Start with the word RAISE and use this guide. If the letter is without a bracket, that means it was colored green, and if it was in the bracket, it was colored yellow in your first guess (for example, "R (A) (E)" means that R is green, A and E are yellow, and I and S are grey, and the answer in this case is READY, and you got it in two tries). If you have "(!)" next to one of the answers, that means that it could be one of the answers, and if it is not the correct one, then it will 100% show the correct one (for example,
"(R) HORNY(!) CURVY FROWN PROOF THROB" means that R was yellow and the rest of the RAISE was grey; you should type HORNY as the next guess, and it can be the solution, and if it is not, you should be able to deduce which one of those 4 it will be, because R and Y being green ⇒ CURVY; R being green but Y grey ⇒ THROB; R and N yellow ⇒ FROWN; and R yellow with N grey ⇒ PROOF.)
If you have a bracket with "(next some word)," that means that you should "waste" your guess with this word, and with those two guesses, you should be able to know which of the words is the right one. There are only a few words that I could miss in three tries using this strategy.