And just that remark made you go up a helluva lot in my book. Too many devs out there that start with an idea and then along the way start changing things to suit the demands/critique of the loudest voices trying to please everyone. It's just not possible.
Someone that has pictured how it should play out and sticks to that regardless of whatever those loudmouths start 'asking' for only deserves respect in my book.
Ok, I got one question, well actually two. You mentioned, developing skills and forming a party. Like I said, it's something I don't really like but, if it's done so that even if you make 'bad' choices it doesn't mean 'game over' I might, stress 'might' be tempted. As long as the 'sandboxing' is down to a minimum and there's no feeling of it being repetitive. And am I correct in understanding Book One also gets ported? The story that started it was just that good to keep me on the fence.
Yeah, I've seen a lot of really good games become the victim of change and become anything other than what the creator originally intended and as a result the product suffers, people bitch and the creator becomes frustrated and quits.
Definitely not going to let that happen to mine and kind of proved that when I wouldn't go back and change what William did to his sister (which people ended up finding out for themselves that it was an ugly scene, but necessary to the story).
In answer to your questions:
First off, right now, I really don't know how the system should work, exactly... that is why I am asking for feedback before we implement anything and to ask from all of you, ideas of what you might think/tolerate when it comes to this.
I know that there really should be a means in which to improve your relationships with other characters and that in doing so comes with benefits for the player. We know that the Antichrist is going to need to "Power Up" and "Recharge" his mana after use, which also means creating a means for him to improve his skills, as well as "level up" in a way that allows the casting of certain "spells" or "abilities" doesn't drain them to zero after only one use.
Imagine, for a moment, using this premise for Jesus Christ... he uses 5 loaves of bread and a few small fish to feed 4,000 followers he was preaching to (in "Wicked Choices" fashion, probably preaching about following the Angelions)... the amount of mana that it would take to pull off that feat would leave him needing to "recharge" his mana for the next day... cue in Mary Magdalene, or maybe one of the apostles/disciples or someone from the crowd...
In "Wicked Choices" fashion, sex is a means in which to gather mana to perform magic, the same holds true for Christ or the Antichrist and there needs to be an unit of measurement for said spells/abilities... as a rule of thumb for our game, think of Christ and the Antichrist sort of as a protagonist from an "isekai anime", over-powered when compared to the other races and able to cast greater and ungodly amount of magic and spells, but still requires the means to "power-up" and train themselves to get better and use less mana or increase mana points.
Nor should there be a 'Game-Over' if bad choices in a relationship happen. It might mean that the MC and that character aren't compatible, and things don't work out between them romantically, but it shouldn't end the game.
I imagine at some point in a relationship with a character the truth about what is going on is going to make itself known to them and even if they don't work out "romantically", I am pretty sure that the individual isn't going to want to see the world that they know end and would walk away without trying to "save the world" also...
I mean, I don't like my ex-wife (hate her actually), but if the world was ending and the two of us had to work together to try and prevent it from happening or needed to work with her to save our daughter's life, well... I ain't such an asshole that I wouldn't work with her to do it... I may not be happy about it, but sure as fuck wouldn't want to see the world end or something happen to our daughter, so I'd do what I could.
Should there be a "Game Over", yes... a protagonist or hero isn't such unless they are facing the odds and a need to save something or someone.
Would the Universe have ended if Luke Skywalker had failed?
No... he likely would've lost his life, or joined the Dark Side, but the universe wouldn't have ended.
Would the world have ended if Hitler got his hands on the Arc?
Nope... but the world we know would've have been greatly different if he had, but the world would still turn.
Same will hold true for you, the PLAYER, as the Antichrist... you could lose the war and get a "Bad End", make a couple of boneheaded decisions that will cause a "Bad End" or an ending you might not like or had hoped for but it won't be "Game Over".
Such boneheaded decisions aren't like "Oh, I didn't fuck so and so in the game, so I got a 'Bad End'..." or "Oh, I didn't fuck so-and-so 50 times, so I got a 'Bad End'..."
It would be because you didn't focus on spending time with Syrina or Lynara learning the magic you need and building up your mana points so that you aren't face planting in the dirt after casting the first spell.
It would be from not building relations with a girl (or someone) or a multitude of them to "Recharge" your mana points.
It would be not taking your role seriously or committing to a cause in this upcoming battle and only focusing on getting your dick wet.
And if you fail to have people who love and care about you, willing to help you fight for a world that they don't want to see change into something they don't want it to be and who will fight alongside you and support you in it, you won't get far.
Luke wouldn't have won against the Empire if he tried to do it by himself or without the help of Han, Leia, the droids... hell, even the Ewoks... the same should be for the Antichrist.
How we manage all of those things, provide the entertainment all of you want in a game that isn't a grind-fest, isn't just up to me... I can't create this game and adventure alone... so, if people have ideas, I am open to hearing them.
BUT... this isn't about tweaking the storyline, it is about features in the game to help us go smoothly through the storyline.
Oh... and as a P.S.: Only the save data from "Wicked Choices: Book One" will be ported into the Unity games, I am not going to re-do "Wicked Choices: Book One" as a Unity game... I am only focused on going forward, I've lost enough time trying to redo things...