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"Use" or "Don't Use" Side-Images with Dialogue Sprite Conversations

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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017

UPDATE: Two of Four to your Door, Still Need to Do Two More! – June 2, 2023
(Sort of as posted on our Patreon Page)

First, please allow me to apologize, I know that I wanted to get the renders of the “Williams” girls rendered out and posted for all of my patrons over the holiday weekend, but… honestly… I had a much rougher time after that spinal injection than I normally have and getting used to these new meds that I was prescribed took a bit longer than I anticipated or wanted… I am having some good days and some really not so good days, particularly with what I call “brain fog”.

I guess I need to acknowledge that the wife may be right and my days of bouncing back, like nothing’s happened to me, has kind of gone after hitting 50 and above.

Fortunately, I didn’t have much planned for the 3-day holiday weekend, except to get the new lawn mower (which is awesome and even the wife can use it to help out now) and rebuilding the Grape Arbor with the next-door neighbor to help replace the one that blew down last year in the wind storm that also took out his fence with the large tree limb that came down from my tree.

While I wasn’t able to help much, thanks to the herniated disc in my neck, it was still nice to spend time with Daikun (who helped translate for me) and his father, Jun, as they worked and rebuilt my arbor.


While not doing those things, I was of course working in Daz Studio to produce the images that I wanted to present to all of you and started with Tanika Williams (the mother) and Keysha Williams (the oldest daughter).

Not only will you get to see beautiful and erotic renders of Tanika going through her day and of Keysha spending time with her girlfriend, Jewel Bell, you will also get a nice write-up with each character to give you more insight into their characters, their lives and interests, as well as their connection to Brent & Carley Chambers to help you possibly introduce them to your bed or add them to your personal harem.

Once Tanika and Keysha have been posted for all of you, I will get to work and complete the two remaining daughters, Moesha and Abeba Williams providing you with the same kind of access and information to them for your enjoyment and plans, while also returning to finish off the stuff that needs to be done for the release.

In Regard to the Game:

Epadder has been really busy this past weekend styling finished for the settings screen of the game’s software, as well as the text to explain functions that you will have in the software… there’s still a little bit of work in the aesthetics of the software, but Epadder has been doing a great job and making good progress on it.

Okay, time for me to get these image sets and information posted for you, the patrons, so that I can do and finish Moesha’s and Abeba’s stuff for all of you and return to working on the release and testing the game’s core software and get the rough edges of the story and stuff sanded down to a nice polish for all of you.

Take care and talk again soon, with even more sexier and erotic looking artwork for you to enjoy!


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Sep 16, 2017

UPDATE: Moesha Williams… It’s all about social media this week! – June 10, 2023
(Sort of as posted on our Patreon Page)

Hey folks, it has certainly been an interesting week over here… I hope that yours was good and quite not as much of a challenge as mine has been.

I got a bit of stuff done this week, but not exactly what I wanted to get done, nor as much… but still was a pretty productive week.

I had originally intended to get both of the CHARACTER SPOTLIGHT artwork for Moesha Williams and her younger sister, Abeba Williams done for you patrons… but was only able to get Moesha’s done, mainly because I wasn’t aware of just how much work would have to go into do Moesha’s artwork!

In the game, Moesha is trying to become a popular Social Media Influencer and I wanted to reflect that in her CHARACTER SPOTLIGHT artwork, which meant doing more than one render per image, as get to see the main image of her with her cellphone and, sometimes, selfie stick and get to see the post that she makes to her social media followers and even the image of her in her cellphone… so each image could mean 2 to 4 extra renders and sometimes quite a bit of reflections (as she also likes to use mirrors sometimes).

So, yeah, a lot of work went into creating her images for all of you, I hope you enjoy them and little bits about her backstory.

Speaking of social media: I also spent a fair amount of time this week setting up accounts on social media (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) for our game and linking them to each account and to Patreon here as well, hopefully will see if I did this right or not with this post… if the Internet explodes when I click the post button on this, you’ll know I messed up somewhere. LOL

Here are the links if you want to follow there:




Additionally, our Music Engineer: Frank Schroeter has been working his fingers off composing the music that is needed for the game’s PROLOGUE and for CHAPTER ONE… all original music and we’ll eventually have a soundtrack for all of you as well!

Also… remember the bulging disc that I had between my C1 and C2 vertebra? The wife and I are fairly confident that it is no longer bulging and are pretty sure that it has now ruptured, because as of yesterday, I now have a pretty large bruise running from the base of my skull to the middle of the back of my neck and had an apocalyptic headache that had me wishing for death while I was praying to the porcelain god.

The headache is a bit better today, of course I am on my Tramadol and Gabapentin… so, that probably helps, but going to hold out till my doctor’s appointment on Thursday and have them take a look. My goal is STILL to hold off till August/September for any kind of neck surgery… but will definitely keep you all updated on things.

Alright, time for me to sew things up here, start working to get the promised renders of Abeba Williams rendered out for all of you and to get back to working on finishing up the stuff I need to for the release.

Take it easy and really hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and, as always, thank you for your continued support and love!


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Sep 16, 2017

UPDATE: She’s DEFINITELY BACK… and more!! – June 30, 2023
(As posted on our Patreon Page)

It’s OFFICIAL! By POPULAR demand and some personal requests (including threats that involved me being hogtied and assaulted by various implements of torture through the various use of ‘adult toys’), I can confirm that through player choices, everyone’s lovable FAP (Faery Alien Princess), Syrina, will return in “Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers” to help out the male MC!!


After a year of learning and working in Daz Studio, becoming much more efficient in lighting, using morphs and some conversion techniques, as well as based on everyone’s feedback and previous suggestions, I was able to take some time this week to work on the Demonothan Princess, Syrina from “Wicked Choices: Book One” and through conversations and multiple requests with a couple of our higher tiered patrons, I figured out a way to bring Syrina into our new game: “Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers”.


Along with some help, Syrina’s arc will involve her getting Brent Chambers (whom you’ll be playing as, as well as his wife, Carley) out of his wheelchair and back on his feet, allowing you (as Brent) to interact sexually with many of the characters that he and Carley have and will be interacting with in the game.

Syrina won’t be alone in the task of healing Brent, nor will she just help to heal him and then disappear in the story… because Syrina’s specialty in her ability to go unnoticed by those she doesn’t wish to see her and because this task involves using Demonothan tech that has never before been used on a human, Syrina will need to stick around and monitor Brent’s health all hours of the day…

SPEAKING OF MONITORING HEALTH… I will be honest, the last couple of weeks has been a challenge with my own health.

Although I stubbornly still cling to my desire of putting off my neck surgery till around the end of August (or at least till I get the first release out to all of you this July) it was definitely confirmed, at my doctor’s appointment on June 25th, that I ruptured the C1 to C2 bulging disc that I had (as if the bruise on the back of the neck wasn’t confirmation enough)… and it is also the likely culprit to the nearly unending headaches (at the base of the skull and wrapping to the temple and behind the left eye) that I’ve been experiencing since it ruptured.

The Tramadol and Tylenol 3’s help to dull them mostly; allowing me to work… but at a slower than I like rate, mostly because it is making me foggy-headed and sometimes a little forgetful, but at least I am getting work done and have the wife checking to make sure that I am not forgetting anything.

As for the shoulder and arm pain that I was experiencing (initially causing me to believe I tore my rotator cuff) has drastically reduced since I started taking the Gabapentin, which was bumped up to 200mb per 3x daily dose. He wanted me to jump up to 300mg per dose from the 100mg that I was taking, but since it does leave me a little fuzzyheaded (before the headaches, as previously mentioned) I negotiated and got him to settle on 200mg per dose instead.

ALSO, I am pleased to report that Sierra3 has completed all of his bi-weekly rounds of chemotherapy and we hope to learn mid-July if they were able to reduce the size of the mass enough to surgically go in and remove it.

Right now, he is doing a lot of bed rest as the aggressive treatments really had a major impact on him, causing him to lose hair and also over 60 pounds, but he is finished with chemo for now and we are waiting word on where things stand with the mass in him.

Please continue to hold him in your thoughts!


Along with all of the work and renders that I got done of Syrina for all of you and will be posting as a Character Spotlight for all of you, I also got the images finished to the last of the Williams girls, Abeba Williams and will also be posting her Character Spotlight for you as well for your reading and viewing pleasure this weekend (they are finished, just need to finish the write up and upload them for all of you this Saturday/Sunday).

Epadder just about has everything worked out to his satisfaction in regard to programming.


The PROLOGUE is nearly finished, I have to still smooth a few things in regard to the Karma/Kichijoten scene and for Daryl Crawford Jr’s scene… but it is 99% done.

CHAPTER ONE is nearly finished, just have to do the backgrounds and sprites, maybe some odds and end renders, get the writing of that finished and then put it in the Twine file.

CHAPTER TWO has a majority of work done, got a couple of scenes left to render, sprites and backgrounds and finish writing that and put it in the Twine.

CHAPTER THREE has been started, with all of the locations, characters and sets assembled and ready for rendering, got to do some more writing for that and the sprites and backgrounds done for it and put it in the Twine file.

CHAPTER FOUR has already been plotted out and need to do all of the stuff of putting the characters together, assemble some of the sets, do the writing for it and the backgrounds and sprites and put it in the Twine file.

So, as you can see, I think I am nearly at a spot in the creation cycle where I believe I have enough done with Chapter One and Chapter Two’s release (as well as Chapter Three and Four) to the point that I am far enough ahead in the development cycle that even with the surgery that I am going to need to get, that I can STILL release on a consistent schedule for all of you… which means, I will be putting those chapters down and I will tidy up and make the story adjustments to the Prologue that I need to make (with some story changes that I made) and finish that up to release to you in July.

Right now, as mentioned, the only changes that I have to make to the Prologue to remain consistent with the flow of the story, there is a very small part with Karma and Kichijoten that involved some animation that I did and some touch up to Daryl Crawford Junior’s intro (the Antagonist) and then release; then do the Sprites and a little more script work for Chapter One and the same for Chapter Two and finish the work on Chapter Three and Chapter Four.

Alright, back to work for me I go… thank you so much for your continued support and patience and do be sure to check out the Remastered version of our loveable FAP, Syrina, and check out the Character Spotlight for Abebe Williams this weekend and we’ll talk soon!!

For those that are in the States and who celebrate it, I hope that you have a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend and please be sure not to blow off any fingers or toes during your celebration… oh, and be sure to check this weekend to see the CHARACTER SPOTLIGHTS!!



Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017

Character Spotlight: Abeba Williams… A Flexibly, Young Deviant!
(As posted behind our Patreon Paywall)

Often times the term ‘prodigy’ while describing someone is abundantly overused, so we will refrain from using such terms while describing the youngest of the female in the Williams clan and simply state the truth… she is, if anything, incredibly gifted in several areas of her life.

One such area would be scholastically… by applying herself, hard work and through her gifted ability of intelligence and study practices, Abeba Williams will be able to graduate a year earlier than her classmates and has already received a sport’s scholarship at the largest private college in Garnet City.

The true magic in Abeba’s abilities lie in her gymnastic abilities…


Although, without any formal training, there are many who’ve witnessed Abeba’s abilities ‘on the mat’ and have compared her abilities to another female gymnast who is considered to be the greatest gymnast of all times.

Which is why many prestigious colleges and schools have reached out to Abeba, trying to win her over to their scholarship program in the hopes of obtaining this unpolished gem and call her their own, regardless to all of the hype, promises and gifts, Abeba still choose the college closest to home and the same one that her sisters and father had attended.


Although the long legged, fit, trim and quite flexible young girl is happy to be on the gym mat, showing off her gifted abilities for her college of choice and in front of audiences wearing tight Spandex and Lycra outfits that barely covers anything, particularly her muscled, bubble-butt; her true reason for staying in Garnet City is that she didn’t want to leave the one that she loves… her dad’s best friend and co-worker: Brent Chambers.

Even though he was already married, Abeba has secretly harbored a deep affection for her father’s friend, often times using the older man as the main subject in her late-night fantasies.

It was from those lust filled fantasies, aching to burst forth from her for the world to see, that Abeba decided to write some of those fantasies down and share them on an adult website specifically created for amateur writers to share their darkest secrets and fantasies with other in written prose.

Since then, there would be many of nights that Abeba would sit at her desk, in front of her laptop, her fingers moving effortless over the keys, and herself, as she would produce one twisted fantasy after the next; writing a continuing story for her followers and fans about how a younger woman seduced and became a willing pet to a much older, married man… allowing him to guide and direct down a dark path of debauchery, unspeakable acts and sin.

From those dark and twisted fantasy was born a desire to make them a reality!


As a result, whenever her parents would get together for an afternoon of fun and adventure, that would usually involve her and her sisters, Abeba would take that time and opportunity to wear any impossibly tight or short outfit that her parents would allow her to leave the house in… all in the hopes of garnering the attention of the man she illicitly loved.

And, soon too was born the idea of her gaining the courage that she needed to approach him at her, soon to arrive, birthday and request from him to ‘take her’ and help to usher her into full womanhood!

One night, while not being careful, Abeba thought her plans had suddenly been threatened to no longer be happening, when her sister had caught her caught up in the ‘reactions’ that she often times experience while writing and posting her sinful thoughts and ideas to her fanbase…


Startled from her obsessive attention to herself, Abeba was horrified to see her sister, Moesha stride into her room, unaffected by the actions of her younger sister, to peer at the screen of her laptop and read about the current, depraved, sexual acts that her character was allowing the older man to put her through in her character through.

Through and to her horror, she listened as her sister informed her that she ‘knew it’, informing her that her older sibling had known, not only it was her writing the erotic fiction she often read and pleasured herself to, but that she also knew ‘who IT was’ that her little sister was writing and fantasizing about!

But… to her surprise… her sister turned from the computer screen to tell Abeba that she’d help her ‘make it happen’!


Before she knew it, not only was she displaying her adulterous desires to strangers in her writing, but also… by using Moesha’s plan of getting the attention of Brent Chambers for her through the use of social media… was now, unwittingly her nearly nude body to hundreds of strangers, like her older sister does…

…and one of the more RECENT times had her sister using her account to take a photo for her, to show off her flexibility, which also pretty much had her SHOWING EVERYONE HER BREASTS!!


To her sister’s credit, however, sitting on the bed in shock at the photo her sister posted of her, she did notice that one of the first person to ‘like’ and comment on her photo was Brent Chambers… of course, she also had to read some of the other… ah… very sexual comments that some of the others left her on it too.

Whatever the case may be, with her sister’s help, it looked like her fantasies might stand a chance of being a reality, with her sister also teasingly suggesting a possible three or foursome…

…but she couldn’t really mean that… could she?

I guess that would be up to YOU, the player, when the route becomes available to you in the game and the time of the birthday party finally arrives!


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017

Character Spotlight: The REMASTERED Everyone’s Loveable FAP, Syrina.
(As posted behind our Patreon Paywall)

I guess that there isn’t really much to say about our lovely Syrina that you don’t already know… thanks to many of you asking (and in some cases begging and bribing me), I can CONFIRM that Syrina will definitely be having an ACTIVE ROLE in “Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers”!!

Thanks to some long conversations, some planning with some of the players and patrons, as well as a bit of clever story writing on my part (toot toot…yes, that was my horn, sue me), we all were able to figure out a way in which to have Syrina be in the story while also helping or dealing with the Antichrist.

I am not going to go into specifics for right now as I don’t want to ruin any of the story for you (would mean some BIG SPOILERS), but can tell you that you will certainly get to know a bit more about our lovely little FAP and her history as well…

…so, on with her images and new look, enjoy!!!!

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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Still, I can understand his preparedness... she can be a bit ravenous in ALL things... and a bit annoying when she doesn't get her way. :rolleyes:
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Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
Syrina tits have somehow small base where it attaches to the chest?
Looks somehow strange :unsure:
You are probably too used to the Hot Air Balloons most devs give all the women and you forgot what regular to small size tits can look like.

Tits can vary a lot even at the same size and nothing about hers looks off to me.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
You are probably too used to the Hot Air Balloons most devs give all the women and you forgot what regular to small size tits can look like.

Tits can vary a lot even at the same size and nothing about hers looks off to me.
Size is totally ok.
Maybe the shadow starts way too up instead of just under the boobs? Why is it concave the side of her boob? :D
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Size is totally ok.
View attachment 2751439
Maybe the shadow starts way too up instead of just under the boobs? Why is it concave the side of her boob? :D
Because most Daz meshes (particularly genital parts) are modeled by individuals who don't know much about anatomy, design things to have watermelon tits and pussies that are too high up in the crotch region (like they've either never seen one or was too busy pounding it to notice where it sits on a woman).

But yeah, the tit meshes are designed for women with, ahem, larger ASSETS than I wanted to give Syrina. ;)


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017

Update: Paging Nurse Syrina, Paging Nurse Syrina… July 26, 2023
(As posted publicly on our Patreon Page)

Hello everyone, it always seems like all I’ve been doing lately is apologizing to you… hell, all I’ve ever been doing lately is apologizing to everyone… and, of course, I need to do so with you again.

While we were moving forward at a really good clip and it looked like we were going to make the July deadline of release, I made a tragic mistake that I had to do… but wasn’t really smart to do.

One of my friends had been living in North Carolina with a couple and another friend, that couple announced that they were going to get married and gave my friend and the other roommate notice that they would be moving out in May.

So, through February to the date of move out, my friend and her other roommate tried desperately to find a couple of other people who could move in and replace the expense they were losing from the couple that moved out.

Regretfully, long story short, they were unable to do so and unable to continue to keep the apartment and needed someone to come move her and the other person back to Michigan (where she is from), so Krista and I agreed to help her.

While that wasn’t a smart decision on my part, it is one that I would make again to help a friend, but yeah… since then, my body has definitely informed me that it was in NO CONDITION to make a 10.5-hour drive down and back again.

By ‘informing me’, I mean that currently I have limited use (or feeling) in my legs and left arm… my overly stressed-out wife has been doing her best to help me move around the house and I am restricted to using a walker if she isn’t around and also had me call my surgeon, Dr. Fischgrund to move up my surgical date (from the end of August and the start of September) to ASAP.

Prior to me being able to be put on a table, he (and the insurance company) needed me to get a Cervical Myelogram and an EMG Nerve Conduction Test, which I did last Monday and on Tuesday.

For those who don’t know what a Cervical Myelogram is, they strap you face down on a table and inject dye into your spinal cord, then tilt the table to make sure the dye is throughout the whole spinal column and then take x-rays and a CT of your spine and nerves.

This procedure can (and DID) cause intense headaches (that make you wish that the world, or pain, would end.

Then on Tuesday, with the remnants of day’s prior headache, still very much alive and kicking (in the front of my skull and behind the eyes), I went and had my EMG Nerve Conduction Test to determine just how little signals are being sent from my brain to my left arm and legs… and how they do it is by having you lay down on the table, strap a bunch of electrodes, attached to a machine, to the areas to be tested and then hit you with something like a taser…


My entire freaking world turned white as my body (that could move) flopped around like a fish out of water and an instant urge to urinate suddenly strikes you and before you can even say anything…


They zap you again! Then, after a bunch of “Hmmm’s” and “Uh huh’s”, they take the electrodes off of you, as yesterday’s headache revisits you with such a ferocity, you’ve forgotten all about that urge to urinate you had moments prior.

So, just as you think everything is over, you see the doctor produce a long, ass needle capped with another electrode and he informs you that is he is now going to ‘Listen to your muscles’.

Look buddy, you don’t need to use that long, ass needle to hear what my muscles are saying, I can already tell you what they are saying… they’re saying:

“What the HELL was that?” They are screaming at me as they continue to twitch and spasm, “What the FRAK did you DO?!!? DON’T TOUCH THAT AGAIN!!”

While your killer headache is laughing maniacally and screaming over the muscles, saying: “I’M BACK!!”

And before you can report to the doctor, your bodies findings, he is jabbing that long, ass needle into the muscles of your arm (in multiple spots), while listening to static on the machine that the electrode is hooked up to… uttering more “Hmm’s” and “Uh huh’s”, while I am trying to tell the doctor that “NO, that static is NOT what my muscles are saying, buddy!”

He is kind enough to inform you that the lack of feeling in the three fingers of your left hand is not the result of carpal tunnel and I am like: “No Shit! I am here because several nerves in my freaking neck is pinched!”

And then, he hits the ‘Dead Zones’ of my body… you know, the areas that I no longer have any feeling in. None whatsoever… as proven by the fact that my body no long reacts to the long, ass needle being jabbed repeated into it or on the machine.

Either I am screwed in those areas or my muscles have final decided to go and huddle in some dark corner and are sobbing so softly that the machine can no longer hear them.

Then the doctor looks at me, somewhat perplexed and states: “Yeah, you definitely have several pinched nerves in your neck.”

No crap.

I wanted to grab him by the lapels of his smock, shaking him while screaming: “I KNEW THAT!!”

But, I can’t… because my muscles are tired and sore, my headache is banging against the back of my eyes, screaming loudly through my skull to such extent that I can only gape at him with a dumb look on my face.

He at least provided good information to the wife, in telling her that the nerves are only ‘pinched’ and not ‘severed’, which means that things can return to normal after some time and rest after the surgery.

TLDR: I am screwed (I knew that), I will be able to walk again and grab things with my left hand without dropping it (which is good), but I DO need the surgery (yeah, kind of got the hint lately).

So, I see Dr. Fischgrund on August 2, 2023 to arrange the surgery, which could happen on the 3rd or the following week.

I can’t stubbornly try to hold out longer, my body won’t let me. I can barely walk, can barely use the left arm/hand and my body is done… I’m tired, I hurt, I wanna go home… even though I already am.

As such, I am unable to finish right now what I need to get the Prologue out to you, I am still working an hour or two, for as long as my body (or my wife) will let me, but most of my day is spent in pain and wishing for a quick end.

So, if you wish to pull your support, I will completely understand. I’ve been stupid, unreliable and unproductive enough that I am unable to make the deadline before my surgery and release won’t be till after it and some rest.

Those of you who have stuck by me through my last two surgeries (last year and the year before) know that I try to bounce back pretty quickly and I am back at the computer within a week or two after the surgery (and that the wife or I try to come in here to keep you updated on how the surgery went)… but that is the current state of things. Right now, I am lucky if I can get one or two renders a day finished.

If you decide to stay, I appreciate it, if you decide to leave, I will understand… but if anything, I could really use some positive energy directed my way and also Sierra3’s way (as he is having surgery to remove the tumor, they got to shrink in his bowels on August 21st… so, please also send some his way too).

In the meantime, I will be doing what I can while I can, while listening to my body and my wife scream at me for being stupid. I (or the wife) will keep you updated once I’ve seen Dr. Fischgrund and please, take it easy and sorry for having to make you tolerate my stubborn, dumb ass.



Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
I wouldn't say your unreliable per se and I would never say your unproductive, well that leaves stupid.:censored:

I wish you good luck and quick recovery and dare you don't dive down to the fishes on the ground.
Same wish goe to Sierra3 for his situation and battle.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I wouldn't say your unreliable per se and I would never say your unproductive, well that leaves stupid.:censored:

I wish you good luck and quick recovery and dare you don't dive down to the fishes on the ground.
Same wish goe to Sierra3 for his situation and battle.
I will be the first to admit that I am stupid (because if I don't the wife would put me in the hospital quicker by kicking my ass)... but right now, with the amount of meds I am on (and on a LOT right now) and pain I am in (in the parts I can still feel). I will admit that I am a fucking moron.

Thank you for the wishes for Sierra3 and me... and your continued love, friendship and support, my friend, I'll keep you updated or the wife will.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Jack, I will say that when I was reading your update post, there was a point where I couldn't help it and laughed out loud.

You went through two horrible days of testing, but the way you articulated the situation was so vivid and your descriptions of the doctor's responses was so spot on, I could feel your pain and frustration that your body would betray you in such a manner.

Please take it easy as we all want to read the rest of the antichrist's story as your writing, even on pain meds, is still top notch.


Mar 19, 2018
I had the whole EMG Nerve Conduction test thing a few years ago, they were testing for where the damage in my left hand was, and... it wasn't... it is somewhere in that shoulder or even closer to my brain. So close to shytting sparks after that test, something like 2 hours or electric shocks.(It may have been faster than that but it felt even longer.)
I would hate to go through that for more than just an arm, for balance sake they always test the other side so that they can compare, that makes it even worse.
Glad you got through it without completing the circuit... aka shocking the doctors. (They can be evil if you do.)
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3.60 star(s) 5 Votes