VN - Ren'Py - Waifu Academy [v0.12.5] [Irphaeus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't rate any games that's for sure but I feel like I need to rate my Fav game in Adult Games,

    This Game is a masterpiece I've been playing since 0.10.0 and man.... It does not disappoint , It's GREAT WORTH RATING (My first rating in this Website Btw)

    I'm very excited about upcoming updates and how will the protagonist will Conquer the Waifu academy and the Waifus ofc.

    So if you didn't try to play this game even once, You're missing something in your life Dude!.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly an Essential Must play game of this site
    - Most of the love-interests are Well-written as well as blessed with absolute heat of Good-googly-moogly
    - MC is for sure the best in site, I love me some smart and deceptive protagonist driven with revenge and great character developement
    - Story is seriously slow but very catchy and suspenseful at times
    - Dialogues are also the best in site for me (had me wheezing many times)
    - Sex scenes are da boommmbbb, I love it as it stands unique rather the generic honeyselect sex scenes. Sex scenes with the domination are real fapworthy fruits
    Game was unexpectedly long but i really enjoyed the dev's effort in it and i wish him the best for this masterpiece
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    honestly, one of my favorite nsfw games. all the characters have their unique personalities and attractive appearances/characteristics about them. the humor in this game is absolute s-tier, and i found myself laughing out loud many times. the main character's plotting and scheming personality combined with the game's story has really gotten me hooked. i'm really hoping Asuka's storyline will be expanded and the character can build an actual meaningful relationship with her. some of the music like "drop it" has ingrained itself in my head, and everytime I hear it somewhere, I immediately think about the game. the only downside are the long update times, but since this has nothing to do with the actual content, no stars will be taken off.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is another fun one that's not meant to be taken too seriously. The story is entertaining, even if the attempts at humor and numerous cultural references don't always land. It's got some sexy scenes and characters, and a lot of content. Definitely worth a go!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A big, bold and ambitious game/VN. Although far from completed, the reviewed version (0.12.5) already has many, many hours of gameplay.

    Anyone trying this game for a quick FAP will be disappointed. Although there are in fact plenty of amazingly hot sex scenes, the build-up takes some time. And, in some cases, at the last moment, you will be interrupted and end up not fucking the girl of your dreams – at least at that particular moment.

    Which leads me to another point: the writing. The typos are few and the story and the script are solid. The dialogues are also very good and after a couple of hours you will feel totally immersed in this universe, and caring for its characters.

    Regarding the art, what we have here is obviously based on Honey Select assets (probably HS2), but that serves the story perfectly, with all the Japanese culture references (starting with the title).

    As I said, this is still far from completed. Not only in terms of story, but also mechanics. For instance, there is positive/negative "karma" according to the choices made but, up until now, there are no benefits/consequences for that karma. It will, but not yet.

    A last mention to the care in the soundtrack (music) and sounds. This is something many devs "forget" (= don't bother) but that I feel it can make or break a game. In this case, music and sound are just about perfect and contribute for the inevitable 5* that I'm giving it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    not a bad games but too much of a absence (false choices) of choice most of the time if three choice two lead to game over that meen you don t really revenge its seem that way for the time been after all you cannot have different ending when most of the game are like a vn same with map only one place to go even with two or three location the same with you house until you click where you ae forced to go nothing advance vn games with surey not real revenge and destruction in the end
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Terrible, unlikable MC who is so cunning yet somehow dumber than Alex from Solvalley School and girls that are written so one dimensional it makes you do a double take. The writing is abysmal. Comedy is mostly subjective, but this game's attempt at humor is so retardedly juvenile it makes me cringe. It's not charming, just takes me out of the game. Everyone is huffing kerosene to cope with the cardboard cutout trope characters and horrible person you are forced to play as. As for the sex shit, it's Honey Select, so it's serviceable. The same thing you've seen in so many games before. It's the only thing preventing me from giving one star. Oh and one more thing, the dev cannot decide whether they want to do a Japanese thing or like a Western thing with the themes, but they use western sizes when they don't make sense. Like calling a girl who clearly would be an H cup a "heavy D cup". There are better games worth your time than this.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Why good girls date bad guys?

    And in this game you playing as that type of guy. I'm really having problems with liking the MC. He is some sort of "rotten apple" who want to bang every female he meet. And I'm fully support his justice route but he corrupts every female he can, because every female is dreaming about being raped by MC. At least that's the logic of this game.

    All female characters act normal at the beginning. It's true there are different types of interesting personalities, but later on everyone turn into horny sluts who want to jump on MC dick. Because of that the game become 100% Nukige. And the only strong point of this game is story.

    Also you will have to face the fact that graphics are outdated and animation look pretty rough.

    As much as I like the whole concept, this game deserve 3/5
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game already got a lot of reviews and just reading some of the lower one here with netcov being the most recent, sorry to say this but i strongly disagree on your viewpoint of the MC. First thing first, this game has multiple paths that you can take that can lead to different outcomes, which is not always varied all the time because there are some part in the game where the dev doesn't commit enough with certain routes or you simply can't do anything about the situation, but still the options are there and they can be pretty messed up or straight up hilarious.

    The MC is refreshing, he's definitely more on the pervy side where his actions can lead to some stupid consequences, but again those are options that you can stray further from if you want because ultimately he's still flawed individual at heart. There are so many obstacles that he has to face in this game where every character seems to be his enemy including some of the adults who have absolute power over everything, but slowly but surely he will get a lot of these characters to be on his side which does not always make them reliable / trustworthy allies, because our MC still has to tread carefully when acting around some of them.

    We're talking about a story from the perspective of a new high school student with almost nothing left of his name and surrounded by people who don't really welcome of him, but he can still overcome the struggle thanks to his sharp wits and manipulative skills which are not always reliable especially since he can still make fatal mistakes, so it's like a constant ups and downs which in a way makes the story much more engaging while also giving you meaningful progress. He started out as someone who was just obsessed with revenge, but he will slowly open up to a more healthy relationship and wanting to pursue a meaningful life.

    Overall it's a very fun story to follow, well thought out MC that is both reliable but not perfect, and the heroines are great even tho there are some that still lacking because they either don't have as much relevance at this point in the story or just straight up unlikable. Models and animations are nice even tho the game definitely could use some sound effects during the scenes to maximize the experience. Overall really enjoyed my time with the game and i have nothing much to complain at all, an easy 5-star which i hope could motivate the dev to keep doing their best until the final release.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game! In my top 5! Gorgeous models! I really liked the sense of humor, one of the best I've seen. The story is also great! I really hope this game keeps going! The animations could be even better. Thank you for this game DEV!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game It's my favorite game ever. best animation ,best character design lots of personality author humor really match me .the story and word that's write this game is really good for non-native english like me so It's really easy for me to understand this game and have fun with. keep up the good work.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing, i have played many Vns, and this is in my top 3 for sure. On par with Eternum in my opinion. 10/10, it has a ton of moments where i was surprised by the attention to detail, as well as, its random comedic additions that tie in modern internet culture. Cant wait for the future updates, and hopefully a new VN by this creator.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of V.0.12

    First off I didn't play until the end.

    I'll start off with the positive points and close with the negatives one.

    So the female characters are rather well fleshed out. They might often fill some tropes but usually have a unexpected twist to them. Here the player can expect some positive suprises as the dev does know how the female character design can be handled.
    Another note to view positively is how the story is written. I'll point out the shortcomings of what the story is about later on. There are many references making the dialogue at some points quite funny and the slap-stick humor is decent as well.

    Now for the negative points of this game:
    Firstly, the plot starts off quite strong. The monologue in the train at the beginning of the game does hype you up for some sweet revenge plot, where the MC is shown as calculating and having strong motives to follow through on his goal. Now, because of the game starting off so strong everything afterwards just seems worse. The cold calculations done by the MC are quickly overthrown by his short-comings. The inital calculating demeanor is gone, he suddenly turns from self-confident and head-strong into virgin-like simpy and borderline retarded in respect to intelligence.

    For example does he fall multiple times for the traps by the same character. Always is he for whatever reason expecting a 180° from bad to good as if it were some manga for 12 years old. Although sexually experienced he simps at every possibility to just peek into cleavage and shuts any perception of his environment. The MC knows people at the school are manipulative and often too stupid for their own good but he himself is as much stupid as they are.

    Now I know to make a story good you need to have some challenges for the MC to overcome, so his achievements just feel good to read about. But NOTHING hints at him getting considerable closer to his goals. He literally just goofs around and gets dommed at every corner because he is prodding the hornets nest on a whim. Never doing any follow-ups or turning the tables for good, never getting what he wants because he literally ignores any absurdly huge red flags.
    I understand, if some other characters act for their own agenda and thus by coincedence drags the MC with them into their shit. But you can't expect to have an enjoyable story for the MC to fall EVERY FUCKING SINGLE TIME for bs coincidences which can be averted if he would think for a second.

    The final nail for the MC's coffin are his dreams. From what I understand or atleast interpret, the dreams are just a perfect reflection of MC's state of mind. And let me just give the spoiler, in his dreams the MC turns from being haunted by his father's death to being cucked and abused. The only reaction the MC displays in those scenario is just some stupid pleading and whining instead of showing his grudge or anger.

    So basically for everyone playing this game, just assume the first five minutes in the train are just some power-fantasies playing out in his mind where-as his real character is just some pervy kid posing as man.

    I am really fucking sad and disappointed that every character gets to have somewhat of a development or revelation but the MC. Like no fucking way I am 2 hours into the game and the MC's best response to getting caught peeping on Asuka in the bathroom is to fucking prod her further? Even after she openly stated she is ARMED?
    His childish demeanor with the constant bitching on one hand but the whole arrogant provocative attitude on the other hand are simply not gonna cut it for a successful revenge plot.

    I might revisit the game later, after I cooled down and try to continue to see if there is any good development, that is not the MC being dommed because he unnecessarily fucked up again .

    Edit: some obvious grammar mistakes had to be fixed. I got eye cancer reading my own review :HideThePain:
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This avn stands out and tall for me. I think this might be my favorite avn of this genre, equal to or surpassing even Headmaster and Harem Hotel.
    It does everything right for my tastes.

    Main things I like:
    That the MC is not a simp. And he's smart and not naive to girl's lies and manipulations. I get sick of idiot and pathetic MC's very quickly, so most avn's are out.

    The other is that the girls are quite attractive. It's a relief that this isn't full of flat-chested or huge girls like most avn's.

    The pacing feels good to me, lewd-wise. A good amount of teasing/ voyeur/ forced/ accidental nudity, and build-up. This is very important, it's what creates arousal. Without it, the avn/porno is a dud to me.

    The story is actually interesting to me, Funny, and pretty well crafted.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written, likeable characters, needs more to be finished but its a great visual novel. although i would like more of the kinkier stuff to be added. this is one i keep looking out for any updates.. more needed
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    First the good.

    The story idea is great and keeps you wanting to play even if only to see the ending, there are some very smooth animations and while the art is done using honey select it is the best quality honey select.

    The characters outside of the MC are done very well with each having its own unique personality, on top of that the body types are again all unique with a little something for everyone.

    Sadly that is where the good ends,

    The MC is one of the big problems with this game, he has the attention span of a child in a toy store, nothing about the MC is consistent, smart to dumb, nice to asshole, tough to wimp, gut instincts that cant tell he's about to be tricked(again) to i can see it in your eyes your lying to me and all of totally at random depending on the scene, with his grandiose plan the MC needed to be much smarter than he is, he never questions anything and falls for every and i do mean every single trap even when there is a "choice" to avoid it MC still manages to fall for it, also i really hate how the MC hooks a girl and then basically ignores/blows her off at every opportunity which makes picking girls hard as obviously you don't want the girls you hate but then you don't want the MC to like the girls you do like as you know the MC is just going to be a dick to them later.

    The other main problem is the stories setup, parts of the story don't match the players choices like the deal with Kayane in the park for example, if you reject her the game still plays as if you didn't which gets confusing as you don't know what deal they were on about when its brought up later, also the moral choices are awarded strangely, there is only full good or NTR there is no bad but i want them for myself so if you want to play for the good/bad choices give this one a pass, basic systems like the karma(a large part of the story) and access to the countryside are still not done.

    It becomes clear quite quickly that there are no story choices in the game it is a kinetic novel not a VN and a little later than that it becomes painfully clear that there aren't even any choices of which girls to be with, MC will have sex with and befriend them regardless of what the player wants so all of the hundreds of "choices" that pop up are totally pointless beyond the rare should the MC have sex with a girl or have someone else doing it.

    Given how long this game has been in production and how little the story actually progresses both the MC and you the player will die of old age long before you see any actual revenge(assuming you are allowed to get revenge at the end).

    On top of all that there is a pause menu that makes saving and loading so very annoying and most of the game overs make no sense like the whole bear spray in the bathroom.

    Story 2/5 (good start but doesn't last)
    Sex 4/5 (pretty good)
    Characters 4/5 (nice and unique)
    Art 3/5 (good)
    Choices 0/5 (pointless)
    Kinks 2/5 (some but mild)
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4746371

    I remember playing this game a few years back when I started getting into adult games, and I decided to revisit it only to find out that there's barely any worthwhile progess that's been made by the dev, with that in mind I'll go over what I view as positives and negatives of the game:

    Models: The models of the girls used are honestly what keep whatever little interest I have in this game, they're nice to look at and varried in a way that allows you to tell each girl apart.
    Dialouge: it's not anything amazing, but at least you can read it, and you can discern the personality of each girl even if said personalities are just tropes.

    Karma system: The lack of updates to the game plays hand to hand with this, where it feels like the system exists but it rarely has any major impact. Also the game heavily favours the good route which makes me question why the dev added a bad route if they weren't going to put an equal amount of content for each route.
    Choices: The games has choices but a majority of the time, you're gonna be railroaded alot which makes choices feel hollow, cause some of the reach the same outcome.
    Story: The story in this game exists for the most part, I don't know the main gripe I have with this is that it ties back to the lack of updates, where it feels like the story isn't going anywhere at all. It also ties back to the karma system in this game where if you doing a bad karma route, the games makes it seem like you chose the good karma route cause the bad route barely has any impact on the story or the mc's personality.

    Overall the game had potential but damn was it held back by the sheer lack of updates over the years, I could see this game going two ways where it gets fully abandoned (I doubt that'll will happen cause the dev still gets a moderate amount on patreon) or they actually start putting more effort into updating/improving the game which is also less likely to happen as well.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    It is good game, with funny dialogue, good sound, sexy characters but its held back by the (low) ammount of content. If you want to enjoy incomplete experience with no ending or resolutions to the great story that runs in the background, go ahead; however it will make you feel wanting more thats not to come. In more than 6 years its still incomplete and seems it never will, and in my eyes it is ABANDONED just without the ABANDONED status to warn people about the fact. Great potential wasted.
    Likes: vmaks
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Waifu Academy [v0.12.0]

    Generic HS game, story is okay, there's 2d charcters, ~good HS models with 'meh' to 'eh' animations,

    Story - 1.5/5. Eh, to some point I was engaged (like, first 20 minutes)
    Choices - 1.5/5. Sometimes you can chose do or do not, this and that. And they're mostly shit.
    Gameplay - VN with dregs of sandbox.
    Characters - 1-3/5. Mostly one-dimensional. You won't care about them or hate them, even if this game presents itself as """revenge""" game, perpetrators won't face proper punishment. "Revenge" is toothless and pathetic here, can only rape. Wow, after all that you want to put your dick in 'that'? Ew.
    MC - 1/5 Trash. Don't believe intro.
    Models/animations - 2,2/5. It's HS. They're decent. I'm really surprised how okay they look (even that inked disgusting clown)
    Grammar. Eh, whatever.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    8/10 story
    wont receive 10 because:

    mc/player isn't given the choice to help shinji and otaku even on the good karma route, i understand that the idea its to make the school girls a harem but nothing inpeeds mc from help/educate them to get together with one girl that its outside school.

    sex scenes started to become too frequent after a time, who would have tough that too much sex scenes on a hgame would be a bad thing? well it its i kinda ruins a little the story flow.

    sometimes, even if is given the choice, mc takes too long to save a girl in trouble(didn't like one bit that mc let the neighbour kids and the molester gets touch with mc mom, if she is supposed to be his property acourding to the story why is he letting others getting touch friendly with her?)

    that sheila show with otaku was fuck it up, serious do you have a netorare kink or what? considering i was on the good karma route that shouldn't have happened.