Where do I put the save file?Save for everything except the table scene. I have no idea how to trigger this, as I have no idea how to get pink hearts. Molestation by female enemies doesn't do anything, I cannot select the Rape option for the tank enemy, and the Save File indicates to me that variables are not set until a value is added to them (my stats didn't exist until I leveled them up for example, and the Settings Bug of just having the Settings not exist until they're set is also why I think that's what's happenning). Can't read russian so not sure if instructions are listed in the UI somewhere for that.
Currently seeing if I can fish for the Boss enemy to see if he unlocks the ability for the MC to get pink hearts.
EDIT: also no patreon scenes included. Sub to the patreon if you want those I guess
EDIT2: Like usual as soon as I post about something I figure it out. Turns out you CAN hit the rape option, but it's either inconsistent or only works after the level is cleared. Gets you 10 hearts, 15 required for the lust object. . The animation didn't bother to harden the monster's penis so I just kinda sat there for about a minute watching MC air hump ghost dick while the monster's limp dick sat there lol.
Also because I realize I might be sounding rather harsh on the game: I think it's a very good effort from a single developer and certainly displays motivation and talent in the creation of this. The models look decent, the environment looks nice, the soundtrack is good. The shooting and ammunition is tolerable on its own, but swarms of enemies in later levels end up highlighting the clunky mechanics as the animations start to lock up or glitch and the slow reload , low ammo cap, and enemies advancing along a 3D plane you can't shoot down starts to hurt,.
Game is supposed to be hard core... No lie. Every menu is a game over.
Seriously. Program your menus to be leavable. Shower? Well alt f4 to try again. Conversion, alt f4, try again...
I know where he's coming from, the game is launching in a resolution bigger than what my screen handles and the "Resolution Scale" slider as well as "Window" and "Fullscreen" options don't change anything.Are you serious ?
Okay then, that I can understand. You can try to get into AppData/Local/Yuna/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/GameUserSettings.ini and change there resolutionI know where he's coming from, the game is launching in a resolution bigger than what my screen handles and the "Resolution Scale" slider as well as "Window" and "Fullscreen" options don't change anything.
Let's hope there will be more character costamization) because the game is great! good luck!Alex_horn are there plans for more Character customization options?
yepAlex_horn are there plans for more Character customization options?
Like skin color, freckles or more hair style variations?
How do I install it?I played this game too much last night lol. Here is my save if anyone wants it, it's mostly complete. Highest round I went to was like 18 or so. I don't have the patreon version so all of that content is locked. Most armor is unlocked, Tail buttplug, and a couple masks, although it seems the weakest mask has the model floating behind MC in the air instead of on her face? Lust stat is maxed and a couple other stats have a point or two in them, also guns and melee are upgraded. Extra menu also has all scenes (except patreon exclusive).
Not sure why the changelog says there are new poses added for some enemies I tried letting MC get pinned soooo many times trying to see the other poses, I even spent ages maxing out the lust stat thinking it would change the poses. There are what appears to be the same pose but different camera angles for monsters, really hope the dev doesn't count that as a different scene, cause that'd be really lame lol.
Also easy way to get AP and Gems is to just play the first 3 or 4 arena rounds on hard difficulty (use melee), it can take awhile but it's easy. I also saw some people in the thread asking how to get hearts. How I started was basically let a monster break your armor so they can grab you, then let the scene play out and survive the round, eventually you can start masturbating in the shower to get some extra hearts. Once you have the buttplug your horniness raises over time so you can go into the shower more often I think.
Game is looking promising though, will keep my eye on this one for sure. Can never have too many side-scroller games!
In the folder?You should just be able to put the Arena1.sav file into