
Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
From what I see there's no possibility for me to refrain from watching and enjoying this.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2019
The android version keeps having uncaught errors that occur. The menu has one so you cant use it and very early in story after she wakes up at the beggining we have multiple areas can someone fix it please?


Game Developer
Sep 6, 2020
If i may suggest some then would make better "fat" and a bit large text maybe white font with black See-through?
Black with Bright Turquoise is a bit hard to read. hope it will be better. BTW its only my eyes so..:geek:
Hello Baxonius, in the last update [0.03] we have improved the readability of the text, as other users have also reported their difficulties. Have you tried the latest version of the game?

I love SF... but... please tell me she ISN'T going to have sex with that yellow tin can. :eek:
Hello Trapezio, Love knows no boundaries :p

Tlakkua if u dont want the quick menu to show in desktop versions but want it in android... u can make a conditional statement in the gui.rpy so that if the conditional value is true the menu wont show up for the andriod build
well there is maybe an easier way but this is what came to mind
Thanks Alexander Krisnov and moskyx for your valuable advice. This is our first game and we are learning the code from zero. Consider that neither of us has a background in IT :D
We will try to make good use of all your suggestions.

So you are the woman, and you get sexed by a robot? Who is seducing who?
Hello Terut, Natasha loves toys. MTE is a big, self propelled and with a twisted sense of humour toy :rolleyes:

I guess the game is inspired by the movie Moon with Sam Rockwell.
Hello KomischerKauz, Moon is a movie that we liked and, although I wouldn't mention it among the main sources of inspiration of the game (which are many), it certainly has a classic sci-fi vibe that we are trying to instill in Xenolov as well :)

Hmm...not even the future features mention this going to be a pure dickparade?
Hi Virulenz, thanks for teaching us the word "dickparade", we are laughing our heads off, as well as reminding Regurgitate's classic "Parade of Decapitated Midgets" :ROFLMAO: At the moment the game doesn't include any dick, although we intend to put them where needed ;)
In the "future features" we have not included tags but a generic idea of the future of the game. I'll tell you, in fact, that we intend to insert some lesbian scenes and for this reason we also intend to ask the opinion of our lesbian friends.

The android version keeps having uncaught errors that occur. The menu has one so you cant use it and very early in story after she wakes up at the beggining we have multiple areas can someone fix it please?
Hello BadmanBaxter, try to follow what we wrote in the quote below. If you continue to experience problems, let us know.
We think you can easily resolve this by granting storage permissions to the app.
The menu organization changes from phone to phone but try to follow these steps:
Settings > App > Permission > Archive: find the Xenolov app and activate the switch

If it works, rejoice, otherwise let us know :)


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2019
Dev helped me get game working. It is intriguing as I don't know where the story will go but I am also worried as I may not like it but good luck to dev anyways.
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
Already next update? I played the release version and i have to say:
i am surprised about the amount of dialogue this game has, also i like the spaceship in space sequences. and OH MY GOD do i LOVE the body of the girl. Totally my type of body - if only all girls could have sucha body in game where even the nipples look awesome and the freckles she has freakin freckles omg. <3
I just don't get whats hot about having a stalking robot who you can more or less sexually interact with. atm its more funny and only the body of the girl and her poses get me rock hard. (quality is great too btw)

So my question would be if the will encounter other species? Her space suit is hot too btw. Hope to see her more in it even i prefer her nude ofc hehe
  • Heart
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Game Developer
Sep 6, 2020
So is the mc having intercourse with robots? If so I'm not into that but good luck to the dev.
Hello Joyce Harding, thanks for wishing us luck. We wish to remind you that robotic sex will not be the only theme of the game.
Bye (y)

Dev helped me get game working. It is intriguing as I don't know where the story will go but I am also worried as I may not like it but good luck to dev anyways.
We're happy the game is working now. Stay with us to know how it will go on, maybe you'll like it :)

Already next update? I played the release version and i have to say:
i am surprised about the amount of dialogue this game has, also i like the spaceship in space sequences. and OH MY GOD do i LOVE the body of the girl. Totally my type of body - if only all girls could have sucha body in game where even the nipples look awesome and the freckles she has freakin freckles omg. <3
I just don't get whats hot about having a stalking robot who you can more or less sexually interact with. atm its more funny and only the body of the girl and her poses get me rock hard. (quality is great too btw)

So my question would be if the will encounter other species? Her space suit is hot too btw. Hope to see her more in it even i prefer her nude ofc hehe
Well, Pogo123, we have the impression that we have the same taste in the field of feminine beauty. Stay tuned for the next character ;)
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Game Developer
Sep 6, 2020
I just went through and played the .03 version on my mac with no issues. Great game!
Thanks for the feedback, Seofoto, we are happy to hear that.
We have recently done some tests with a Mac but, before spreading the news that the game works on Mac too, we are waiting for further confirmation (y)


Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
Very good game! Nice sci-fi feeling with sometimes bashing klyukva. Cyberpunk feels too (a little) due to such corrupted compewters. Would be interesting to solve the intrigue of their shady behaviour.
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Engaged Member
Oct 30, 2019
So....Am I the only one who, when MTE appeared with that purple target icon on its head, tried to click on any lewd parts, just to be sure ?..... Just me ?..... K....:whistle:
Aside from that, very good game so far ; can't wait to see what's next :D
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Game Developer
Sep 6, 2020
Very good game! Nice sci-fi feeling with sometimes bashing klyukva. Cyberpunk feels too (a little) due to such corrupted compewters. Would be interesting to solve the intrigue of their shady behaviour.
We are Italian and write about other countries and peoples. We try in all good faith to be respectful and not superficial. Unfortunately stereotypes are often lurking despite our attempts to avoid them.
You are welcome to report any details you could find unpleasant :)
  • Hey there
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
We are Italian and write about other countries and peoples. We try in all good faith to be respectful and not superficial. Unfortunately stereotypes are often lurking despite our attempts to avoid them.
You are welcome to report any details you could find unpleasant :)
Please don't bother, you've done a very good job - if you hadn't stated your nationality, I would still think that you were Russian actually. And for me personally this game feels very well. I find Italian and French visual culture very stylish and subtle, so good luck in your artistic journey!
  • Star-struck
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Active Member
Dec 3, 2017
We try in all good faith to be respectful and not superficial. Unfortunately stereotypes are often lurking despite our attempts to avoid them.
I think as long as you avoid jokes about vodka and bears (seriously, they were done to death and beyond, including by other Russians, and ceased to be funny and/or original long time ago, so it would be just lazy), you would be fine.


By the way, how you even came up with "Xenolova" surname? Sounds weird, and I'm actual Russian.
(grammatically it's correct, it's just the word itself which sounds weird)
Last edited:
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Game Developer
Sep 6, 2020
Please don't bother, you've done a very good job - if you hadn't stated your nationality, I would still think that you were Russian actually. And for me personally this game feels very well. I find Italian and French visual culture very stylish and subtle, so good luck in your artistic journey!
Thanks combige, we chose the nationality of the protagonist also because we are fascinated by the Russian and Polish visual culture and all around history. Keep in touch! :D

I think as long as you avoid jokes about vodka and bears (seriously, they were done to death and beyond, including by other Russians, and ceased to be funny and/or original long time ago, so it would be just lazy), you would be fine.


By the way, how you even came up with "Xenolova" surname? Sounds weird, and I'm actual Russian.
(grammatically it's correct, it's just the words itself which sounds weird)
Hi Aazkaal, got it: no bears drinking vodka. It sounds like old, stale jokes to us too, and we tell you this while eating a pizza and playing the mandolin ;)
About Natasha's last name. We chose it to make a wordplay in which "Xeno" is the Greek prefix meaning "alien", followed by "lova", which sounds similar to the English word "lover", put together in a word consistent with the Russian patronymic :)
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Game Developer
Sep 6, 2020
We are proud to present version 0.09 of Xenolov!

It was a nice challenge from a creative point of view: the update introduced some new characters and thickened the existing ones, it shows some aspects of the "normal" life of the world that we presented in the first version of the game.

We also learned a number of new coding and image manipulation skills to make the narration more immersive and effective.
There were also moments of discouragement, those in which we felt like idiots because a software didn't do what we intended or the code didn't accept the written commands. Here and there, in the code and in the folders of the game update there are still some relics of projects that have never (not yet) gone through.

There are still many things we need to learn and many things we want to tell.

We look forward to hearing your opinions and advice, They are always welcome and valued.

Alpha Daimon & Omega Voivod
  • Yay, update!
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