Save for everything except the table scene. I have no idea how to trigger this, as I have no idea how to get pink hearts. Molestation by female enemies doesn't do anything, I cannot select the Rape option for the tank enemy, and the Save File indicates to me that variables are not set until a value is added to them (my stats didn't exist until I leveled them up for example, and the Settings Bug of just having the Settings not exist until they're set is also why I think that's what's happenning). Can't read russian so not sure if instructions are listed in the UI somewhere for that.can any1 hmu with a finished game save?
The porn isn't fundamental feature for me. I'm not even tried to do my best on it, as I lacked time for it. And there is much time needed when you are working alone. There no cursor only in the first scene, and yes, you can use alternative "jank" tab key.Gotta love when a porn game is so fundamentally broken that trying to access the porn of a porn game practically softlocks you because h-scenes have no cursor. Thankfully there was a jank alternative with the tab key but holy shit.
If you expect people to pay for this, at least make sure basic video game functions aren't missing
It's pretty much impossible to have any form of crowd control at this state, especially when the enemies seem to start their initial swiping animations while still being undamageable.
Just with updated pistol once or mb twice zombie die from 2 shots, which make a huge difference.No idea how to game will run with upgraded damage though, if I ever get that far I hope it'll make a difference.
Upgrade speed, with it you will move faster, with faster moving u will roll further.As for the movement speed, the main issue I have is that it's physically impossible to 'roll past' enemies as in some games, meaning that they have to be cleared out if I want to dodge towards that direction. Problem is, this becomes difficult when there are 3~4 enemies on each side of you, and the time it takes to reload in this game usually results in an unlimited stunlock of hits until I die.
As was said don't just turn around standing on one place. 3 rounds is enough to clear a big wave, even less if u got lucky. Then u can change position and reload.Admittedly I haven't made good use out of the shotgun yet, but with 3 rounds not sure if it'll make a big difference.
You may say that it's my fault for letting them get as close as they did, but again, the controls for turning and aiming feel much too clunky for me to pull it off in a timely manner.
Nah... It's really bad if you have a habit of reloading guns after shooting 2-3 rounds out of 100rnd mag. But it's not hard to get used to reload empty clips. And it always saves 1 bullet in the receiver, if you reload not an empty mag.I won't even bother mentioning the reloading half empty clips thing, as people have already commented on how bs it is.
Charges are limited but they regenerate. And you can upgrade it to increase amount and regeneration rate of charges.I might go ahead and try the melee, I'm genuinely curious as to what it does.
Just having a reliable close-range attack alone would make a big difference, though if it has limited charges it does dampen the prospective a little.
Only the bulky tank ones can be affected as far as I can tellHow do you rape the zombies? The button never appeared to me
Have you downloaded the last version released tonight (Yuna_1.0.96a_hotfix_Public) ? Seems like you have an old one.Game seems completely broken.
As soon as an ennemy touch me the screen is black and I can't anything beside HUD ...
+ it somehow launch Steam VR even if the game isn't VR ...
create shortcut of EXE and add this after Target: Yuna.exe" -nohmdGame seems completely broken.
As soon as an ennemy touch me the screen is black and I can't anything beside HUD ...
+ it somehow launch Steam VR even if the game isn't VR ...