Thank you first of all for this beautiful game. I know it's not finished yet, but I'm still having a lot of fun with the sandbox. I have some questions and wishes for the future mostly about the sandbox.
1.) If I include a character in the sandbox as a "pose" or "sex scene", I can't interact with my playing character with this new character via the "e" key.
There is also a "Create a New Character" feature in the sandbox. If I fetch the character in this way, I can interact with the "e" key. But this new character is constantly walking around and doesn't stop like in the pose.
Is it possible in a future update to either interact with a "pose" Character with "e" or to have a "Create a New Charatcer" Character that stands still? Or both?
2.) We got a lot of nice updates with poses. sex and new characters, but only few new items for the sandbox. Some new stones, trees, effects or furniture would be nice for the sandbox.
3.) There are now a lot of sex scenes and poses. Is there an easy way to save and call up only your favorite sex scenes and poses? And can you also set and save your own sequence of your own scenes?
I mean, there is something like this with heart markings. But I found it somehow cumbersome. It may be that it is easier than I think. A tutorial here would be nice.
4.) Would it be possible to set a limit to where characters can run and when they reach invisible limits? As an emergency solution, I use invisible fence parts here. But that could also be made easier to do.
5.) Is it possible to make the characters swim and also come out of the water with wet shiny skin. Such an effect would also be nice for rain. Rain or snow and other weather effects are also missing and would be really nice in the future.
6.) As far as I know, your company is in Berlin. And there is no German language selection in the game. It must be possible to do the German translation in the future.
7.) I have not yet been able to determine a clipping system for building parts. Conan Exiles has that and makes building in the game as easy as with Lego bricks. Can you insert something like that or does it even already exist?
8.) Is it possible to include the combat animations with enemies that you can fight in the sandbox as well? It would be nice if you could determine for yourself which characters or animals are hostile and which are friendly.
9.) A few new animals would be nice. Just like the rabbits. Maybe also in the water. Also animals to ride or hunt to get loot.
10.) Loot to build weapons and buildings would be a nice thing. For a loot system in the sandbox, the map you play on would have to be bigger. Maybe also several maps that you can reach with self-made teleport stones. Or would it be possible to set the size of the map yourself to find the right size for your own PC performance?
These were my 10 commandments for this beautiful game for now. I hope that some of this will give the makers of the game inspiration to improve it further.
I think that constructive criticism and ideas with the desire for improvement can only bring a product further forward. Have a great time with this great game to everyone.