Incredible quality, like a proper animation. I liked the anime style intro. Cum faces were a little goofy. Bit of a lack of choices but it's early on.
A big thing that lets it down is it won't let you advance to the next line until after a delay, which is longer than it takes me to read the line. This ends up making me press space twice to move on about 50% of the time during normal reading and is infuriating during the sex scenes, which I want to move through at a greater pace. And you can't just turn on skipping unseen text to zip through them - they've gone super hard on coding that out even if you try to manually turn it back on, which is just a dick move. Best solution seem to turn on autoplay with the smallest delay for the sex scenes at least (though that waits for voicelines to finish).
The Vagrus or whatever they are called are hot, makes up for the dark elves just being brown. I'd like to see one of those red demon women seen in the background make an appearance too.
I guess given the quality it'll be slow to plop out episodes but I'll check back in when it does.