What would you like me to add to the game in the next update?

  • The connection (police) mechanic. This would be a new "currency" and a new batch of upgrades.

  • More events and the possiblity for the packmakers to add some in their packs.

  • The possbility to train the skills of the girls

  • Progress the story and add story missions (mostly focused on Nicole)

  • Something else (tell me either by PM or in this thread).

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Oct 26, 2020
Girls don't increase their skills during Booth Minigame anymore in the latest release. Is that intended?

Edit: Tested with V9.0 : They did back then.
I can't confirm this obersavtion.

Girls dancing in the booths, gain skill points in dancing.
With every new version of the game, I start a new game.
Jan 10, 2022
Sadly it's broken for me even with a new savefile. Only Openness and Popularity increase, Energy decreases.

Edit: Oh! It's only a visual bug in the Booth! Staff Screen shows the correct values!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Sadly it's broken for me even with a new savefile. Only Openness and Popularity increase, Energy decreases.

Edit: Oh! It's only a visual bug in the Booth! Staff Screen shows the correct values!
So, I can explain this behavior. Whenever a girl goes through a 'tick' in the booth there's a chance they'll gain some small amount of relevant skill. It's expected behavior that a girl won't gain from some clients at all, whereas they'll be ahead of the curve with others. As well, skills are decimal point values but it reports it as whole integers, so you might not see small incremental gains.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
why can't we use something else other than MEGA ? to e able to download and upload larger sizes
Find me a host that doesn't make me want to gouge out my eyeballs trying to fight with a bazillion stupid popups and attempts to trick me into downloading trojan horses and I'd consider using it.
Jan 10, 2022
So, I can explain this behavior. Whenever a girl goes through a 'tick' in the booth there's a chance they'll gain some small amount of relevant skill. It's expected behavior that a girl won't gain from some clients at all, whereas they'll be ahead of the curve with others. As well, skills are decimal point values but it reports it as whole integers, so you might not see small incremental gains.
Well it was slowly ticking upwards before, now it's different. But it's fine, it works, the girls get better over time. Everything is fine! :)
Thx for the in-depth explanation!
Mar 22, 2021
Does saving and restarting the game fix this for you? I'm aware of how this can be a detriment (this issue affects Scramble Mode and is the sole reason it is delayed) but I'm not sure what exactly the cause of the problem is.
I think I've run into this issue as well. I started a new game and portraits worked fine. I saved the game and restarted a couple of times over the course of the game, and that all worked fine. I added a new girlpack that wasn't in the game when I started, and now the portraits aren't showing when I load a game.

Not sure if that's the only way to break the portraits but that's how I did it.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2019
If you go into the staff list and 'repair' the girl, does that fix the portrait issue?
Mar 22, 2021
If you go into the staff list and 'repair' the girl, does that fix the portrait issue?
Nice suggestion. I tried that, but I'd since started another game so I could use that girlpack. And guess what? Now she works in the previous game too.

So that could be a workaround. Save your game, start a new one, play a day or two, then go back to the previous game.

And for what it's worth, adding the brokers definitely gave the game a new dimension it didn't have previously. I think it's a great addition to the game.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
If you go into the staff list and 'repair' the girl, does that fix the portrait issue?
I can already confirm that won't do anything, because nothing in the 'repair' method actually affects portraits.

What I think is really happening is that there's a discreprency in the list of girls that exist and the list of girls recruited (for some reason the references are pointing to two different girls) and so it tries to show the portrait but gets confused as to which 'version' to show so just doesn't bother trying any more. This is why it shows with a white field rather than the default sillouette.


Dec 9, 2020
I can already confirm that won't do anything, because nothing in the 'repair' method actually affects portraits.

What I think is really happening is that there's a discreprency in the list of girls that exist and the list of girls recruited (for some reason the references are pointing to two different girls) and so it tries to show the portrait but gets confused as to which 'version' to show so just doesn't bother trying any more. This is why it shows with a white field rather than the default sillouette.
Not to change the subject, lol, but any status on the "Scramble" mode? Looking forward to giving that a go to kind of "change up" the game. Keep up the good work, btw, we all have your back in this.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2019
I can already confirm that won't do anything, because nothing in the 'repair' method actually affects portraits.
Which is a shame, since it makes testing portraits a little harder. At least repairs seems to find new lessons.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Which is a shame, since it makes testing portraits a little harder. At least repairs seems to find new lessons.
Yeah, cause what's happening is an entire method is errors out, not just the portrait. This is why nothing at all loads. The problem is that method error might have nothing at all to do with portraits! Or it might! Pain in the ass to discover this was even the problem at all (which is why The Brokers took longer than intended.)

Not to change the subject, lol, but any status on the "Scramble" mode? Looking forward to giving that a go to kind of "change up" the game. Keep up the good work, btw, we all have your back in this.
I'm currently figuring out a different implementation. There's something else I'm currently drafting up that has priority, but it's all stuff that's designed to work with Scramble Mode in mind. (This is why the Brokers can give you a random girl, not just a lottery girl, for example)


Active Member
Nov 20, 2019
what are the VC/TUSC Girlpack Scripts for and how to install them ?
They are for checking that your girlpacks are correct. If you aren't running Python, you will have to get that installed and running. After you have Python good to go, you can change the hardcoded values to point to the location of your girlpacks, and then execute the script.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Heads up, the tutorial decided to just stop working for me on my newest build, so I have it temporarily disabled in the next build. I have a VERY good reason for wanting to push forward on my next build though.


For Everyone: In terms of a minor balance change in the works, the Dance Enthusiast and Pose Enthusiast traits are being combined into one trait, Solo Enthusiast, which gives the benefits of both. There's also going to be a buff to broker rewards, to make a new recruit more impactful.


For girlpack creators and JSON customizers: minor change that won't actually matter too much in the game as you're playing it now but will for a future content, is the specialty trait.

Currently, a girl can have set one of six skills as a specialist skill. If you look at the JSONs for the Original Girls, you'll see an entry for it called 'specialty'. It currently doesn't really do anything. However, I plan on utilizing it. What it will eventually do is give the girl a benefit to that skill.

The idea behind this is, if you have a girl who you want to be good at a specific skill, or have potential in it, you can 'force' the issue by making that her signature skill to get benefits.

Girls who do NOT have this flag set, however, are not losing out. What happens is when they are created from their files, a random signature will be given to them, this way if you don't want to bother with setting this, you don't have to.


I am currently testing the build. I am going to be checking it for balance, then uploading it. No previews.

This one is going to be a surprise.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
is now live.

I hope you enjoy the new new.



Just make sure you have an entry called 'specialty'

and a string that is one of the following:

If you leave it absent the system will simply assign its own value, so there is no need to include it if you don't want. But, if you want to ensure a certain girl is always REDACTED in REDACTED, this is a way to do so. The original basic girls have the entry but their specialties for DANCE and POSE are spelled wrong--the system will read it and randomize for them.
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