Don't underestimate Unity and it's Future

Didn't Hardcore Pressure this Version yet except the USB3 Streaming test, interesting glitches could be physics collision precision and streaming latency related.
But this is Windows PC so i wont make a fast assumption anyways, before carefully debugging and reproducing.
Crashes non in the last build through the whole quest and Exploring and none in this Build Short test yet no build i tested of WildLife hard crashed yet on this system configuration.
Unreal Indie Games rarely hard crash if i look at it from my Experience (Intel/Nvidia), even something collision Physical complex as Captain Hardcore stays crash stable.
And Unreals internal Debugging functions and Engine Statistics OSD allows very nice Runtime Performance tuning on a very deep level, without even needing Vendor Hardware specific tools
As i said Futa isn't my thing either i would like to see StrapOn Play instead
PS: I see what you mean now i played with the options and certain configurations have really strange visual results what you see posted by me was all on MAX.
Some of these changes are very unexpected for example bellow High Antialliasing has some strange Lighting and Vignete change effects which overall should have nothing todo with AA.
The Water Surface Shading especially is changing most probably because of it's Specular AA relation in TrueSky context
Interesting Compares:
GTA 5 (Beach) (Rage Engine)
Assasins Creed Black Flag and others (Island Shore) (Anvil Next)
WatchDogs 1/2 (Beach) (Disrupt Engine)
FarCry Series (Dunia Engine)
Skyrim (ENB Displaced Water Surface with Caustics) (Creation Engine)
Battlefield Series (Beach) (FrostBite)
Crysis 1/2/3 (Water Scenes) (CryEngine)
Hitman Series Beaches (Glacier Engine)