But the mc tells Zeke about it , he says " she stopped anwsering my msgs , has been a few months now since the last msg"
Also when she is back , she sent a msg to Keyla about it , and she even says that has been a while since Keyla and Kim had talked/texted each other .
Well what they talked about it.. WHO KNOWS?!
Now...I dont think theres anything to "forgive" about Kim , like mc said " is your life, you have to choose what is the best for you" . OF course i understand the feeling , the sadness , the anger about losing someone you loved for a few years ( idk for how long they releationship was , i know that has been 6 years that they know each other , but thats not the time that they were dating . so i dont know how long it has been ) . For me the only wrong thing she did was to hide from him , after all you are in a releationship , you should trust and confide in your partner , her move about hidding from him shows me that theres no trust here . She said to him on spot a day before because " she was afraid he would made her change her mind" , but even a day before, if SHE really wanted , she could stay anyway , because they talked over even a day before leaving , he even brought her to the airport , so theres were plent of time for her to take the decision to stay if she really wanted.
Also about her father , could be true , but what "power" does he have over here in USA ? who knows , still was not a valid point for me to her do all she did.
Here is the thing , like i said, theres nothing that she did that i should "forgive" her for . Its her life , her choices . But i also have mines , and mine choice is to not be friend with her , you cant expect to leave for a year+ and come back in my life like nothing happened. Im not mad at her , i dont hate her . But i dont want her back in my life , simple as that ( well that would be my decision if IRL . Actually i had those choices with a few friendships in the past , so i cant tell u that i did exactly this ).
Well unfortunately they are both employers in the same place , that i would endure with no problem, but like i said, i wold not act like buddy buddy with her , i would only talk to her if was necessary because of the work.