Not sure what's the point of homework and grades

    All in all, I recommend this. Wish there was more vanilla content, but it's worth at least one playthrough
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    First, I'll explain my rating system. To me story counts more than art.
    Play-ability is factored in so is replay-ability.
    Technical writing ~ plot-holes and so on.
    Game mechanics ~ use of RNG, fight mechanics, building, choice systems...

    What this game has going for it.
    The art is good. The story premise is good, it has problems though.

    The RNG is to random. I break the two boys up in the hall on the 2nd day or so and go walk in town and find the Chinese restaurant and am dragged into an alley by them and if you don't run you get raped.
    She doesn't even report them! ~ no cops nothing! WTF.
    So I replayed from start multiple times. Then just created saves before each location and reloaded. There are countless encounters that come way to early in game because of the RNG.

    My suggestion is the developer use the characters corruption level to determine what can be in the RNG encounter system.

    Then we have an issue of what the author considers corruption. Apparently the author thinks complacency or an unwillingness to go against others is corruption. Because you have the school project with Venn diagrams if she simply goes along with the person to avoid arguments the author takes it as being corrupted. In RL it is pretty much anything but that. I won't go into that here though.

    This is repeated when it comes to the boss of the bakery and his attitude.
    All in all I found a large number of actions he is raising corruption for that really has no basis in corruption.

    The author rushes the corruption process. Day 1 of class you are groped. The option to allow him to continue shouldn't even exist unless her corruption is greater than 0. At 0 corruption the only option should be slap and scream.

    The game advertises you are in control of the character not just along for the ride. So then the corruption should be clear choices. Not stuff you might do to simply avoid arguments.
    The character becoming corrupt should be a in the form of she is exposed to something new that isn't so far above the level of her current willingness to accept. By being exposed to it she finds she enjoyed herself or not to whatever extent. If she likes it the her level increases it could even require multiple similar events to raise it up.