It is good to know that there are more forums that share news about Torquemada's Video Strip Poker 
Hello Rhodanaj, and welcome to this thread. I know your name from rarityguide (for example ) because I absolutely love Video Strip Poker HD. I was searching Internet and find out this game by accident, and after that I was more and more curious. Eventually I went on rarityguide, but registration prompt was broken on website, so in desperation I was driven in here. My "investigation" was full blown in December and january, and during that time I discover some things (as you can see in prev post). I know , I know, 'hacking" game is not morally and if all people will only do piracy then don't have money for another girls... but to my knowledge ... that doing absolutely fine and there is no signs to stop ;D And I as many will love to play strip poker with one of hundreds of girls.It is good to know that there are more forums that share news about Torquemada's Video Strip Poker![]()
Like you say, poker HD is checking, everytime when you are online. So even when you would find a way to activade her offline, you would have to stay playing this game this moment I still want to work out only one thing - how to register in game that I have 'access' to specific file, lets say Lovenia( bc she have DEMO, and I want to swap full version file) to the same location and play it? There is something sneaky with Edge player in background, and constant checking the internet connection for legitimate list of 'what is on account and what not' ,but since I am enthusiast ,not professional, i do not have idea what is going on?
Like you say, poker HD is checking, everytime when you are online. So even when you would find a way to activade her offline, you would have to stay playing this game offline....
It's interesting to know why these numbers work and the others don't...So, I don't know why, BUT aparentlly , you can actually download whole vs4 from web source, and paste in respective folder, and for some really really earlt vids it actually work !
Toquemada had good security with their activation code, but as Badger showed, it can be discovered if you put the time and effort into it.I was shocked when I found out that opponents are tied up to emails and accounts rather actually presents of file in hard drive.
I know several people from Poland and in my country (the Netherlands) we see them as real hard and good-working professionals, who are becoming extinct among our own people...I love this game. btw when i was looking into game files, i was shocked to learn that Torquemada is ... polish project. I am also from Poland. I knew they are from Europe, but in some way them being from Poland make my a little more happy XD
Yet I am too poor to buy every code