- Oct 15, 2018
- 2,623
- 7,734
Haha! That was a case of Cheeky being Cheeky because of people whining about the price of wine!I would like to ask you an "indiscreet" question, it's my curiosity, I don't ask it to put you in trouble.
so if you can't, or won't, answer me, pretend you didn't read it and I'll pretend I didn't write it.
was the issue of the cost of the bottles of wine (from 10.000$ per bottle to 420$) drunk by the girls expected or was it a correction for the complaints of the stingy players?
thanks anyway
I'm not up on my international law (or how much individual countries may choose to adhere to such, especially if they have different laws and it is only relating to one or more of their citizens) and while familiar with US laws I can safely say that more often than not the law is mutable/flexible. If you have enough money, lawyers, lobbyist, or politicians to throw at something... there is often times (but not always) exceptions found to rules, sad as that may be.True in the US you can leave your kids nothing in the will But the demands in the will are illigal making the will illigal and therefore you take it to court and the will will be declared illigal so it does not exist in the eyes of the court so if there is no will everything goes to the child the best protection you can use in the US is marrige you marry Monica and nothing can come between a marriage people get married for legal reasons all the time no biggie i can give some exampels that would make it eazier to understand if the will said you get the money the only thing you have to do is cut off your arm or if you want the money you have to marry Bertha Mcpoo those things are not legal if you put in the will that you can only get the money once you are married that is in a legal gray zone still a lot of chance of getting it trown out of court but if the will has a clause that states you have to get your high school diploma before you get money the only thing that can gett you out of that is an act of God (legal term for something that is beyond your controle like an ilness)
For the sake of the semi-fictional world we are creating, I'd say assume that everything stipulated in the father's Will is legal, including the prohibition of contact clauses. This doesn't mean the MC couldn't fight it with lawyers of his own (good thing he is looking into that right?), but it doesn't mean he is guaranteed to win either. So I'd be sure you keep that in mind if you are concerned about the money.