Happy 2025!
An hour ago
Hi folks,
Apologies for missing an update last week. Things were a little messy for us over the holiday period as I was sick over Christmas and Cell was sick over the New Year, although the days I was sick were the days I was planning on taking off anyway, so it didn't really hurt progress on the script too much. It seems like everyone I know in mine and Cell's neck of the woods (Ireland & UK) had some sort of illness over the holidays (Lots of Covid / flu / respiratory illness going around), but I hope the rest of you fared better. And I hope you all had a great holiday period and wishing everyone a great 2025.
This month is a zero-distractions / zero-other-plans month, so hope to make a LOT of progress on episode 25 in January and as mentioned previously, getting a solid run at it, will help me gauge how long the TOTAL episode 25 will take, so before the end of this month, I'm going to have a stab at an estimated time-frame for episode 25 completion and will let you all know.
I will get back to my regular Thursday updates, so there'll be another update in a few days... this message was just to give a quick check-in (as I missed last week) to let you all know that we're still around and working on episode 25.
I'll follow directly with posts to the relevant tiers to share the rest of the holiday 4K images that Centurion put together, but in the meantime, let me know what YOU all want to know in the comments section below with any questions / comments and I'll get back to everyone. And just a reminder as we go into a new year, I offer a no-quibble / no-conditions refund policy for patrons, so if any of you had planned on cancelling your subscription, but forgot OR if you are unhappy with anything as a patron, let me know (via direct message).
And as always, if there is specific info you want to see in these updates for 2025 (more detail, less detail, more spoilers, teasers, info on our dev process, suggestions for polls, tutorials on our dev tools, juicy details on the BIG arguments that Cell and I have, etc.

), let me know and I'll try to incorporate.
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