I think Kim's story is legit, but she is still hiding something. Maybe the way she was treated by her father and the whole reason why she left and only decided to tell the MC days before leaving. Now that
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, we will definitely know what's the deal
The only real things she says about not talking to him about leaving was: 1) she tells Keyla that she did not want the MC to get involved. I'm guessing to protect her from her father; and 2) that she might change her mind. I guess increasing the father's threat risk.
Fore the most details about her story, you'll want to: 1) let Kim explain herself on the park bench; and then 2) have the late night hotel talk with her. She really opens up about a bunch of background facts and details. Her father, what he did to her sisters boyfriend, how he did eventually find out about the MC, and the threats for him to come and "fix the problem" himself. She says the MC was given as the reason for Kim "stagnating" and the father did not like that.
I read her story/explanation as she was legitimately scared of her father and what he
could do. Others here disagree that she was telling the truth. It'd have to be one of the longest running successful grifts in history. Play and string him along for a couple years; leave and then return years later; then resume the playing and stringing along. She'd have to have some serious vendetta against MC to devote that much of her life to focus on damaging the MC.
If that is the actual case, where it's all one big fabrication/lite then I hope CHAQUINN is really able to write it in a believable way. But that will be a really hard sell to do it properly, without taking liberties of all of a sudden making the MC out to be someone of great importance or wealth or ...