Seeking Virtual Strip/Virtual Poker Games


Jun 27, 2022
Ok , so I am really intrigue by concept of Video Strip Poker HD+ and I gotto say, quality of videos from mentioned codes are reeeeeaaaallllyyy amazing ! I love it!

BUT! There is a lot of things when it comes to downloading file with girls, like f.e. " " and you can have whole file with videosetting, that you can convert to AVI, and watch it all. And since you have whole file with ..everything!, it shouldn't be problem to play, right?
WRONG! So it appears, you CAN'T play poker like that - you can only watch converted video..
To play wit the girls you need actual key code to put in app and then download. If you download outside this app ,well , apparently it dosn't count ... so yeah, strip poker without poker sucks.
AND thats my only question here.
If anyone know how to generate 'fake keys' for already downloaded girl, just to be registered by app,
Or better, How to register specific folder to be recognizable for app, so the content will appear in gallery.

I am no hacker, bu i try few things. And for now I know, if you just go to folder with already registered girl, and change main vs4 file , so name is same... it dosn't work.

I don't know how to do this, but if someone know, I will be glad to help or know how to progress this topic ;)


Jun 27, 2022
Ok, new update on my way to make Video Strip Poker HD+ Work!

So, I don't know why, BUT aparentlly , you can actually download whole vs4 from web source, and paste in respective folder, and for some really really earlt vids it actually work !
like, for instance , You can open in a new tab link " " download it, put in the folder (since in data base Tish id is 4002) F:\Program Files\Video Strip Poker HD+\vspdata\hd\4002 (since I install on my F drive) , AND THEN right click on tish.vs4-> open with -> find strip poker hd app/exe , and in my case it is F:\Program Files\Video Strip Poker HD+\vsphd2.exe ...
After you open this file with videoStripPokerHD.exe it will 'decode' to new version, and after some time IT WILL PERFECTLY WORK !!! BUT! it wil work ONLY when you go to tish directory and on her file jet again play it like before. It doesn't recognise her in "my girls" in VideoStripPokerHd, but even then you can actually play her game, from start to finish. I did a separate folder with shortcuts to every file like so :)

And I did today a little try-and-find out test, so It comes like this. Games from 4002 to 4017.
So From Tish to Anna, files does actually work, and after finishing level you can actually see in the girls profile that red heart show up , but you can't actually do nothing about it. If you want to play it, you can do it from basic start in the way mentioned before.

To full honesty, I don't know why girls after 4017 doesn't work,... I downloaded Angela (4018) and do everything as before but it's no use.

I love the game, but I am poor. I will eventually find the way :) If someone will be interested in this topic, I would amazing ;D

for now I saw that when VSPHD is playing, in task manager is shown that MicrosoftEdge Web View 2 is running, maybe this is the next step ? To disable it in Edge View checking correlation to existing codes that are register, and in this way it will play source material in anyway ?


New Member
Aug 9, 2019
I like poker games, think that the old ones, Digital Red's, are the best.

But this one is nice too. Best lucks with your work.
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Jun 27, 2022
Ok, so time pass and I figure another possible take. This time I try crack the game intelligence with CheatEngine, but all I can do is change some of variable, and that (to my very little knowledge) is not enough to add in any way girls to "my girls" tab, where you can active theme. what I gathered is that, this game/ app is all time ONLINE , and that is biggest of issue. If game have no internet connection, it simply show "no entry" - and that complicate a lot of things. So in this case, I have limited option to still growing list of sexy opponents.

That's why I want to ask, if ANYONE knows how to make app go offline, or , even better, how to find someone email address.
Well... vspHD.exe have this working thing going on, which is 'active account', and that is very important, because it basically ALLOWS your app to go to website database to display you what purchase did you make -and that means how many girls you currently have. And I know for fact that on this website are Video Strip Poker fans, that have this emails, BUT !!! I can't register on this website. It's just impossible for me because register form is broken.
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New Member
Apr 1, 2021
Just a quick update. Nothing new unfortunately, but I tested the following codes and they all work correctly as of today:

1ACE-6304-DD82-0000-00EC - Angel Wicky
BE2E-FCD0-8548-0000-0071 - Tori
8756-85D2-1CA3-0000-0039 - Cindy
C9A0-19933-9C8-0000-0012 - Mila
069A-2FFA-1DC1-0000-0095 - Madeleine
9724-A067-19AB-0000-00C6 - Audrey
8293-F97F-2492-0000-0021 - (Lucy) Little Caprice
F3A4-F9CB-B18E-0000-005A - Chrissy
2088-E536-CF20-0000-0094 - Morgan (Bunny)
3317-63E2-60AD-0000-0068 - Jessica, Victoria and Marilyn


New Member
Feb 13, 2020
Does anyone else have the codes? Share
Little Caprice (Lucy): 8293F97F249200000021
Chrissy: F3A4F9CBB18E0000005A
Cindy: 875685D21CA300000039
Mila: C9A0199339C800000012
Madeleine: 069A2FFA1DC100000095
Audrey: 9724A06719AB000000C6
Tori: BE2EFCD0854800000071
Angel Wicky: 1ACE6304DD82000000EC
Jessica-Marilyn-Victoria: 331763E260AD00000068


Jun 27, 2022


Jun 27, 2022
Ok, so I downloaded mentioned files and, well... yest it was too good to be true.
At the very beginning when I was about to hack that files like a half year ago, I come a cross this conversion program, and I possibly know who did it, BUT it only convert vs4 file into AVI with shots of action one after another in long video. That is it. After conversion to AVI file you can't make it to work in StripPoker desktop app as a normal game. It will remain only as video of many scenes. That is... fun in a way, but this can't help to make vs4 file to work like normal unlocked opponent in any way. Shame, but it is what it is.

ps. after making AVI file my windows refuse to delete it ... I don't know why tho


New Member
Nov 19, 2019
VSP HD girls can be downloaded for free, and there's a utility I found years ago to convert the game files to videos. this zip file contains instructions and the conversion program:

also posted about this here:
I get a 404 error upon trying to dl the file with your method, idk why, maybe a regional issue given that they're located in the US ?


New Member
Dec 7, 2021
404 error means you have to change the number in the url following s= to 2,3,or 4 usually one of them will work.