VN - Ren'Py - Waifu Academy [v0.12.5] [Irphaeus]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Story has a good plot and alot of potential.
    But it gets ruined by the missing NTR tag, ive heard it had it once but it got removed not sure why since its still a scene with Sheila.
    You will also see alot of scenes that arent NTR but you might not like to see a LI you might want suck other dudes dicks and such but your forced to watch that as well.

    MC also kills it for me, hes to cringy and childish he thinks like a 12 year old that find any girl he see hot, and he constantly think about their tits or ass or whatever, i only find that annoying and stupid even more so since hes supposed to get revenge be the evil dude that blackmails people but instend hes just childish and boring.

    And as so many MCs he has a big tit fetish which gets really annoying when you as the player hate big tits, not sure why so many MCs has to have a thought process like this instend of letting the reader/player deside for them selfs what they think are hot or not.
    Also not a fan of oversized dicks on MC its idiotic, and ofc he gets a boner from nothing, the second hes nude he gets a boner like i said hes like a 12 year old virgin.

    Game also has a boring mix of body builds for the girls where the main focus is on big tit fetish, i wish devs would learn to make something for everyone and even it out a bit, ratio in this game is proberly 1 small for every 10-15 big titted bimbo.

    Choices are also lacking, you cant really choose anything just look at the first visit to the doc at school your given 3 choices and guess what all of them has handjob as the result, in other words you got 0 controle and its simply just a a bad porn game.
    And if you dont follow a kinetic line set you will run into idotic game-over like give sister 1 sleeping fake choices.

    Also every LI will forced on you, like i wouldent want to touch that huge tittet bimbo doc at school like ever fuck shes ugly yet MC loves her and is more then happy to do anything with her and he does with no choice to the player, even those you hate you will fuck its just bad.

    And got to say its really all kinetic since you controle absolutly nothing, alot of fake choices and game-over crap.

    Animations are a bit above averge.

    Music is meh, mostly like elevator music.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed v0.10]

    This game is now in year 6 of development (initially posted February 2018) and it shows its age, but still (generally) does the high-school-harem-waifu premise well. Waifu Academy was amazing upon its debut, with an inventive story, beautiful and engaging characters and full of wild, kink-driven scenes -- but the last ~2 years have been erratic to put it kindly, with delayed updates and non-sensical narrative choices.

    The Good ((y))
    • Amazing diversity of girls with different personalities, body types and overall looks
    • A ton of H-scenes with the main and side characters -- hard to go more than ~5 minutes without a scene of some sort
    • Hours and hours of story content, with some paths being honestly compelling and many characters are easy to root for
    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • The art style / graphics are a bit dated
    • What started as an interesting story has gone off the rails in the last few years
    • Infrequent, choppy updates at this point
    • Somewhat unlikeable MC who drones on and on
    • Lots of content, but tons of it is filler and fluff narrative that is ultimately meaningless to the direction of the story
    • No clear end in sight despite almost 6 years of development
    This game used to be a top entry between ~2018 and 2020, but has fallen off. This is worth a play if you haven't, but I can't speak highly of its current direction.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Waifu Academy [v0.10.0]
    Superb discovery! The story is really cool, the game is not yet in its final version, but the number of hours spent is already enormous! The different waifus each have their own background and personality, well detailed and worked out. However, there are a few minor drawbacks: during the animated scenes, some of the characters' body parts, such as their hair or clothes, pass through them, and the gameplay is pretty poor at the moment... I'd like to be able to choose who to talk to and move around the city map more often.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Waifu Academy [v0.10.0] [Irphaeus]
    Not being a fan of VN game without real gameplay, but I can say that I liked this game and for this reason I recommend it.

    The character models are good, not my favorite out there but still of a good standard.

    The story isn't the best and has a main character that isn't at all coherent (there are multiple choices, but it's a game with a bad premise and apart from some logical choices by some girls, the rest is quite poorly written).

    The longevity of the game is already good and the game is not yet finished, so I feel like promoting it from this point of view.

    The structure of the game left me perplexed, I couldn't understand what it was aiming for.
    Map to move around but without a real choice, since the game is linear, or the shop with various products to buy but without a way to earn money and you can't spend the day, nor have ways to earn money, precisely because the game is linear (basically nothing negative, but I don't understand the map and the choice in the shop) so I can't understand if it's a structure that they will want to change in the future.

    I fell in love with Maki Takamura!
    I recommend the game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    A game that started out great with huge potential, but ultimately didn't live up to it, due to: Infrequent updates, drop in writing quality, and simply a lack of clear vision for the future of the game.

    But all of that can be forgiven, I still really enjoyed some parts of the game. I'd probably rate it 3 or 4 stars depending on the coming updates.

    What I can't forgive is the UNAVOIDABLE NTR, which isn't even listed in the tags?! I don't even think that's allowed on this site. The game already had NTR/Sharing scenes before, but atleast all of it was optional. Now, your "main girl", the girl you have the closest relationship to, gets NTR'd right in front of you by one of the scummiest people imaginable in the world of VN's.

    My expectations for the future of the game were already low but holy fuck.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    So close, yet so far. So much potential unfulfilled. Not too late to realize it, though.

    Takamura. (No, not the guy from Cyberpunk. He's hot too, though.)


    Other cute girls, some of the best of any HS game... Apart from Elizabeth post-rework. Pray they don't alter other characters further. Yikes.

    Several good to very-good H-scenes, overall.

    The premise and plot work well. There's some good lore (and the option to skip it if you're not interested) and it has good room to grow. Great!

    Extremely hit or miss anime-aesthetic humor that hits on rare occasions, so I guess that's a positive...

    But fuck, man...

    Everything else further down can be dealt with - this is a power/revenge fantasy porn game that adopts the stylistic choice of more cringe = more funny, after all. Everything but the filler. This shit's wordcount and playtime is padded harder than a college essay at 4AM. After the 20,000th bit of text you scroll through that's 3 lines long for no reason, it just gets exhausting. Constant narration and inner dialogue explaining what's happening or rehashing what just happened. Constant showing instead of telling - no nuance or room for interpretation. Zero effort put into proofreading or economy of words. Even in the way this entire thing is written, you get the impression from the writer that he thinks he is very smart and every other person is very stupid, which leads into the next point.

    The MC is a gigabrain 5Head supergenius author self-insert playing 18-dimensional chess while constantly rattling off the most cringe, annoyingly pointless, and desperately unfunny references possible ("levio-sahhh" - omg ijbol) and overly-purple pseudointellectual thesaurus-bait (like "obstetrics" instead of "maternity" and the dreaded Latin phrase "well ackshually" one-upsmanship) just to show how much Stuff He Knows, while every single other character in the game is barely functional. "Immaculate r/iamverysmart vibes." See that, and the few others? Cats can have a little reference, as a treat, but if I were to add one to every single fucking line in here by shoehorning irrelevant ones into places they really didn't belong, you'd probably think that was cancer, no? Anyway, sure, the disclaimer above still applies - it's a porn game - but when the MC puts on a hat and is immediately unrecognizable to a character so obsessed with him she named her vibrator after him, it gets a bit ridiculous.

    There are some good H-scenes - then there are the H-scenes that could have been good, but were seemingly intentionally ruined with the inclusion of the second-most unbearably cringe, caricatured character in the game (nothing could ever beat this MC) making either a "surprise" entrance or putting his gross moves on your sister... all for comedic relief, I guess? You could be the most NTR-obsessed cuck on the planet (more power to you) and this shit would still be annoying.

    The "free roam" system that the game has been rewritten and your saves broken to accommodate... is absolutely, completely, utterly pointless. Every single time you use it, there's only one place to go to advance the story, and all the filler text for the places you've already been are copy/pasted multiple times in the script so you can't even skip them. Even if it's actually useful in the future, it shouldn't be in the game yet if it does literally nothing.

    I don't even want to comment on the barely-integrated karma system and that hardly any of your choices actually matter. Overall, the game has a bit of content, but for being in development for 5 years, everything else is just so half-baked, like the money/store, karma, the phone, and the free roam systems. But don't worry, there are ads for the other game they're hard at work on available through the in-game TV!

    Patreon wasn't a mistake, it was a godsend for indie gaming, but the model sure is a bitch sometimes.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Wanted to like the game more than I did but it's just boring for the most part.

    Full of unfunny attempts at humour, annoying references and overly long explanations for things I don't care about. It goes for over the top and sometimes absurdist humour but just can't pull it off. Maybe if you're a redditor from 2018 you'll find it hilarious but I didn't.

    Most of the other male characters are annoying and a lot of the female characters are just uninteresting for the most part. MC is also pretty unlikable and has that imsosmart vibe about him.

    The revenge story could be interesting but ends up not being, especially when a lot of the mc's reasoning for wanting revenge is pretty weak anyway.

    Visuals and animations seem a bit dated as well but aren't terrible. I tried to stick with the game for a while but I ended up having to drop it because the writing was just such a drag to get through and the sex scenes didn't make up for it.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I've scrolled by this one several times, but finally decided to try it. It was worth the time to download and play, but only barely.

    Story: 3/5 - There are already lots of "revenge" games with similar themes, although, the school being somehow the product of the MC's father is a novel, even though it's never explained properly.

    Writing: 4/5 - The writing is generally really good. The opening scene on the train is way-over-the-top dramatic. There are a lot of dumb references that won't age well. Seems like the writer is really good, but also very inexperienced.

    Renders: 3/5 - Kinda average Honey Select models. Girls are pretty but lack detail and realism. Players that are really into HS models will probably like them more, but I think it looks like it's right out of 2015.

    Animations: 5/5 - Some really cool animations.

    Gameplay: 2/5 - I don't know what happened here. It really looks like the game was originally designed to be a grindy sandbox but was later changed to be a regular visual novel. There is a map, but it's not useful. There are tons of choice screens that only have 1 choice available. The game starts off describing the karma system that will be used in the future, but it's not clear when karma actually kicks in to change the story. It's also weird that the whole point of the game is that the MC is plotting revenge through blackmail and corruption, yet he can somehow strive to have good karma. It just seems like adolescent logic that you can play as an inherently-evil gentleman or an inherently-evil douchebag.

    Content: 2/5 - There should be a lot more quality lewd content in a game that's been in development for this long.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    "How Dare You Accuse My Dead Father of Rape, Now I'm Gonna Rape You All Grrr" The Game.

    Mid writing with boomer-tier memes and outdated pop culture references? Check.
    Garbage revenge plot with a worse-than-garbage MC? Check.
    Author taking a long ass time to develop the game and high up his own farts? Check.
    Sudden hamfisted game system aka "karma"? Check.

    This is one of the games you thought would've been great but keeps getting worse the longer time goes. It's not completely terrible, but compared to other HS games this one definitely pales in comparison.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great visuals and design, good characters and intriguing story. I like that each character is fleshed out with their own personality and they all have something to do with the story so far. Also, great sex scenes
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are great, love the style, it was almost enough to keep me playing. It has a karma system, where you are made to drug someone, so you can sexually assault them with no option to avoid doing, so this game only lets you be an evil prick or an extremely evil prick. If that's what you want in a game, more power to you. I just wish I could have played a somewhat decent guy.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    WA is probably in one of its bests spots for new players to jump in now more than ever, and is overall a pretty great porn VN. Game has some of the best HS graphics game that I have currently played, and I find the game's girls really appealing. The sex scenes are very good. The dialogue and story doesn't take it self too seriously which I find very charming and works in the games favor. I skim 90-95% of the pron games I play either because of shitty ass mtl translations or just fucking unbearable corny ass dialogue, but I read all of the game when playing this. I have laughed out loud reading this multiple times, and I personally like the witty dialogue and choices that the game has. For real if you normally don't read give this one a shot.

    I did rate this game four stars though, and that mostly comes from the fact that I have been playing this game since it was first posted and I'm unhappy with how the game has progressed over 5 years of the games development. The worst part about this game is that its so good to play and then have to sit and wait a year for an update. To the dev's credit however- I will say that scenes have gotten a lot better and UI and menu improvements have been made. With that in mind though I don't really think that improvements in the quality of the scenes or menu adjustments and such really equate to the amount of time we get between updates and how spontaneous they are. That coupled with multiple instances where dev have promised to deliver a said update within a certain amount of time only to go MIA for 9 months and then do a shorter than normal ass content drop, really frustrates me as someone that enjoys the game. Especially since I was playing when the dev was able to do CONSISTENT CONTENT DROPS.

    For me this game is still one of the goats for all the good things listed above. The only reason that me and everyone else get so frustrated over this game and the dev is because the game is good and people want to play and finish the story, but as the years go on its seems like we don't ever get any closer.....

    p.s. why no real mc sex scene with Kayane yet???? been waiting half a fucking decade
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, this was unexpected.
    I thought this was going to be yet another school game, more of the same... it ended up being one of my favorite games ever.

    The characters and humor are incredible. There are some choices to be taken that actually matter (even though the evil route ain't fully developed yet, so beware). The lewd is excellent and the story is surprisingly engaging. I got absolutely hooked and I highly recommend it.

    I hope to see a finished product with full evil route. Amazing thing
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Your step dad

    Very good game, the story is not incredible but the story between the characters and the sex scenes where you are almost caught during the act are among the most exciting that I have seen, only problem the updates are very long to come out is not necessarily a big update, but I hope to see this game continue for a long time
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Well. This was weird.

    Story is alright, but has enough twists and turns to keep you engaged. Pacing is a bit off - there's regular random "B-side" stories that can take you out of the flow.

    Models are nice, and porn is plentiful. Kinda. The issue is, once again, pacing. For the first half of the game porn is scarce and constantly interrupted by jokes and story. It did change closer to the end - as more characters get corrupted, density of porn increases.

    And then it cuts off on a cliffhanger. Interrupting porn scene.

    I liked it and looking forward for more. It's just that i'm a bit shellshocked by the abruptness of the current ending.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is kind of like the Saturday morning shows you watched as a kid. You treasure those memories but going back to them you realise they haven’t aged well.
    As a story this game serves as little more than a conveyor belt for the sex, and stale 2018 memes at every corner.
    The sex scenes are perfectly fapable provided you turn your brain off and keep some good saves because heaven forbid you try and rely on the UI and gallery in this game.
    For the love of god I hope we one day get a payoff to some of these characters that have been edged for half a decade.
    Good for horny, bad for story.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Dr. Ronald Leopold

    Plot: I found it interesting, of medium-high duration, at least it is present compared to other visual novels with a series of non sense content thrown there. (4/5)
    Characters: Many, with different personalities and designs, all characterized a minimum. And they are all connected to the main plot most of the time. (5/5)
    Animations: There are enough, they are quite fluid, but not top tier.(4/5)
    Music: There are some references to popular culture, more or less.
    Gameplay: Not rated as a visual novel, there is a karma-based system but it’s just a plus.
    Other: I found some situations funny. The only flaw could be the graphic style of the first honey select, which I like, but someone might find outdated.
    Final Rating: 4.3/5 (Using a weighted average)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game! More frequent updates would be greatly appreciated, but besides that, I have no complains! There are many great h-scenes and the characters are also very diverse and appealing. But the greatest thing is the story... Haven't seen anything like it in other h-games.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Harem Trooper

    To be honest, I'm furious while playing this game, and my frustration grows, despite others warning me. However, I know how tempting curiosity can be.

    First things first, the game starts off great with a promising revenge plot and the goal of building a harem. The character models are well-made, and there are even some fetishes included that I enjoy, like incest. The romance aspect is decent, but I hoped it would improve as I progressed through the story. So my initial impression was a solid 4 out of 5.

    However, the more I played, the more questionable it became. The story went from being interesting with great potential to mediocre, and at times even laughable. But as long as the "revenge" aspect of claiming the waifus improved, I thought it would be alright. Unfortunately, more and more pointless sex scenes were thrown in, which initially I enjoyed, but they quickly became dull.

    The biggest disappointment was the unavoidable scenes where the girls engage in sexual activities with random guys. Thankfully, not all of them were like this, but the ones that were happened to be the hottest and had the most potential, yet they had the fewest sex scenes and lacked romance. This made me deduct a point from my rating, and it happened during the mid-game.

    What truly infuriated me were the latest moments of the game. Not only did the character model of my favorite girl become unattractive, but her entire personality suddenly transformed into a bimbo without any buildup. On top of that, the plot seemed to be completely overthrown without any logical explanation. As I read comments, it became apparent that this was all planned so that the "sub" plots could be implemented and make sense in the game. This is why I ultimately gave the game a rating of 2 out of 5.

    These subplots mainly cater to netorare/sharing fetishes and seem to dominate the focus in the latest updates. Unfortunately, they are incredibly dumb, I must say. While the heavy netorare can be avoided, the lighter netorare where some of the girls engage in minor sexual activities or get groped by other guys is unavoidable. Moreover, there are even more pointless cuckold scenes involving the main character's past or other males with potential love interests, all under the excuse that they are not in a committed relationship.

    Honestly, the game started off great, despite the initial cuckold scene, but it ended up being really terrible by the conclusion. The only redeeming aspects are the models and animations in the game. Fortunately, you have the option to watch these scenes without having to endure the torture of playing it and trying to make sense of what's happening.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fun.

    When I was thinking about the review I would write for this game, that’s the first thing that popped into my head. The story is fun, the girls are fun, the sound effects are fun, the music during pivotal scenes are fun (and often times hilarious. You may find yourself rolling on the floor when the “IT’S JOHN CENA!” clip plays), and the adult content is both fun and sexy. There’s a decent amount of rape scenes, but they’re the kind of half-hearted rapes you find in most hentai where the girl objects until the wonder that is the MC’s massive member woos her into submission. More than one character is raped at the start and then begging for more in subsequent scenes. Hardly politically correct, but who cares? It’s porn!

    The story revolves around a revenge narrative wherein the MC wants justice for wrongs done to him and his father and is willing to rape and/or romance his way through women to get it, including some incest. The MC is cold and calculating in his pursuit and the cat and mouse games are fun to read through as the story gets more and more complex.

    The adult content is top tier with many of the “I hope he gets to have a threesome with those two!” or “I hope he punishes that sneering evil girl with his cock” wishes coming true. The designs are varied enough that you’ll never struggle to tell two love interests apart, and you won’t find any girls with tires strapped to their chests. While there are buxom characters, they’re not unrealistic to the point where you’d object, and most of the characters have normal backsides with B through D cups in the front. The adult scenes are plentiful, multi-staged, well-written, and well-animated. Some of the girls are near instant sluts while others have a more gradual progression resulting in a good balance of adult content throughout. You won’t have to wait hours to get to a sex scene, but you won’t see all of the sex scenes right off the bat either. You won’t be keeping your pants on for long, and you’ll likely find yourself visiting the gallery from time to time to revisit the spicier scenes.

    There have been some gripes by others about the time between updates, but as a non-paying customer I’m not going to complain. One-man projects take time, and the author of Waifu Academy puts the time in so that you’re rarely disappointed by the new content once it comes out.

    The only criticism I can think of is that the over-the-top pervert otaku character that helps out the MC from time to time is a little too over-the-top. As Yahtzee once said in a game review, “Deliberately annoying is still annoying!” I hope the character is toned down a bit in future updates.

    I keep about 80 or so games on standby on my hard drive but I can count on one hand the games that get me excited when they’re updated. Waifu Academy is one of them. As of version 0.9.9, definitely five stars. Works exceedingly well both as a story and as pants-off adult material.