My attempt to do something: Here's a sauna...?
Initially I was going to make a big place (I usually like to make small detailed places) and then this "sauna" was one of those attempts but I gave up halfway, making a bigger place sometimes in this game is tiresome and also because the game is not well optimized for sandbox (this room wasn't initially going to be a sauna but I had no idea what to call it)
Features: idk take photos or make videos I guess? 
Obs: done in 2-3 days probably, it's a small room (For Now?™), I had done something like a reception next to the "sauna" but I fucking deleted the wrong save and lost an entire afternoon of work...
EDIT: the room lighting looks better with volumetric option on and the game seems to ignore this option after reopening it, try unchecking and cheking the volumetric option and applying it just to be sure, otherwise the room will probably be a little more darker.
You know the drill, just throw it in AppData\Local\WildLifeC\Saved\SandboxSaveGames\MySaves\Showroom and have fun with whatever you want to do with it
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Here's the final edit for that map.
So, what's new?: Small edits to the sauna, a pub and the tower.
Obs: the tower is more a experimental thing, tried to make a landscape around it (looks good enough

), unfortunately the shadows doesn't like the cave very much and it can look weird in some spots (or pretty much everything) but I want to try something similar in another map in the future (better than this I hope) and If you ask me why a sauna + pub + tower? idk man just doing what came up in my mind
That's basically it, just drop it in the Showroom folder, use the teleport in the start and have fun I guess