2.90 star(s) 62 Votes


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Just to be 100% clear, this is a severely limited demo version specifically to help work the kinks out of (or into?) the game:


As functional text:

First ever demo build is live! Don't expect too much, scope is severely limited (single small demo dungeon) and only a few mechanics and enemies are being shown off. This is mainly to get something out there for you to try out and give feedback on. Please report any bugs you find in bug-reports Feel free to share the link with whoever you like.

Demo download links


Instructions on how to unpack/play
1. download from above linke
2. right click and extract zip file (extract all should work)
3. open extracted folder Wicked-Island, open subfolder WindowsNoEditor
4. run Wicked-Island.exe
5. play game


New Member
May 4, 2019
defeat sex - pregnancy and cum inflation settings don't seem to work, you'd enable them then apply the settings and like 10 seconds later the settings are reset to being disabled
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Aug 19, 2017
You can customize your character via "saveeditonline dot com" as temporal solution. Just remeber that number "1" means max settings for given body option. Use Ctrl+f to find option you want change

Your saves is here: Wicked-Island\Apofosis\Saved\SaveGames


Active Member
Jul 21, 2021
does this game have any character creator/customization system?
btw, game looks like Wild Life a littlebit


Dec 29, 2019
Super buggy for me. Things like cum inflation hasn't worked, when I go to the test room for the creatures I'm always completely misaligned with the creature going right through or 90 degrees turned away, theres pregnancy but it doesnt seem to go anywhere or give any clear time/indication as to what happens. Feels very bare bones currently.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
defeat sex - pregnancy and cum inflation settings don't seem to work, you'd enable them then apply the settings and like 10 seconds later the settings are reset to being disabled
The settings menu isn't properly saving things to file and resets anytime you open it. Load into the game, check the boxes, hit apply, and then leave the menu without hitting the cancel button. Currently pregnancy is just a slow adjustment of your belly over time + random bits of flavor notification messages. Cumflation just outright doesn't work, and defeat sex does work, except on the wolves you can't fuck anyway.
does this game have any character creator/customization system?
btw, game looks like Wild Life a littlebit
It has chargen, but the ingame editor doesn't properly save settings in this demo. You need to make a save, open it up in an unreal save editor like saveeditonline, and search for the values with the same names as the settings you saw in the character generation menu. They scale as a decimal from 0 to 1, with 1 being the maximum ingame. Technically you can go out of range, but unintended values can have unintended effects.

Also, does every 3D adult game with even vaguely furry monsters look like wild life to people here? I swear that is the single most common comment I've seen on games like this. In some threads I've even seen people accuse devs of stealing assets from Wild Life's dev team.
Super buggy for me. Things like cum inflation hasn't worked, when I go to the test room for the creatures I'm always completely misaligned with the creature going right through or 90 degrees turned away, theres pregnancy but it doesnt seem to go anywhere or give any clear time/indication as to what happens. Feels very bare bones currently.
Cum inflation appears to be a disabled feature at the moment, and the sex positions in the debug sex room are definitely broken. Sex animations are currently accessible with the bipedal monsters, however. And yeah, this is a deliberately stripped down test build that the dev pushed early for the sake of bug reports and the like.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
What I discovered so far:

Once you have a savefile, take it to saveeditoronline and search also for the abilitypoints to increase your stats. Then you will survive much longer, be quicker etc. There is also the option to expande the good/thirst topic. Still try to figure out, what is needed to trink, because at the end you still die of thirst. It looks like, that you have a value with 99.99xxxxx which should be searchable with cheatengine and once you have found that spot, you could freeze the value i guess. Same goes to hunger and others.
It should work with Notepad+ too, to edit your save.

The animations work better outside the testroom, with even stomage bulging except the small wolves.

You can sleep with Z but the monsters respawn real quick and you will be attacked after waking up when they are close.

I'm pretty sure, that you can't go outside right now, even when the Screenshots told another story.

If your game crash and you have a black screen/Infinite load after restart - try to delete the crash logs in those folders (couldn't remember the path right now, but you'll find them. That fixed that issue for me.

Hitting 7 shows amount of sex, but shows anal instead of pussy. But still pregnancy starts to evolve. The animation seem to repeat itself forever without cumshots or stuff.

Find your dead body after you die and you can loot all the stuff you found at this point. Crates are empty, when they are already loot.

I build a tent as a shelter, but it might only work later outside (another builds). When you try to place it on the floor, it won't change to green.

It ist much faster to download that game on ich.io which is linked in the OP.

That's it so far.
Last edited:


Feb 3, 2017
It's definitely a rough start but I'll keep watching this. If they actually stick with it they could have something half decent and it would turn into a much better game than the majority of stuff we have had recently.
However I would not be surprised if this gets one or two more "updates" and then gets abandoned.


Nov 11, 2018
The game looks very good ..
I'm really looking forward to moving forward the demo is boring... ;)
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Feb 19, 2018
I wish more devs would make male protagonist games, with monster girl snu snu.

Worth it. I have 300+ hours in that game... None of it is me playing the actual game.
Same, And not enough animations for the giantess.
2.90 star(s) 62 Votes