from a legal standpoint a private person is robing an other private person of his freedom where in the world is that legal ? but in this fictional land you have legal slavery thru blackmail but i think it does take place on planet earth so the protection of marriage counts
It's not robbing him of his freedom. He is free to see who he wants but if he wants to see Monica, he doesn't get the money. No freedom removed unless MC chooses to give up this freedom. At the moment, the money is still under MC's father (or his lawyer's) control. MC is free to see who he wants. However...if the MC willingly declares he will not see Monica and the girls, then he will be paid for this choice. If he doesn't want to give up his freedom and decides he wants to continue to see Monica and the girls, then the father has decided he will NOT be paid.
Will we be able to have a satisfying, beautiful, romantic and dignified ending with all the girls in the game individually? I love novels and I would love it if there were these kinds of endings, if you put a character into the game and you don't put a romantic ending with her, it's a waste of character and effort put into that character.
I wasn't implying that every clue is, but i'm positive some of them are and i was trying to sort them out. In the end i'm rather dumb on mystery stories I got my list of suspects though.
It's not robbing him of his freedom. He is free to see who he wants but if he wants to see Monica, he doesn't get the money. No freedom removed unless MC chooses to give up this freedom. At the moment, the money is still under MC's father (or his lawyer's) control. MC is free to see who he wants. However...if the MC willingly declares he will not see Monica and the girls, then he will be paid for this choice. If he doesn't want to give up his freedom and decides he wants to continue to see Monica and the girls, then the father has decided he will NOT be paid.
its still ilegal and not posible under the law i wil give you a legal example in the EU when you want to rent a home and the owner puts no pets alowed in the rent contract that does not mean you cant get a pet in your home even if you signed that contract becous it violates internatial human rights laws of privacy and personal freedom so the courts can not enforce the contract becouse that clouse is illegal nice game btw i realy like the jokes with the restorant guy
Always hard to say, since depends on paths you follow and content you miss if do not, but if you can get through this game within 5 hours without skipping text and almost all scenes I would be pretty surprised. If you start playing different paths and such as well, you should easily be busy for over a day or days.
Always hard to say, since depends on paths you follow and content you miss if do not, but if you can get through this game within 5 hours without skipping text and almost all scenes I would be pretty surprised.
I agree that I liked being able to go beyond Bella's suggestion and still ask Elaine for an explanation, but how the situation is resolved is unclear to me.
we don't know exactly what MC tells him, but inteoria should have told him about how Monica contacted him only after receiving an email that he had never written and that looking for the author of this email they found Jolina's coffee shop and from her they then obtained the film.
there is no foul play towards Elaine (i.e. actually Mc plays foul with her but not on this matter), so her accusation that MC deceived her doesn't make much sense, it seems like an accusation thrown simply not to answer the accusation.
Also the defense that she could have sent the email from her home is a very weak defense, Mc's own story shows that if she had done so it would have been even easier to trace her and disguise her in the case.
The eternal justification that agitated people say nonsense is always valid, but beyond that I don't see much sense in it.
besides, personally, i still maintain that the fact that it was Elaine who sent an a mail to all because MC's acquaintances welcomed him is not significant, it doesn't put Elaine on the bad side nor on the good one
It will not really be short as hell, there really is a shit load of content, but if you also use skip text and scenes it can become short and yeah if you close every girl from start or combination, you will miss out on loads. There are quite a few girls after all.
It's a shame that the route is so bad, because Debbie was an early favourite of mine and I was hoping that her route could be the main one I played now that Katie has been heavily flanderized. Jenna's route was very tempting up until her creepy voyeurism got out of hand, so I'm slowly running out of options here. At this rate, my final choice for true love will be a big bag of money.
I enjoyed writing that part even though I figured most people would avoid it, but thought some might just play it to see how the girls would interact in that event.
its still ilegal and not posible under the law i wil give you a legal example in the EU when you want to rent a home and the owner puts no pets alowed in the rent contract that does not mean you cant get a pet in your home even if you signed that contract becous it violates internatial human rights laws of privacy and personal freedom so the courts can not enforce the contract becouse that clouse is illegal nice game btw i realy like the jokes with the restorant guy
You are correct that an illegal contract is not enforceable. But, while I am not a lawyer, I don't see anything illegal about Donald's will. This is a state matter, but as far as I'm aware family members are not inherently entitled to an inheritance in any of the US states, or even under English common law. They have claims by default, but a valid will would override those claims. A wife would be a bit different, but the MC's mom is dead and AFAIK Elaine didn't actually marry Donald.
Donald could legally leave the MC with nothing if he so chooses. Likewise he can set up whatever hoops he wants, and it's then up to the MC to decide if he will jump through those hoops. If the MC agrees to the hoops in writing, he cannot then object to the terms he agreed to.
Well, I suppose he can, lawyers do love their billable hours after all. But it would be nearly impossible to convince a judge to waste time on such a case (unless the MC was claiming the terms were misrepresented or something like that).
It's a shame that the route is so bad, because Debbie was an early favourite of mine and I was hoping that her route could be the main one I played now that Katie has been heavily flanderized. Jenna's route was very tempting up until her creepy voyeurism got out of hand, so I'm slowly running out of options here. At this rate, my final choice for true love will be a big bag of money.
it is MC who forces his hand, Debbie goes to him to ask for his help in coming forward with Lily, her eternal love, while at the same time declaring her sexuality, and she does it with Mc before everyone else.
It doesn't seem like the perfect time to declare himself... but Mc does it anyway, and it's not like he didn't know about Lily...
and in spite of the situation Debbie doesn't reject him, but she needs to get Lily out of her head, who has been her focus for a long time.
MC is looking for a complicated situation, he can't expect Debbie to be nicer than she is.
Of course at that point he goes to the opposite extreme, when even though MC initially says he doesn't want to help her, he ends up being ready to help her both in the evening at the beach house, but even goes so far as to offer to pay the girls for a spa stay in order to give them another chance... I would say that was a little too selfless...
From then on Debbie never pretends not to know how MC feels and always takes it into account, but at the same time she wants to understand if Lily is the right woman...
and at that point MC forces his hand again, understandably, but that's it, pulling down the curtain at the party (when Debbie has already told him that by kissing Lily she was actually thinking of him and that she basically chose him) declaring himself to Debbie in front of everyone.
It's a shame that the route is so bad, because Debbie was an early favourite of mine and I was hoping that her route could be the main one I played now that Katie has been heavily flanderized. Jenna's route was very tempting up until her creepy voyeurism got out of hand, so I'm slowly running out of options here. At this rate, my final choice for true love will be a big bag of money.
it is MC who forces his hand, Debbie goes to him to ask for his help in coming forward with Lily, her eternal love, while at the same time declaring her sexuality, and she does it with Mc before everyone else.
It doesn't seem like the perfect time to declare himself... but Mc does it anyway, and it's not like he didn't know about Lily...
and in spite of the situation Debbie doesn't reject him, but she needs to get Lily out of her head, who has been her focus for a long time.
MC is looking for a complicated situation, he can't expect Debbie to be nicer than she is.
Of course at that point he goes to the opposite extreme, when even though MC initially says he doesn't want to help her, he ends up being ready to help her both in the evening at the beach house, but even goes so far as to offer to pay the girls for a spa stay in order to give them another chance... I would say that was a little too selfless...
From then on Debbie never pretends not to know how MC feels and always takes it into account, but at the same time she wants to understand if Lily is the right woman...
and at that point MC forces his hand again, understandably, but that's it, pulling down the curtain at the party (when Debbie has already told him that by kissing Lily she was actually thinking of him and that she basically chose him) declaring himself to Debbie in front of everyone.
I would like to ask you an "indiscreet" question, it's my curiosity, I don't ask it to put you in trouble.
so if you can't, or won't, answer me, pretend you didn't read it and I'll pretend I didn't write it.
was the issue of the cost of the bottles of wine (from 10.000$ per bottle to 420$) drunk by the girls expected or was it a correction for the complaints of the stingy players?
You are correct that an illegal contract is not enforceable. But, while I am not a lawyer, I don't see anything illegal about Donald's will. This is a state matter, but as far as I'm aware family members are not inherently entitled to an inheritance in any of the US states, or even under English common law. They have claims by default, but a valid will would override those claims. A wife would be a bit different, but the MC's mom is dead and AFAIK Elaine didn't actually marry Donald.
Donald could legally leave the MC with nothing if he so chooses. Likewise he can set up whatever hoops he wants, and it's then up to the MC to decide if he will jump through those hoops. If the MC agrees to the hoops in writing, he cannot then object to the terms he agreed to.
Well, I suppose he can, lawyers do love their billable hours after all. But it would be nearly impossible to convince a judge to waste time on such a case (unless the MC was claiming the terms were misrepresented or something like that).
True in the US you can leave your kids nothing in the will But the demands in the will are illigal making the will illigal and therefore you take it to court and the will will be declared illigal so it does not exist in the eyes of the court so if there is no will everything goes to the child the best protection you can use in the US is marrige you marry Monica and nothing can come between a marriage people get married for legal reasons all the time no biggie i can give some exampels that would make it eazier to understand if the will said you get the money the only thing you have to do is cut off your arm or if you want the money you have to marry Bertha Mcpoo those things are not legal if you put in the will that you can only get the money once you are married that is in a legal gray zone still a lot of chance of getting it trown out of court but if the will has a clause that states you have to get your high school diploma before you get money the only thing that can gett you out of that is an act of God (legal term for something that is beyond your controle like an ilness)