I don't think anything from Chapter 1 has changed. Both Kimberly's intro scene on the bus (on the Zeke-Gym branch) and the later subway scene in the current build are identical to the v2.2 version (other than color of Kimberly's line markers). Admittedly, I didn't check the sex scene. I know Chaquinn mentioned overhauling the early game to give Kimberly more content, but AFAICT nothing has happened yet.
As far as Kimberly being no drama, I got the opposite impression. If you do see the scenes on the Zeke-Gym branch, she seemed to be *way* more into the MC that he was into her. In my book, that all but ensures drama would ensue. But as I said, she didn't interest me at all, so if we get a better impression of her in later content I probably missed it. Maybe that's why I was confused when she had so much screen time in Chapter 3 seemingly out of nowhere.